Thursday, September 05, 2019

Jelly Roll Waves Quilt - AND Finished or Not Finished Friday

Welcome!!!  Hope you enjoyed Finished or Not Finished Friday last week!!

Today - I have a finish ( well an Unbound finish) but the quilting stage is FINISHED!!

AND!! It is HOT off the Longarm!!

As in as soon as I came home at 2pm I ran downstairs to finish.... and then ran upstairs to take photos... and I am NOT even getting sidetracked!! Are you impressed?

Ta Da!!!  My Jelly Roll Waves quilt is done!

Myra at Busy Hands Quilts hosted this as a Quilt a long - and I so kept up.... until... I didn't... But that's alright - its ready to be bound now. You may see it again - I may actually show you when it is bound!

My Finished Quilt was 58 x 71

Alright - Lets link up your FONF's
That way we can always see this weeks finish ;-)
and have a blog viewing party!!!



Sherrill said...

I really like it!! Turned out great!

Andrea @ Mouse in My Pocket said...

I love getting a quilt back from the quilter. It's just about the best feeling ever.

grammajudyb said...

Great job on the Jelly Roll quilt! Originally, I was unsure of the colors in your fabric pull, but you nailed it!!! And the horizontal setting is super good!

Vivian said...

Oooh, ahhh, gorgeous!! How did I miss that QAL?!? Yet another one for the "To Do" list!

Jocelyn is Canadian Needle Nana said...

What a great finish! Seems like it was a fun project to stitch.

Michelle said...

Jelly Roll Waves is lovely! An amazing finish!

Snowcatcher said...

Really a beautiful quilt! And of course, your quilting is spectacular!

Anja @ Anja Quilts said...

Well done. I finished mine as well.

Rebecca Grace said...

I love how you quilted your jelly roll wave! Is that a paper panto or is your machine computerized? The quilting design adds so much to a quilt like this one. Great choice, and great job all around!

Kim said...

I am impressed! Your My Jelly Roll Waves quilt is lovely. The quilting looks fabulous.

Andree G. Faubert said...

Hi Alycia, congrats on your jelly roll quilt finish! And you should show it again when it's bound :-) We need to celebrate those finishes!

Leanne Parsons said...

Congratulations on getting it finished! It looks great :) Thanks for linking up with TGIFF (I'm a bit slow visiting the links this week).

Danice G said...

Really pretty quilt. Very bright.

Myra @ Busy Hands Quilts said...

It's great to see Jelly Roll Waves in masculine colors. Yours quilted up so nicely!