Of Wisconsin were some awfully Busy Gals!! Melissa coordinated the efforts and this HUGE box came my way. It was such a blast opening it. Each quilt had its own pillowcase that matched with the fabrics of the quilts!!
Enjoy Looking at them all.... these quilts bring us to 610 quilts! Isn't that amazing?? And the delivery folks have been busy - I have a pile of boxes again. Perfect for a rainy weekend.


And I am not joking about the rain - we are going on hour 48 of moisture. I live on sand, and the water usually dissappears fairly quickly. We have puddles, lakes and rivers. My poor animals might need to grow gills if it keeps raining.
Oh and when you are looking at the quilts.... did you notice how many of them were the Not So Top Secret Project quilts?? How awesome is that. The pattern can be found to the left, under the my profile stuff.

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