Friday, October 11, 2024

The Purple Hawaiian and!! Finished ( or not) Friday

This is the quilt that made me think I had used up all of my 5 inch Hawaiian squares... I'll have you know.... it was ... until!   I made more!! Whaaatttt???

Anyways I made this one with the leftovers of my 5 Hawaiian themed Quilts back in June 0f 2023. ( thank goodness for blogs) and this week!!! I got it Quilted and bound!!

Its small - it was fast.

Isn't that back great? So Colorful!!!! ( I always get asked about my Quilt clips - they can be found here... and yep - I make a little commission that goes right to QOV purchases for my group_)

It was great to have a small quick finish!! Made me feel productive! 

How was your week?

Link up  and show us what you are up to - please use a Direct link tho!!

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Have a great week!!

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Linda said...

Your Hawaiian quilt is beautiful!

Nann said...

So colorful!

Sara said...

I hadn't even noticed those fun clips until you pointed them out. How cute are they!! That's a pretty quilt, using different tropical prints. Great idea!

Delighted Hands said...

this small Hawaiian quilt turned out just right!

Gypsy Quilter Designs said...

What a fun quilt.

Melva said...

Bright & Cheery! I feel like I should have a drink with an umbrella in it ;) How's your ankle??? Blessings! M said...

What a great way to use up some leftover blocks. I love the back!!!!

Kate said...

Very colorful and fun! That backing fabric is just so bright. Definitely a quilt that will wake you up and make you smile.

Sylvia@Treadlestitches said...

Aloha! Terrific Hawaiian quilt, and that's the absolutely perfect back for it! Plus your clips make it like a mini tropical vacation.

Andree G. Faubert said...

Hi Alycia, what a great quilt made from the left-overs of the others. That fabric just keeps on giving! Thanks for the party.