I recieved a call asking for more quilts for another group of soldiers. So we loaded up and headed out. Do you know how cool this is - to just be able to load up and go? Knowing that I have enough quilts for each soldier that needed one. And that there was no worrying if I would have enough? No staying up late to finish that last one? I am wondering if I have Thanked you all Enough - that you helped make this happen?
We started giving quilts out as the soldiers were standing in formation. One soldier said No thank you. - This has never happened before, so I said are you sure? And he said Yes - I have enough stuff.
We continued to hand out quilts until the Sargeant hollered "
Att ten SHUN!" and we ran back to the front. They did their formation drills, and then asked me to speak to the men. So I did. I told them about the people who made these Quilts. That they were Quilts of Valor, and what a Quilt of Valor meant. I explained that they were to be used, and to be a hug to them,a hug that we could not physically give to them.
I then pulled out this service Star quilt( to the right). I said that all of these quilts have a lot of thought put into them, into the colors and the patterns - all with the hope that the soldier recieving it will just love it. I gave a little history of the service star and then presented this quilt to a special soldier.

He did not want his picture taken but told me I could get him in formation. Then he approved the photo. He is the foot with the word "Here" on it *grin*
Although you can not see him - you can see some of the rest of the formation. And I can guarantee you he was really smiling as he walked away. And I really wanted to share this with you. I wanted you all to know how much these really are appreciated, and how much the soldiers "want" them. They are so appreciative that we are thinking of them. Many of them tell me that they can not believe that someone would make something so nice for them.
And this last guy - he was a smiler! He posed for me with the picture on the outside so we could see what quilt he got. He told me to pass on a Big Thank you to the maker of this quilt.... so Maker - Thank you!!