Thursday, August 29, 2019

Sorbet Quilt Finish!!!

Welcome back To:
Finished or Not Finished Friday

I had such fun last week looking at all the  projects - you all just made my Bucket list get bigger!!

But that's okay - here is what I learned this week:

How about you??
Ha ha!!

I was asked about a FONF Graphic - and you all know my Graphic Designer went to college
So here is my Attempt

And Now!!

Here is my Finish for this week:

So one day I was browsing Instagram ( I am @alyciaquilts) and this quilter was giving away this top - with the intent that the new owner finish it and send it off to a charity.  I immediately said - ME!  I would love to quilt it as a Quilt of Valor...... We support a Womens PTSD unit and those Amazing Women Veterans LOVE our Girly quilts!!! So we always try to have a couple on hand!!

And now this will be one of them!!

Isn't it fun and bright?

And to keep it really bright - look at the back I used! This is what it will be bound with too - I will take it to my QOV sew day and one of the amazing Quilters will bind it.... adds a LOT more love!

Alright - Lets link up those great projects now - and let me have some more Ohhing and Ahhing this week!!


Linking to:
Creative Compulsions
Confessions of a Fabric Addict
TGIF Friday at Kathleen McMusing


Wednesday, August 28, 2019

More Quilts of Valor

Have you chosen all your fabrics yet?

The First clue will come out NEXT wednesday - so enjoy your Labor Day Weekend and get ready to sew!! Fun!!!

in the meantime here are some fun Quilts of Valor to inspire you...

Aren't these so cool?

I do not have a pattern to share - or even know where the pattern is from - but I think it would go together quickly.

Remember the Patriot?
One of our Mysteries from 2018
Looks pretty cool right?

My friend Marty made this amazing quilt - and this Veteran - he LOVES it - he said we couldn't have made any more perfect of a quilt for him!!

Here is the Whole group- I love that they stayed wrapped up even when it was like 98deg outside!

And the last group we were with - for some reason they wanted me to pose with them ....

Hope you are inspired ... and ready to start the next Mystery!!!

Link to :
MidWeek Makers at Quilt Fabrication

Monday, August 26, 2019

College and Horses??

Remember the emotions I told you about?

ya - well this kid - Little Bit - decided to grow up and go off to college... WHY??

Did he not remember the contract I had him sign to say he would live with me till I was 90?

He decided to Fly the coop and go to college!
For those counting - that makes THREE in COLLEGE all at the same time.... *sigh*

My Fishing buddy
My Pal 
My Kemosabe

and my biggest goofball in the world
Has grown up

and of all the move in pics I got...
it was this one
Making the shower taller for the 6'7" kid

Isn't that funny?

 (PS That is a Waterpik Showerhead and they are SO super easy to install)
(PPS I have one with a massage setting - so great after quilting all day)

Well - Middle Bit went back today - 
so now...

I guess it is on to the Design wall

The top and Bottom row are sewn
The center is Done

just need to do the two big seams and choose a border - and I will have a top!!
There is PROGRESS being made - YAY

Linking to:
Moving it forward at Ems Scrapbag
Monday Making at Cooking Up Quilts
Design Wall Monday at Small Quilts and more

Thursday, August 22, 2019

Finished or Not Finished Friday

Welcome!!!!  I am so excited to be the new host for Finished or Not Finished Friday!! Thanks Myra for trusting me with it!!

So!! The exciting photo shoot of my Finish!!!

I finished my quilt, took it off the frame, grabbed my kid and said lets go outside and take some photos - and then the phone rang. It was the National Weather Service ( I am a weather spotter).

They asked - can you see the Tornado from your location? and I went... WHAT?????

I am not sure how good I felt about that - so I walked outside to look... as surprisingly my roof doesn't allow me to see through it!! ha!

The tornado they were looking for was actually about 12 miles East - so I was good.

But then I decided I would just try to stage a pretty photo inside - I mean WHY tempt fate right?

This Quilt is called Steppers - and Liz in our Stashbusters group wrote the pattern and did a sew along - I LOVE it!! I had such fun picking through my Plaids - I believe they are all 3 1/2 inches wide - so you get to see a pretty amount of them!

Update - Liz says you can contact her if you are interested in the pattern : compusword @ msn . com  ( remove the spaces)

And just in case this week has been stressful for you.....
Here is a nice relaxing photo from our vacation to the west coast.

Alright - Now it is your turn!!



Oh PS!!!
Just to prove that I am not perfect!! I made a little typo on the Fabric Requirements posted Wednesday - I have changed them and re loaded the PDF - the Light - you NEED 3 1/2 yards ( not 1 1/2)  you know that 1 and 3 are so close together!!

I need to make a FONF logo - but I have been a bit sidetracked.... hopefully I'll have one for you all next week

Linked to:
Can I get a Whoop Whoop at Confessions of a fabric addict
TGIF Friday at WIP Girl
Peacock Party at Wendys QUilts

Wednesday, August 21, 2019

Mystery A9 - Lone Rider - Fabric Requirements

Mystery A9 – Lone Rider

This Quilt will finish at 64 x 80 inches

Fabric Requirements

You all know I love Patriotics!!

It is going to work well with 3 colors that play together nicely – Aka Red White and Blue, or you can mix it up and do Blues( 1 light 1 dark)  and White, or Reds and whites, or.. the possibilities are endless.

MY INSTRUCTIONS will show this:

Dark 1 – Navy Plaid in my Case :  7/8 yard
Dark 2 – Red Plaid – 1 ¼ yard
Light 1 – 3 ½ yards

Other Colorways to try or give you ideas:
Dark 1: Cream
Dark 2: Navy Blue
Light: Light Blue

Dark 1: Hot Pink or Red
Dark 2: Cream
Light:  Navy

Dark 1: Dark Blue
Dark 2: Light Blue
Light:  Light Grey

Have fun choosing!!

Here is the link to the PDF (I hope)

Monday, August 19, 2019


We had a great week and a crazy week, and a few days in between - and I think I might still be an emotional wreck - which if you know me well - would totally surprise you.... Emotions rarely get me... unless that stupid steer escaped my fencing again - then you will see ANGER!!

My sons - they continue to amaze me every day ..
this oldest one of mine...

He jokes and says he went to summer camp - but in reality he was accepted into Officer Candidate School ( OCS) at Marine Corp Base Quantico - and he worked his A$$ off...

He is now a 2nd Lieutenant, USMC

This is us - pinning his bars on

Just so you know I did it better, as he said - 
It needs to be an inch up from the collar - so mom
4 of your seam allowances

I might have laughed through my tears of Happiness for him.

And of course - we have to represent our state!

If you look at the picture above there are some things right behind my sons head.
ya! They have to climb those things and GO OVER THEM!!

I would just wait for the ambulance to come get me 

Him with his Brothers
We were so excited to all be able to go and watch him Commission

Just so you know
It is HOT there!!
It had been in the high 90's with a heat index of 108
So, naturally I was concerned about my hair ( ha ha)

The day he Commissioned
On Black Tar
It was only 95 so we were good!! 

This is the beginning of his journey
He is on the Law Track - which means he will become a JAG
after he completes his 3rd year of Law School and passes the Bar.

We are pretty excited for him - but it still feels weird to say my Son, the Marine.

Thursday, August 15, 2019

TGIF Friday!!!

This week I am hosting TGIF Friday!!!

 And Next week - I take over Finished or Not Finished Friday from Busy Hands Quilts - oh the pressure ( ok not really) I am pretty excited!!

I hope it also encourages me to finish more!!
I may have started organizing and finding things I forgot about! AND! I am making more Scrap boxes to share with the Quilting Community!!

Life has kept me pretty busy the last few weeks - and I hope you will come back Monday to see why! I finally have some of my photos processed and ready to share.... after I shed a few more tears ( happy tears)


This is Bernie's Version of the Mystery A8 called MOSAIC Written by Yours Truly - And still up in the tab section if you want to make it - or something like it!

I love that Bernie Made it and let me have the chance to quilt it!! I did lots of swirls and jigglies and had fun with it!!

And I love all the Variety of Stars!! So much fun!!

AND!!! If you like Mysteries!! I have a new on starting!! Wednesday will be the fabric requirements and the first clue will be September 4th!! It is called A9  the Lone Rider!!

So here is your chance to Link up:


I also linked to:
Confessions of A Fabric addict
Finished or Not Finished

Wednesday, August 14, 2019

Quilts of Valor

Oh I love all of these!!
Its so fun to see the variety of quilts we make!!

i think I could make this one!
I love the scrappy of it!

This one was made by Deb
She used up her moms fabrics
her mom - was one of our first quilters in our QOV group
Waaaay back in 2004
She was the best
She helped me do everything
She volunteered to bind!!

Hope you found some inspiration!!!

Monday, August 12, 2019

Jelly Roll waves Top

I have been keeping up!! Whoop Whoop!!

Its a Top!!! Its the Jelly Roll Waves Quilt along with Busy Hands Quilts!!

I kinda like it!!! I think even with the Pops of Lime Greens it still looks pretty manly right?
I am going to have Middle Bit... try it on - if it works I won't add a border and get it quilted!!

This is a really fun quilt and it goes together pretty quickly!

Also linking o Mid Week Makers

Friday, August 09, 2019

Another Flags for Sue as a 4H project

So my youngest son just finished his Very last year as a 4H participant.

He participated in Quilting and in Shooting Sports - and he had fun. And it was weird to have this be the end of something....

after each of the other kids we knew is was over for them.... but we still had more kids..... so it wasn't over for us.  Now.... it sorta is!

This was his Quilt
And he had fun making it

And of course - 
It is almost ready to be awarded
( I have to wash it... but we are doing the college prep thing and the machine has been taken over!)

Want to see something crazy?
This was his first 100% finished quilt

Wasn't he cute??

Happy Finished Friday!


I will take over on August 23rd!! 
So I hope you will come here and Link up your friday progresses 
so I can ohh and ahh and drool and and to my bucket list!


I will be hosting TGIF Friday
On August 16th!!

So you have to come and visit me ok?
Make me feel like I'm not a loser.....

Wednesday, August 07, 2019

QOV show

I love that the quilters in my group love to make Quilts and let me show them off!! I love hearing all the oohs and ahhs over them ( and truthfully - they like seeing them in print 😁 )

So here are some of our most recent finishes:

Connie and Kathy made this one, and then the precut the blocks so we could all sew more of them at our sew day. We got enough done for 3 more quilts!

 Crystal made this one - I love the random stars through out it!
 This is another one by Connie and Kathy - they fussy cut the eagles in the center

And a cool use of the panel - don't you think?

I also design a block drive block for all of us to do - 
this one will be August and Septembers

Its a pretty fun one - and if you  want to make a Quilt of Valor using it - We would love to see it!

Friday, August 02, 2019

Scrappy Quilt ... Scrappy Quilt....

What are they feeding you??

Ha ha - My sons and I are watching Friends in the evenings.... and do you remember the song *Smelly cat... Smelly Cat... What are they Feeding you?*

That is what jumped in my mind with this quilt!  ( the Scrappy Quilt part - not smelly!!)

I used a TON of Strips from my strip bins - but I used some crazy Centers too
Some orphan pieces
 and I thought it would make more of a dent -
but I think I have enough for 2-3 more quilts!!
( yay??)

I have been organizing my Scrap bins and I have a lot... so here is my offer to you... if you would like a mystery bag full of scraps - none are really that small - most are long strips, cut offs from the backings  after quilting them...Email me... I will send you a bag for postage.... the cheapest postage we can go. and you can choose the size of the bag - 1#, 2#, 3# etc...

I love my scraps - but they are taking over the whole scrap space!!


Interested? Email me at AlyciaQuilts @ Gmail . com - I can send you a paypal invoice... and get them off to you to create beautiful things!!

edited to add - Heck fire! I forgot about Flat rate shipping - A small box is $7.35 a large one and a medium one is $14.35 - I can stuff them full!

Linking to
TGIF Friday @ Sew with Sparkles
Finshed or Not at Busy Hands
Finished Friday at Confessions of a Fabric Addict
Brag about your beauties
Peacock Party