Friday, April 22, 2022

Synergy The Quilt.... and !!! Finished ( or not) Friday!!

A little bit ago my Blogging Friend Preeti asked if I would be a pattern tester for her Synergy Quilt. And she gave me the date I needed to be done by, and I looked at my calendar - shouted YES!!

THIS!!! This is my Drop Everything and Make it Moment!!! Oh ya!!

So I did - I dropped doing the dishes, and folding the laundry , and I said My Friend NEEDS me.... Order Pizza People!!!

Now!!! You all know me right? I have a tendency to work in Patriotics. Plaids, or what ever is sitting on my cutting table. I am an equal opportunity fabric user!!! I had Patriotics just sitting there waiting to be used.... so that is where I started.

I think I liked where I ended !!!

Are you ready????

Ta Da!!!!   You can't really see - but!!! It is Quilted too!!!! ( and you know I won't bind it, my dear QOV friends will) 

My intent was to go outside and give it a proper photo shoot - but the wind has been HOWLING for 3 weeks now and I hate it... and by howling I mean, as I am typing we are having 35-45 mph and gusts to 60.... I may be in another state by now!

Let me tell you a little about this pattern.... 

It is on sale thru the 27th at 25% is in Preetis Etsy Store.

Her directions are really wonderful. I read them once, then dug in to get to work, and I thought it was very well written and used some fun (easy) techniques to piece this quilt. When you go to her store you will see it in a lot of different colorways - so I think its fairly easy to create a unique look to her pattern.

Since I sort of dropped everything to make it - I thought it was funny that my design wall was 4 quilt tops deep - and I just kept adding to it!!! No worries at all!!!

Here it is in the Top phase.

But then I got inspired and I thought... why can't I get it quilted???? 
I loaded it on the machine and off we went!!!

Look close - I promise - it is quilted!!

Just a full disclosure shot - even tho I wasn't brave to fight the wind.... Buford was keeping a close eye anyways!!!

Want to make this quilt? Well Preeti is hosting a giveaway for one PDF pattern!!! All you need to do is leave a comment on THIS POST - tell me...

How many Quilts a year do you think you make?

Make sure you leave me a way to reply to you, 
an email so that the winner can receive their PDF pattern!
Comments close on Monday the 25th at 8 am ( colorado time)

Now it is your turn!!!

Link up your direct post for Finished (or not) Friday
Spread the word 
Go visit other posts!!!

*****************Link Up********

** ***********The end*************


Frédérique - Quilting Patchwork Appliqué said...

Wonderful quilt, Alycia! It's so pretty with those colors ;) Well done!
I'm a slow quilter, and I make between 1 to 3 (if I keep them small) quilts a year ;)

Cherie Moore said...

I’m a total slacker when it comes to actual finished quilts. I finish quilt blocks and quilt tops but finished quilts, usually only two to four a year. I always have three or four in process so that makes sense, right ;-)

Jenny K. Lyon said...

Howling wind for weeks???? Oh I would hate that! I can do ice, snow, rain, but wind? Stops me in my tracks. I'm giggling over your design wall being 4 quilts deep, you really do finish your projects! I'm amazed. Someone will appreciate your lovely QOV!

Kathy R. said...

I figure I make about 30 guilts a year. Most of them are lap size and donated. I try to squeeze in 1 or 2 for myself.

Jikke13 said...

six art quilts and about 3-4 larger quilts

Delighted Hands said...

What a fancy QOV and full of surprises! just perfect! I can see a lot of possibilities to this quilt pattern! In a typical year, (not a broken hand year) I make 25 lap quilts and a few twin sized!

Preeti said...

When I think of you, I think of QOV, beautiful photography, and your love of the outdoors. This may be my pattern but you made it your very own. Just what I had hoped for when I reached out to you. Thank you for test driving my pattern but choosing your own destination. Go Vroom Vroom Vroom!!! Love it, Alycia!!!

Vicki in MN said...

Nice finish Alycia! I might make less than 10 quilts a year in various sizes. Now if you ask me about table runners that number would be LOTS higher, LOL.

Mtntop Quilter said...

What a nice quilt. Looks like a winner to me.

Kat Scribner said...

How many quilts do I make a year. I will report how many quilts I finished last year was 21 plus small items like mats and runners. Of course I worked on or started many more than that ! I hope to do better this year ! lol

Karen - Quilts...etc. said...

it is fun to see all the different versions of Pretti's quilt

Mari said...

I love your version! Red, white, and blue really works!

maggie fellow said...

great new pattern - congrats

Donna said...

What a great QOV!

Pat at Bell Creek Quilts said...

Looks great in the RWB! I've been following along with Preeti's tour and I haven't seen a size? Must be QOV size, right?I I probably make about 25-30 quilts a year.

grammajudyb said...

Well, my answer will be different in how you define quilts. Baby to laps size tops, probably 5-6. Completed , all done, quilted bound and delivered….maybe 3. Quilted items, ie table runners, wall hangings and such, it’s at least 12 of those. Not very prolific!

Sandra Walker said...

You made me grin with your opening scenario - totally get that! As well as the four tops deep (well mine has just two at present). Great QOV quilt! As for number of quilts, hmm, actual quilts, not bags, placemats, etc, I make maybe 25?

Melva said...

I used to count the number of quilts I made in a year, but have since given up. It is usually upwards of 20.

I laughed that your design wall was 4 tops deep. Love it!

Cathy said...

Lovely pattern makes for a lovely quilt.

According to my blog I finished 58 quilts last year. Most were donation quilts. (I have tabs on my blog where I keep track of finishes by year).

Connie said...

Good Job. I like the design. It is perfect for QOV or lots of different fabrics. Thanks for sharing.

piecefulwendy said...

This pattern is so fun to make, and so open to many different color ways! Love the patriotic vibe, too!

Barbara Winkler said...

I'm told I'm an over-achiever. Last year I made or completed 61 UFO's all but one for QOV. This year I've made 30 new quilts already, but one was for my new great-granddaughter. I have several more in the process, and need to complete more UFO's. Barbara Winkler

Quiltyladyjoanne said...

A great pattern and love your blog! Keep it up! This past year I was working on BOM that is producing 2 queen sized. I have completed a few others in the meantime. I like to make for donation.

Nann said...

What a great pattern and I like your RWB colorway! "How many quilts a year" -- finished quilts only? Do flimsies count? What about other quilty things like placemats, table runners, wall hangings, tote bags, mug rugs? I do keep track. Last year I *finished* 32+ quilted objects (a group of mug rugs counted as one). This year, so far, I've finished 10 items. There are 19 flimsies in the box, some from this year but others from years past.

Cathy44647 said...

Love the pattern! I don’t really count but between 10-15. This year I’m hoping to “finish” a bunch!

Donna W said...

I usually complete about 6 large quilts and lots of table toppers

KatieQ said...

I loved all of the color variations Preeti showed on her blog. I thought her rainbow version was my favorite, but I really like your r/w/b quilt.

I make lots of quilt tops and blocks in a year, but finish very few. I took a 7 month break from quilting, but have geared up in the last month and am on track to finish 5 quilts, plus at least 6 placemats and assorted small quilting projects. Unfortunately, it's a drop in the bucket when counting up all of my UFOs.

WeedyMama said...

Last year wasn't particular productive. I can think of 2 completed, and I started several with Alex, one with Ricky, and there's a table runner in pieces. I haven't really been to my quilt studio for the last 5 1/2 months. Been talking to the knitting needles.

I'm thinking your QOV is so Preeti!

cjmont said...

I try to finish one quilt a month; some years i finish more and some years less.

The Colorful Fabriholic said...

I definitely understand your frustration with the wind when you're trying to take photos! Great pattern from Preeti. Since I've been in AZ I'm probably finishing about 10 quilts a year, almost all of them donation quilts. Thanks for hosting Finished or Not Friday.

LIttle Penguin Quilts said...

That is a great pattern! I've liked it in every color combination I've seen. I think I finish 2 to 3 bigger quilts a year, and then many smaller quilted items, too. Thanks for the giveaway!

The Joyful Quilter said...

Of course, you made yours with a patriotic theme!! Looks great, Alycia, and thanks to you and Preeti for the chance to win a copy of the pattern!!

vickie in nh said...

Oh my heavens that is a wonderful quilt. How many quilts I make a year - hmmm - a few .... lol this year so far i'm at 14, and last year my end total was 45 ;-) Most of them were donation quilts, some for our local guild and Quilts of Valor presentations, some for project linus, some for the local VA (wheel chair quilts)and a few for family ;-)

Nancy @ Grace and Peace Quilting said...

I love your patriotic version, Alycia!!! I make 60 or 70 quilts of all sizes in a year--it helps to own a longarm.

Snowcatcher said...

This turned out so well! I must confess, though, when I saw the quilting wall photo, initially I thought you'd tried to find a way to incorporate church dash blocks into the design. Ha ha! Well done!

JoAnne said...

What a great pattern! I would love to win a copy - thanks for throwing my name in the hat.

Anorina @SameliasMum said...

I love Preeti's Synergy quilt pattern and really love your patriotic take on the design.

I probably average about 6 quilts a year. Some are quick, but some take years when I get the urge to hand quilt them.

Home Sewn By Us said...

ALYCIA!!! A red, white, and blue version. B.r.i.l.l.i.a.n.t. Brilliant, I say. I am not surprised that you came up with this idea but I love the way you implemented it. Your QOV friends are going to be so excited to receive this. And the wind - we have had crazy winds here in Wisconsin, too. I think it's a good thing you didn't try to get an outside photo - it surely would have blown as far as us for sure! Great job. I can't wait to see Wendy's version tomorrow. {{Hugs}} ~smile~ Roseanne

GranChris said...

Nice pattern, love your color choices. I donate all the quilts I make so I would guess at least 50, maybe more. Last year a lot more.

Sandi1100 said...

Beautiful quilt Alycia! I also would make it red, white and blue. I'm pretty slow at finishing quilts but great at starting them, lol. Last year I finished 10 and so far this year, 4 but 2 of them were small machine applique wall hangings. Thanks for a chance to win a copy of the pattern.

Linda said...

Nice finish - really love your colors and quilting, and it looks great with Buford!

Nancy L said...

I love your quilt. You used the colors that I imagined this pattern made with. I make 12-15 quilts a year. I am running out of space!!

SherryB said...

Great pattern! You're like me--when I'm motivated on a new project, someone else can do the laundry, cooking, etc (who am I kidding--sewing is ALWAYS first!). How many quilts do I make in a year? I start probably 40+ but actually finish 10-15 maybe. I only make child & lap quilts so it goes pretty fast. I need to pick up speed, as I'm getting older but still not using up my stash! Looks like frozen pizza tonight--Saturdays are my "me" days! Happy sewing.

Anonymous said...

If I'm lucky, I maight manage 4-6 mainly quilt tops. I am planning to up that when I get more organized.


Magoo47 said...

I LOVE that pattern - what a great one for QOV! And yes .. the wind is HOWLING - we had a peak of 76 yesterday. My rockers are very heavy - usually just rock a little in the wind, never move around even an inch. But when I got up this morning - they are out in the yard. Ugh! I think I finish 12-15/year, usually for QOV and other donations.

tesuque said...

I'm sure I plan and make at least 100 quilts in my mind, but probably 6 to 10 actually get stitched each year. However, I am using a recently acquired longarm to finish many tops accumulated over the years.

Bernie Kringel said...

Windy weather is so annoying. Feels really uncomfortable to be out and about when it is windy. Hope it calms down for you. Quilts per year?? This year??? So far, none! :-(
But the move was worth it and hoping I can work on setting up my sewing area this week. Currently it consists of stacks and stacks of tubs. Soon I keep telling myself, soon! Love this pattern and the QOV you created Alycia.

Twyla said...

I love your use of patriotic fabrics in this pattern. I have not completed a quilt, made a few blocks and I have a huge collection of fabrics so I am ready. Thanks to you and Preeti for the pattern give away

Norma said...

Beautiful quilt! Last year I did 6 quilts, 3 QOVs and
3 for my children. I hope to do that many this year,
but I'm off to a slow start. lol

Andree G. Faubert said...

Hi Alycia, what a great quilt - you did really well, as did Preeti on the pattern. Congrats! I hope that you don't mind if I linked up to our Fibre Fling textile art show on your post. It's a great show...and free so I hope that it's ok and that you'll get a chance to check it out. BTW I only make about one real quilt a year, so no need to include me in the giveaway :-)Take care.

Bonnie said...

What a great version of Synergy. Preeti did a great job on the directions and you really nailed the Red, White and Blue. I was thinking of using those colors but just couldn't see it in my mind. I guess I shouldn't complain about the little wind that was blowing while I was taking pictures! As to the number of quilts -- I was curious to see the number. Last year I made 22 quilts - from a twin size quilt to a small baby quilt at about 36 x 36". Not a bad year.

Chase Klop said...

I always enjoy what you do with red, white and blue! Nice quilt. I usually make between 10-15 quilts per year. Some are small donation quilts…but I count them! Ha ha

Elizabeth V Kelbaugh said...

Looks like a fun pattern that I would love to try. Great choice of colors and fabrics. For the past 5 years I made an average of 22 quilts with about half 48 by 60" lap quilts.