The boys and I were invited to a skating rink for a Valentines party - and you can NOT say no to Valentines parties!! While we were there, a friend of mine, who I may have to disown, told me that Vern's Toffee was just around the corner. Oh boy... you ALL KNOW where this is going right?
So we went, and we arrived just in time - they were making the final batch of toffee for the day, and I want to live there. We walked in, and just the smell would make you swoon... in a good, kind of George Clooney ish ( or maybe Tim Tebow ish) way....
Stephanie - one of the owners, invited us back to see what she was up to.......want to see?
They have just made the toffee, and now they pour it out on a steel table that is cooled by internal water hoses... it smells SO GOOD!!
They spread the toffee out to a specific height....
This amount will turn out to be about 42 pounds...
And the Patrick pours the chocolate on.... just so you know - they have both milk and dark chocolate and I don't have a favorite... I sampled them both equally and fairly and may JUST have to go back to try them again.. side by side... in a blind taste test... just in case....
They spread the yummy chocolate
Then put the yummy almonds on....
Patrick cuts it, they flip it, they put MORE chocolate on, and more almonds on... I think I might have zoned out and forgotten pictures during that process... because the smell.... the heavenly smell of chocolate was wafting through my senses.....
And then they stack it up, and put it on the cooling racks ... and push crazy visitors away - because if the crazy visitor eats it ALL - they will have none to sell, and they may have to roll her out the door....but you know that wasn't me right ? It was the other crazy visitor!
And here is the yummy toffee that Stephanie's dad cut up and is under lock and key, and ready to package!! It is YUMMY stuff I tell you!!
We really enjoyed ourselves, and I know this is NOT quilt related in any way. But it was such fun. This is a family owned company and has been in business since 75 or 76 . I so enjoyed myself - and so did the boys... and so did Wrangler Man ... I did bring home a pound to share with him.
Although - it may not have been a true pound by the time the box got to him....
Anyone want to try some? I tell you what - leave me a comment and tell me if you like Dark or Milk Chocolate the best.... and I will choose a winner on Friday, at 5pm, and then send you some of your favorite kind....
but you can't be allergic to nuts - there is almonds in it.
( fair warning - we have allergies in our house so I have to ask!!)