Thursday, March 28, 2019

TGIF Friday = Patriotic Edition!!

Whoot Whoot!! Glad you made it to Friday??  ( well its still Thursday in America.... but Friday is just around the corner!!)

This was a fun week - I have been on an *All About Strings* Bog hop, and finished a quilt, and watched a baseball game, and got a flat tire.... and Quilted with my Friends.... Its all Good!!

and now!! I have Patriotic Finish to show you!!

Ta da!!

Our sew groups did this Bullseye Log Cabin block (Pattern HERE)  - and we had such fun - Judy Put the Top Together and I quilted it! and even though the Photo doesn't show it .... It got bound , and will be awarded soon!!

Oh PS - It is a Quilt of Valor

This was my other finish for the week - I showed it off on Wednesday during the *All About Strings* Blog hop - but I wanted to brag just one more time.....

And NOW!!! It is time to link up and show us your finishes and brags!!  Let me see that eye Candy!

(Ps.... My Website did a change over... and didn't warn me of the timing... it seems emails are being returned - so sorry - we are working on that... in the meantime - I tried to change my setting here to a different email ( Alyciaquilts @ gmail) to see if that will help me...I love technology!! ha ha)

*****************************LINK UP A DIRECT LINK************************

Please link your Finishes here - Please use a direct link to the specific blog post
1. The Joyful Quilter  10. Kate @ Katie Mae Quilts  
2. Mari at The Academic Quilter  11. Gretchen  
3. Cheryl Parker  12. Anja @ Anja Quilts  
4. The Colorful Fabriholic  13. Sandra @mmm! quilts  
5. Dr, Seuss's Pickle Dish  14. Kathi Riemer  
6. Chris Behme  15. Marly  
7. Snowcatcher  16. Anja @ Anja Quilts  
8. Elaine K Williams  17. Tries to play nice with others by Andree  
9. Color, Creating and Quilting!  18. Turid in Norway  

(Cannot add links: Registration/trial expired)

Linking to:
Can I get a Whoop Whoop
Finished or Not Finished
Brag at From Bolt to Beauty

Wednesday, March 27, 2019

All About Strings Blog Hop

Welcome to my little stop of the *All About Strings* blog hop
hosted by Carla at Creatin' in the Sticks

if you have followed my blog for a while you will know that my favorite way to use my strips and scraps left from each quilt - is a String quilt!! and when Carla put out the announcement I had just finished another quilt.... and had a pile of strings!

So whats a quilter to do? Start a new project!!  

And! I even have it quilted.... (don't ask about the binding.... that way we can still be friends - ha ha)

Ta-da!!!  I had this great pile of strings left over - so I added some Black and White fabrics to be my *centerish* strip, then started stitching!!

After I made 24 blocks.... I still had small strips left - hence the piano Key border...  I really wanted to use them all up!!

To figure out how to quilt it... I decided on the same greek key motif in the strings, and carried it out into the open spaces - 

 This is the quilt that all these little strings were left over from - see why I couldn't just let them go?

here is another string quilt that I have finished in the last year

and another one
See how hard it is for me to stop?
Ha ha

So!! Hope you are encouraged to start your own string quilt today! But... don't forget to check out all this awesome inspiration too - these blogs are so cool!!

AND!! just in case you have finished any quilting project... come back Friday and Link up to TGIFFriday hosted here!!!

Monday, March 25th

Karrin's Crazy World

Tuesday, March 26th


Wednesday, March 27th

Tuesday, March 26, 2019

Mystery L1 - Clue #5

ARE YOU READY!!! It's time for CLUE 5!! Whoot Whoot -
You are making progress -

Here is the link to Clue 5 -

Mystery L1 - Clue 5

I am loving how this is going with my plaids!!

I will tell one block did not turn out as I expected
But you know what?

I am using it anyways... and we will see what it does to the quilt.

PS ( it is NOT the one below - I LOVE it!)

I know this is a day early - but!! Tomorrow is my day on the All About Strings Blog hop... so come back and see what I made!!

Friday, March 22, 2019

Sneak Peeks

Carla - over at Creatin in the Sticks hosts some amazing Blog hops - and earlier this year she put a call out for String quilts.... oh man - you all know I LOVE string quilts..

So I jumped in and!!

Next week the Hop Begins!!
The blogs participating are AH! MAZING!!!  and I can't wait to check out all the quilty goodness!!

My Day is Wednesday the 27th!! So that means our Mystery Clue will be posted EARLY on the 26th - so get to stitching..... I know you can handle it!!

OH!! and on Friday the 29th - I am hosting TGIF Friday - So check out your finishes so you can link up!! Its going to be the BEST quilty week!!

So here is my Sneak Peek - to entice you to come back... and see what I created!! 

and here is another Sneek Peek
Bet you can't guess what it is?

And then this!
My family and I went to a BBQ place
I laughed!

Linking to:
Confessions of a Fabric Addict
TGIF Friday at Kathy Kwilts

Wednesday, March 20, 2019

Mystery L1 - Clue #4

welcome back to the Mystery L1  !! We are now on Clue #4 - and if you haven't started - you are not to late - you could knock these out in a Saturday sewing session!! 

This is always where my Crock pot ( or now my Instapot) and I become very good friends!!

HERE it IS!!

Clue #4

Here are mine!
I am totally loving the plaid on this one!!

and when you are stitching - you can get a little bonus piece!!
( Linda Tells you how in the instructions)
So I totally Took that route!!

How are you all doing?


Monday, March 18, 2019

Triangles, triangles and .... more triangles

A little bit ago I went to our local Quilt store ( Sew Downtown - Greeley CO) and I walked in and this fabric just jumped out at me!!

Have you ever had that happen to you??

I started my project - and!

Here I am now:

To be completely honest - I actually have them sewed into rows now.... I just couldn't sleep - so you know....

See - things are looking up Ha ha!

This is on Moro Rock in Sequoia National Forest - we are climbing to the top. and it was awesome.
But the trail was a little narrow at spots ;-)

Happy Monday All!

Linking to:
Design Wall Monday
Moving it forward
Monday Making
Main Crush Monday

Wednesday, March 13, 2019

Mystery L1 - Clue 3

I know this is a busy time of year, and you all have so many projects going on - but I hope , if you are following this one - you are having fun!!

First up - In Clue 2 - In the lights - you need 68 total 4 1/2 inch light squares - I might have accidentally put that you needed only 7 strips of fabric to meet this goal.

You actually need 8 strips - and will have a little left over.... or if you are like me and you used pre-cut 4 1/2 inch squares from your bins... you will not notice this little boo boo -

On to Clue 3  :

Mystery L1 - Clue 3

I think I like inserting the documents into the blog post , then I can show you my photos and it doesn't get to long!!

So there is my finished Clue #3 - We are moving right along now!!

Monday, March 11, 2019

What a weekend!!!

I made cookies!
We were all supposed to be cleaning and doing the weekend chores, 
but the chocolate chips kept yelling at me... i had to do something about it!!

and so 
Gluten Free
Chocolate Chip cookies
and Proof that they existed

I am a huge supporter of Quilts of Valor
but you do know there are a few other places out there needing quilts right?
Sarah at Confessions of a Fabric Addict  host Hands 2 Help
and this  year she has 5 groups needing quilts

The one that touched me the most is Jacks Basket
I have no idea why, it just did - so I ran to my quilting room and
dug out these tops

I think they will fit the bill
they are about 40 x 50 each

Now on to quilting

and then I got the borders on this top from our Guild Mystery Day
It needs a back and then its ready to quilt

and this Plaid Churn Dash quilt is back up on the design wall
I actually got all the rows Stitched into rows
Now its on to rowing?

and my Disappearing 9 patch blocks are growing
I use them as Leader/Enders
( Mt grandma had a different term - but its all good!)

You know with this many blocks
I had a good weekend quilting right?

I had better get myself to the quilting machine to start finishing these tops!

and any ideas on how to quilt the Plaid Churn Dash?
it's boggling the brain at the moment!

Friday, March 08, 2019

Antique Quilts, Hiking, and Photos

I am so back in my Happy place..... It has been a great week,  me and my Quilting machine are just working away, I'm getting some piecing done... I like weeks like this!!

So first off - this antique quilt!
Oh my - I get so into the fabrics, it slows my quilting down!!
I LOVE it - and it was 118 x 120

My friend and her mom collaborated on this one
Its like a celtic knot
Just beautiful!

I have been sharing my hiking photos over on my photo blog
( because I have 4 bajillion of them)
But these are some of my favorite

This rock is called Moro Rock
in Sequoia National Forest

And this is me on the trail to the TOP OF MORO ROCK
I didn't fall off
but it sure was easy to get the heebie jeebies!

This is on the trail too

And here we are at the TOP!!

Isn't that just the most Gorgeous View??

And My Man
We wanted photos of us up there just to prove we did it

PS - It was a little chilly up there
I knew that it could be, but it sorta shocked me that it would be!

Happy Friday all
Stitch away
Pet that fabric
Be happy!

Thursday, March 07, 2019

QOV inspirations

I just watned to share these awesome QOV's -
With the mystery going on I didn't want to get behind my sharing!!

These first three were all quilted by Crystal - and the first two were pieced by her as well.

This one was pieced by her sister Deona
And Crystal did the quilting

the are all just beautiful

This one was made by Karen
Karen took the String Star workshop that our guild hosted 

and she went overboard ( in a good way)
Look at this masterpiece!!!

Be Inspired
Join in our mystery

( PS - it is a really really cool quilt! I promise!)

Wednesday, March 06, 2019

Mystery L1 Clue 2

Do you have your fabrics pulled???
I showed you mine in last weeks post - and I just love the way they turned out!!

So Clue 2 - its a great one.... and one that I conveniently did not take a picture of - so you will just have to trust me!!

Read through this WHOLE clue before you start - and you will see how fast and easy it goes!!


 NOW!! Lets see your fabric choices


Let's see the fabrics you will be using! Please provide a direct link here ;-)

(Cannot add links: Registration/trial expired)


Monday, March 04, 2019

New Blocks and!! I cooked

Mt Little QOV group has been doing a different block every two month and I think they are fun!
Our last Block was the Bullseye block
and we made eight quilts out of it!!

This is our March/April block
( The Disappearing 9 patch - not the Fox and Geese at the top!)
I wasn't as ambitious when introducing it - 
I didn't have a whole quilt - but!!
I am well on my way to one!

We are using 5 inch squares - and the block will finish at 13 1/2 inches 
Works out pretty great!!

and I cooked!
One of my sons requested Lasagna
We are Gluten Free
and I found some new Barilla No Bake noodles

Of course we had to give them a try!

I think it worked!!

I am also glad I took a photo, as there is no evidence that I cooked any more
( Kitchen is clean and there are no leftovers!!!!)

Hope you have your fabrics gathered for the Marvelous Mystery??

We will have a linky part on Wednesday so anyone that wants to can show off their fabrics
CLUE 2 will be Posted

Let's get this mystery started!!
Whoot Whoot!

Linked to:
Main Crush Monday at Cooking Up quilts

Friday, March 01, 2019

A fun day to sew!

Our Quilt guild offered a One Day Mystery sew in - and it was a blast!!
It was hosted by my friend Sheree - and she told us how much of the fabric to bring, and the first cutting step - and then!! We showed up to sew!!

It was quite a blast!!

These were my three colors - and this was the block!!

I really loved how the grey ( gray) just made the red and blue pop

and Ta-da!!
My finished quilt top!!

Mine finished at 52 x 64 
so I think I will add a border to bring it up to QOV sizes 
and Bam!
another QOV

It was such a great day!! 

and because is it Friday
and I am in brag mode
My T shirt quilt

She cried!
She was so excited to see all her memories in one place!!

Days don't get much better than that!!

Want to get in on a mystery??? We have one going on RIGHT SMACK NOW!!
Fabric REquirements   L1 Marvelous Mystery Clue 1

Linking to:
Confessions of a Fabric Addict
Busy Hands Quilts
From Bolt to Beauty
TGIF Friday at What a Hoot QUilts
Tish's adventures...UFO busting