Friday, April 30, 2021

Bichon Quilt ( OMG) and !!! .........Finished (Or Not) Friday!!

 It is that time - and I am making it just under the wire!! 

My One Monthly Goal is...... Complete....

Oh ya!!!

This was also Februarys One Monthly Goal... and I got it into a top... but it just needed more - so I added the fun borders ( please note... The plaid)   and I got it quilted up!!

And then just to throw you all off track!!!! I BOUND it - Oh yes I did!!!  I even washed it, and took it over to my Mom!! Her favorite color is Yellow - and I thought it would just brighten up her house! Its also starting to warm up, so she can keep her electric blanket off.  and she said it was the perfect weight to keep her warm in her comfy chair!! Win!!!

I would like to say this is the oldest UFO I had, but then I would be jinxing myself!! and I will find another one... Of course, they can't be too much older - I didn't start quilting much before this....   right??

Linking up to 

Elm Street Quilts  For One Monthly Goal!!

and now!!

It is your turn to link up your Finishes!!! Go us!!

*Please provide the Direct Link to your post - not your whole blog

* read away and be inspired!!


** ***********************************************************

Find me at all these places:

Etsy           Instagram           Faceboo

Wednesday, April 28, 2021

Mercyful Positivity Quilt a Long - from Sewpreeti Quilts

 I am sure many of you have seen this Quilt a Long that SewPreeti is hosting?

if you haven't go check it out!!!

When Preeti called me to see if it was something I thought she could do, I think I giggled - and said really? Have you read your blog? YOU!, my friend, can do anything!  

Random Ranch Shot

So, basically - Preeti is going to host a Quilt a long for her Positivity Quilt - and she will provide the pattern - we provide the love and make a quilt to be Donated to Mercyful Quilts Hospice in Sacramento - all the details ore on Preeti's and Bernie's Needle and Foot Blog. 

I have long been involved in Quilts of Valor ( still am), but this outreach also spoke to me. My mom is now on Hospice, and I tell you the care that these nurses give to their patients is amazing. So I wanted to help them out a little and give them something to leave their patients to snuggle in.

Random Quilting Photos

I also decided that I should reach out to our local hospice, talked with the director, and then of course, went thru my finished Quilts to see if I had anything that fit their needs. 

You will never believe this... but I DID.....  So I rounded up 8 quilts and delivered them (washed and ready for love) . Totally made my day!!

So now I am excited to participate in Preetis Sew along - and be able to spread our love to Mercyful Quilts!! What a priviledge!

another random quilting shot!

Find me at all these places:

Etsy           Instagram           Faceboo

Monday, April 26, 2021

Monday Checking in!!!

 I have been working on my Stars Unfurled Quilt ....

Got all the pieces cut out - and yay!!!  I started stitching....

This is going to be a fun one ! and I am having fun pattern testing it ... the pattern is called Stars Unfurled - and is designed by Katie Mae . Someone asked what pattern testing involves - and to tell you the truth - I think it depends on the requestor... I have done it for one other person and her requests were different that Katies - Both a lot of fun so far!!

I also finished Quilting this awesome Modern Quilt for a client. Now talk about fun - each diamond was the coolest fabrics - and I enjoyed checking them all out!

I used stencils and free hand -

And!! the best part - it made it back to my client and her daughter claimed it immediately!! I am sure that means she should make another one right??

Isn't this just fun!!  I have never made a diamond quilt before - but now this one make me want to try it!!

Find me at all these places:

Etsy           Instagram           Facebook

Saturday, April 24, 2021

Blue Rainbow Scrap Challenge and Table Scraps

 Its that time again!!! Holee smokes - this month just flew on by. 

I know it is not over - but Today is the day we are supposed to show our Blue Table Scraps Projects... and I was really thinking I have 5 more days.... but.... you'll just have to take it as it is!

Ta-da - here is my April PLACEMAT PROJECT progress

I got Six Placemats pieced and Quilted!!  

(I have 4 ready to piece, and of course - they all need to be bound!!)

and then - just cuz you want to see my March progress:

All of the Green ones are now quilted!! Progress right??

So check out everyone elses projects - 

Rainbow Scrap Challenge at

and Table Scraps at : Joyful Quilter

Friday, April 23, 2021

Dakota Inspired - My Finish!! and.... Finished ( or Not) Friday!!!!

 I just hope this was a Stitchy Quilty week for you all!!! We had snow!!! and I will tell you, I must have checked out from the news, because that was a surprise to me!  A good surprise... I like snow... but still...

All right!! Dakota Inspired is now a *finished* Mystery!!!  and here is mine!!

( if you haven't downloaded the latest clue, avert your eyes!!)

Ta-Da!!!  My Finished ( yes un bound!) Dakota Inspired!!!  I think this was a fun one, but I have been sworn to produce a Mystery with not as many half squares - okay they really said no half squares... but I am not sure that is possible... so my brain is off to ponder another quilt design.

And you can tell - I took this photo before the snow.  I actually took it when Little Bit was home and willing to hold quilts... Thank goodness for kids! Middle Bit came over for a Whole Day!! and he helped me rearrange my fabrics and sewing room and I loved it!! I have some space!!

Now it is your turn - Link up your finishes!

*Direct Links please!

*Link back to this page.

* Visit as many as you can - leave a happy word!

* Enjoy!


*********** ****************************************************

Linking to:
TGIF Friday at MMM Quilts
Find me at all these places:

Etsy           Instagram           Facebook

Wednesday, April 21, 2021

Dakota Inspired Clue #8 - THE FINAL CLUE!!

 Its here!!! The Final Clue for Dakota Inspired!!! Whoop Whoop!!

Now!! Because I don't want to ruin the surprise for anyone... you will have to come back Friday to see my complete quilt... but!! The last clue is here for you!!  ( PS  Friday Is Finished ot Not - so you could even do a blog post, link it up and let us all ohh and awww on your quilt!!)

I also know a lot of you are sharing the clues ( yay!) But please link to this blog post - not the google drive documents... that way who ever is seeing you share can find all the clues ;-)  ( thank you)

Alright --- are you ready??

Here we go!!

THE FINAL CLUE ( click HERE to get it)

Find me at all these places:

Etsy           Instagram           Facebook

Thursday, April 15, 2021

Finished ( or Not) Friday!!!

 I am so so close to a finish... but! It did not happen... and that's okay - because this week I am going to revel in all of your Finishes!!

I did however... spend a lot of time outside and that was just what I needed!!

So now Brag away - show me what you are up to!! Let me ohh and ahh over your Finishes!!



Wednesday, April 14, 2021

Dakota Inspired Clue Number 7!!

Happy Wednesday!!!

Hope you are all stitched up and ready for Clue 7!!!!

I know you are getting closer to the finish link!!! Whoop Whoop!!

Here is the link to the clue!!

 Dakota Inspired Clue 7

I have had a few emails asking for patterns of past mysteries - 

they are in My Etsy store

(link below)


Find me at all these places:

Etsy           Instagram           Facebook

Monday, April 12, 2021

Surprise Update...

 I have decided that Surprise.... likes horses.. or maybe she thinks they are her relatives!!

She has tried to make friends with all of them! 

And here - she is trying to steal Mommas Grain
Momma does not share with just anyone!

The Three Sirens
( haha!)
Check out their tongues!!

We have a fertilizer pile... sure - that's what I Will call it. I am sure everyone with horses has one of these.. We have Gardener friends that swear by it... but this cracks me up - Momma is Queen of the hill - and Surprise... does that make her Princess of the Hill?

I am telling you - Surprise really thinks she's a horse! At night, we bring all the horses in to the corralls. And there is always one horse who meanders in, resists, and tries to be aloof!! Surprise was trying to emulate that trait.... 

But it's not so bad when they delay you enough to see this:

Happy Stitching!!!

Friday, April 09, 2021

Don't Fence Me In ..... and!! Finished (or not) Friday!

 Happy Friday!!

I was playing in my Fabrics and I decided to start a new quilt. I posted about it, along with the photos of the fabrics... and then... I went to work. I didn't realize - I never posted an in between photo.... but guess what?  it IS FINISHED!!

So!! I originally designed this Quilt pattern in 2014 as a block to stitch with my quilting students ( I taught 5th graders and high schoolers to quilt.... making Quilts of Valor)  And I loved it in Patriotics!!! I was updating my Etsy store and thought - oh heck - wouldn't that same pattern be cool in  these cowboys fabrics and so...

what is a quilter to do - but MAKE it!!.... 

Isn't that just Fun with Cowboys prints?

And see.... no Fences.... as in *Don't Fence Me In * ( I am sooo original right?)

                                                          It never fails - when I have
someone to help me take photos - the wind blows, when I don't have someone , it is not windy... I feel conspired against - so here is an out take...  My son is the best!

Also - It was sunny but the wind was cold... how does that work? Someday I should study Meterology... Sigh

Anyways! I have re-written and updated the pattern so that you too can make a quilt like this ... It is listed in my Etsy store for you to enjoy! Alycia's Quiltygirl Store

and now!! It is your turn to show off your finishes!!



Enjoy Checking out everyones Finishes!!!

Also Linking to these great parties:
Can I get a Whoop Whoop  at Confessions of a Fabric Addict
TGIF Friday at Devoted Quilter
Peacock Party at Wendys Quilts and More
FridayFoto Fun at Powered by Quilting

Find me at all these places:

Etsy           Instagram           Facebook

Thursday, April 08, 2021

Outstanding Blogger Award

Well this just made my week!!  Melva Nominated me for an Outstanding Blogger award.

If only she knew that this was just my way to get my words out without annoying my husband haha!!

This is just so sweet! Thank you!!

Alright - there is a job that comes with it - you have to answer the 5 questions that she asked... Oh boy!

How did you get started with quilting?

Totally By ACCIDENT!!! My dad was a Firefighter/EMT. He got Called to Ground Zero in New York on September 12th 2001 - the day after. He worked with many many many Firefighters, emergency personnel etc and they all traded patches from the various departments.

He came home with about 40 patches. He wanted a cool way to display them. I, being a seamstress - I owned a Maternity Manufacturing Company - brilliantly thought - wow lets make a quilt and put them on it! Well the patches continued to grow in number as I was planning the quilt. So I just added more blocks. I had decided to make a log cabin quilt - because that looked easy to me....(cough cough sputter spew) I had never used a rotary cutter. Nevertheless I conquered - and ended up with a King Plus size quilt with all these patches. I did not have a long arm ( now I do) did not know such machines existed, so I threw the monster on my little Janome and struggled to sew the patches on it.

Then not know that binding was a separate step, I folded the back over, mitered it and stitched it down - with the machine. It took forever! But it was done. It now resides on my Dads bed and is looked on with a lot of love.

Well it isn't perfect, but it was the intro to quilting. I had a lot of fun with that quilt, so I got a quilting magazine. There was a picture of a blue and white quilt I just loved - so I decided to make it for my Cousin and his new wife. I asked them there favorite colors, found the quilt shop ( who knew those things existed) walked in and told her ( she is now a great friend) I want to make this quilt in these colors. How do I do that? and voila - a quilter was born! Now I have a long arm and everything!!

What is your Favorite Block?

Umm too easy!  Churn Dash  - I even put one in my little header thing!!

Do you Participate in a quilt Club or Guild?

I do!! I belong to the Pieceable Friends Quilt guild in Greeley CO!

Have you ever entered a Quilt in a Competition?

I have! 

I was asked - as a new quilter - to join a group of ladies who were very excellent quilters to make a challenge quilt for a competition in Berthoud. You each had to make 3 blocks, and make 4 of each - one for each participant. Then we could set them the way we wanted - all of us using the same fabrics. and have it quilted and then all 4 quilts were the *competition* against other groups of 4.

I was terrified - I made my blocks while sitting at one of the *excellent* quilters house, to make sure ALL the measurements were correct. I am not sure that I have stressed over something so much - but! Our group won. ( I am sure it was because of one of the other ladies quilt... but Hey! I am claiming it!)

That was my top - I can't not find a photo of it quilted - so Heck... there's something to take photos of!!

What is something you enjoy doing outside of the quilting world?

Oh boy.... Lots of things... Roping, Riding, Taking Photos, Hiking, and get this... I am actually starting to enjoy cooking.... I actually really like to be outdoors when I can. 

So there you go - more than you wanted to know about me... haha!!

Thanks Melva for the Nomination: 

Now - To nominate a few others:

Pat at Bell Creek Quilts.  You should see this quilters amazingness!!

Donnaleeq - she has an amazing array of coolness!

Here are your Questions Quilters:  ( the same ones Melva gave me )

★  How did you get started with quilting?

★  What is your favorite block?

★  Do you participate in a quilt club or guild?

★  Have you ever entered a quilt in a competition?

★  What is something you enjoy doing outside of the quilting world?


Wednesday, April 07, 2021

Dakota Inspired Clue #6

Happy Wednesday all your Mystery Quilters!!

I hope you are ready for the Next Clue!! I know some of you are getting Spring Weather and I bet you want to be outside... but !! You want to really do this clue before hand!! I promise... we are getting closer!!

 Dakota Inspired Clue #6

Click above for the Clue!

And stitch the day away. You know I have already given up doing the dishes... so I can spend my days stitching.. and its working... Last night the boys had my whole kitchen cleaned up! It was nice!


Monday, April 05, 2021

Stars Unfurled.... a new Start

 Remember all those starts I told you about? 

Well!!! I am here to tell you ---- its so fun to keep starting new things!!

I started another new!!

Katie Mae put out a call for Pattern Testers - and I thought -well now that sounds like a fun thing to do! and so !! I did!! I filled out the form and she said "Get to work!" and so I am!!  

Okay - she really didn't tell me to get to work, but I totally got the idea - so I am giving up doing the dishes for a month so I can *work*   ( wink wink)   

The Name of her new Pattern is called Stars Unfurled - I mean - doesn't that just sound like  Pattern I would want to test? 

These are my Fabric Choices.... and I am ready to start!!

And!! I am still working on my Something New Pattern Remake!! I have a feeling I will be able to show that to you soon... if all the stars align!! And I am loving working with these fabrics!!

Linking to:
Design Wall Monday   at Small Quilts and Doll Quilts
Monday Making at Love Laugh Quilt

Find me at all these places:

Etsy           Instagram           Facebook

Saturday, April 03, 2021

Blue Rainbow Scrap Challenge

 The color drawn for this months Rainbow Scrap Challenge was Blue.

So I headed to my Trusty Bucket of Blocks and this is what I pulled...

Not a bad Haul of Blue Blocks right?  And believe me... there are more in that bucket!

And I even got two placemats Pieced!!

Kinda looks like I forgot to Iron them tho - oops!

A lot of you send me Questions about the sizes of these - So I created a Placemat Project tab at the top, linking to the different posts.... but essentially what I am doing is picking 6 blocks

Choosing the smallest one - and trimming all 6 to the same size

then piecing them

I think its just a fun freeing way to make these Placemats

And then I get asked if they are going to Meals on Wheels

Well - Sorta , but No

In my original post I told you that we have a senior Center in our small town that delivers meals to our Seniors ( its like meals on wheels, but not) so these will go to them first.

And of course, I will have made more than what we need by the delivery date, so I am thinking that the rest of them should go to Hospice. I think that would be fun for the Nurses of Hospice to have something bright to bring to their patients when they visit.  I know our Hospice nurse is so kind and caring, it might be fun for them to have a little something to leave behind that's bright and cheery.

See everyone elses RSC projects at superscrappy

Friday, April 02, 2021

Under The Starry Sky and !!! Finished ( or not) Friday

 What a week!! It sure went by fast!  

Mostly this week... I think I started things!! ( Lots of things that I can't wait to show you!)

The only REAL Finish I had was Finishing up the Under The Starry Sky Pattern - and because I like Quilty Photos - I am sharing it again....  ( it makes my posts look pretty)

Plus - It makes me feel like I did something this week. Because Truthfully I am drawing a blank. I did finish feeding all the animals - twice a day!  I did finish delivering my other beef.... I did finish... well heck fire - Nope I did not finish cooking for us at all... I think it was leftovers or sliced cheese... who can remember haha!!

Oh and I did take Pictures of Baby Surprise - I just need to download them and you will laugh at her!
So - I guess this post is really all about you guys!! Show me what you Finished!!

*Remember to post your direct Link
* Go visit others that have linked up
* please remember to post a link back to here on your post
* have fun!!
*Happy Easter!!