Friday, May 31, 2024

Pink Lightning Streak and Finished ( or not!) Friday

Today my finish is in top form! I snuck in just under the wire on getting this top topped - but I did it!!!! Got it done within the month of May!!!

Ta Da!!! - I love doing the Rainbow Scrap Challenge, but May almost beat me!!! My Friend Vickie let me borrow her chuck its so that I can keep my arm alive ( you know from playing fetch with the dogs) and I said something about May going fast.

When I got home I texted her and said - Oh my!! I only have 4 blocks done of my RSC challenge for the month - and she graciously told me to get to work!!! ( okay maybe she encouraged my - but its my story!!)

And I am forever grateful for her Chuckits - I can throw A LOT more for the dogs!!!

Bella is a full service dog - she carries the chuck it and the ball until we get to the play place - and then she gives me the whole thing. She might also walk a few miles carrying it... she cracks me up!

Judy asked who was who in my family - so come back Monday - We have 3 more vacations days to go - and I will identify whos who - haha!!! If I can remember!

Alright - now my quilty friends - you have tolerated me long enough - what did you finish ( or not) this week? Please use your direct link - a few of you aren't and I am so slow that by Wednesday it takes me to your blog and there are more posts.  

*******************Link up here **********************

******************** The end ****************************

Find me at all these places:

Etsy           Instagram           Facebook

Thursday, May 30, 2024

The wedding

 The real reason we headed to the west coast was!!!

A wedding!!

My Niece was getting married!

So the guy on the far left... its my Brother!!! No one thinks he exists.... but he does... and now I have photo proof!! And my whole team was there!! K and I were excited to have them all. We missed my DIL - she had a law conference.  

She had an amazing photographer there -so we can't wait to see all the photos - but you know I had to get a cell phone shot or two in there. And then I found her photographer on IG and I want to be her - she is amazing!!! It got me all excited about photography again and I came home and took a class on lighting.... oh boy... watch out world...

She got married at Croad Vineyards. Someone asked me what my favorite wine was of the trip - and I think its maybe this one. But then I was having such a great time - maybe thats what made the wine amazing. 

Last one - I didn't take a lot of photos, but they had a photo booth there. You know we had to ham it up... I won't show you the crazy ones - but my kids. I love them - they all have the craziest sense of humors, and are up for about anything. Its fun to take on the world with them.

Wednesday, May 29, 2024

Morro Bay!!!

 We took the Mountain drive from our house to Morro Bay - Those trees!! Are avocado Trees.. Cool!!

In my mind Morro Bay used to be this small little Beach community - I grew up visiting here with my parents and I don't even remember crowds. We'd stay for the weekend and goof off.... we arrived to the town in the middle of an Iron Man Triathlon prep. Oh My!! SO many people. 

My Best friend was there to greet me... He told me stories of all the had happened since my last visit ( just a few years ago) and he whined about the parking... NEVER has there been so many cars!!!

We made it to our favorite beach. And surprisingly - the beach was kind of empty. Most everyone was here for the competition!

Found my other kid!!! yay!!!

We had a great relaxing walk - brunch and then toured through town to get the great views of the rock!!

Our Beach Drawing.... Proves you can take the rancher off the ranch... but!! He still thinks about his cattle ;-)

of course , on the way back to our house... we did manage to make a stop at another winery.....

Tuesday, May 28, 2024

Wine Tasting

 When you are in Wine Country - you do have to do a little Wine tasting... so the next morning we headed out to see what we could find.

our First stop was Peachy Canyon Wines - it was 8 minutes from our house in Templeton, and it was considered Paso Robles... see! they are almost the same haha!

Check out these roses - they were the first thing I noticed - So pretty and so colorful.
Ta da!!

A chair Big enough for us all ( well minus the one that is still traveling to meet us)

We did a wine tasting here. The menu had 5 wines on it - all of them were grapes from this specific vineyard. I guess it is common to grow what you can and source grapes from other vineyard if you need them. But this year - this winery was able to grow all of its own. 

They brought in a Taco Truck  - you can see it behind me and K. We were quite happy about that - my kids have to eat a lot!! So it was great timing.

Plus - remember I told you our tasting was supposed to have only 5 wines? I figured that would equate to just about 1 glass of wine - over a few hours - it'd be great. Well!! Our taster guy - he was the best. When he found out we were from Colorado we all started talking mountains and trail running, and the triple bypass bike ride... and then the next thing we knew - he was adding wines to our tasting.... Oh boy..

We needed the tacos ;-)  and a long walk. ( PS - we did have a designated driver!)

I love how theses grapes are planted - and they use goats to do the weeding.
( I need a goat)

After that winery - we headed over to Barton Wineries. We just sat on the patio and I had a glass of wine while the guys all ate. It was just a fun place to be. There was a guy playing music, a light breeze - just a nice time!

We then headed back to get the third child of our crew... for the next adventure!

Monday, May 27, 2024


 Day 1 of our little adventure found us flying to Santa Barbara CA - pretty early in the morning! Wich was very nice - we had a whole day of doing cool things!!

The first cool thing - had to Solvang and find food!

I was in LOVE this these green grassy hills.... And kind of envious - I wish our grass stayed that green all year round...  Back to Solvang!

its a Danish Style town - and so cute. I remember going here as a kid with my parents, But I think things have changed since then. In my head when you drove in you were right in the middle of a whole new world. This time you had to go park and then walk to the world. its kind of hidden back there... maybe it always was and my Dad just knew where to go?

I also remember a lot of bakeries and crafty type stores. This time there were a lot of wine tasting rooms. We didn't indulge as we still had driving to do. We did find food and a few bakeries to sample!

We finally found shoes large enough for Little Bit ( he wears a size 14 or 15)

Love the buildings and the windmills. Its a really neat town. I always wished I could be an architect and build things like this. Maybe that is why I am so drawn to quilting.

Our new best friend !!!

it was a fun stop... and then we headed on to.... Templeton CA . In my mind Templeton runs into Paso Robles so we will be in that area.....

Friday, May 24, 2024

Yellow Crumb Quilt Finish!! and!! Finished (or not) Friday

This! has been a week!!! We got to go on a vacation that was centered around my Nieces wedding and it! was! a ! blast!!!  But I am so tired......

I have many photos to blog about and show you our adventures, But today I am going to brag that I actually did sneak in a finish !! 

Remember when Yellow was our RSC color? I had yellows left over from my original project so I made crumb blocks. Set those crumb blocks with Pink and a quilt top was born...

I also had some Backing fabric left over from last weeks finish - so it seemed like all the layers were colliding to tell me... JUST DO IT!

So I did!

Sometimes a Quilter just needs to play with different motifs . This quilt seemed to be a perfect play piece....

I have a very fun yet detailed Butterfly....

And feathers...

I also used that same Blue floral back on the last quilt.

I bound it in pink strips and Ta da!!! A finish!!

You'll have to come back to see our vacation photos. A funny - you know we are doing construction? Welllllll when we were gone I got a text - Hit your Propane line. So I assumed that meant the dug down deep enough to find it... I did NOT go to the dark side of that statement.

I had gone ahead and called the propane company to re work the line - NOT knowing that HIT  - meant CUT!!! We had NO propane - which means no hot water!!!! oops - Our first day back was Yesterday and at 6 am I was up helping dig a trench to start a new propane line, The guys worked until 2 pm - and by 3 pm - we had hot water..... Fun right?>?>

Anyways! it is now your turn - Link up your awesome finishes and let us oogle over them!

*Please use a DIRECT link to your specific post
* have fun!

*****************Link up your Finishes********************

*******************The ENd*************************

Friday, May 17, 2024

Yellow Lightning RSC Quilt and !! Finished ( or not) Friday

 I finished my April Yellow Lightning RSC quilt!!! Whoo hoo 

I just have to say - try saying that last sentence three times fast. I am not even sure I have it right saying it the one time - regardless - my Yellow RSC from April ... is done!!!

It measures 45 x 54 ish - each block is supposed to be 9 1/2 inches (9 finished)
I had a lot of Yellow 5 inch squares - so this was a perfect way to use them!

I quilted it with a panto called Mexican Carpet  by Dawnas Design Threads
I liked the circles - I thought they were fun!

This backing worked out well - its 60 inch wide fabric . and my quilt was 45 ish - but!! I had another small quilt - so I cut enough backing to do both of them.  Altho - I only got one bound for FONF.....

I liked the springy fabric - We have had the craziest weather - in the morning its starting out warm and getting hot, then a storm rolls in and its cold... Not complaining! my timing for taking photos has been off!!! haha!

So far - I am all caught up on my RSC quilts being quilted... still piecing Mays pink one.

That is whats up with me, other than the hammering and the air guns and the big construction trucks. 

Whats up with you!!

* Link up the direct post please - not just to your blog
*LEave comments  - show the quilty love
* and have a piece of chocolate... its good for the heart

******************Link UP here - lasts till Noon Sunday Colorado Time****************

**********************The end********************

Find me at all these places:

Etsy           Instagram           Facebook

Tuesday, May 14, 2024

20,000 steps a day.. and the Aurora

 One thing that is super good with having to take two dogs out - I m getting my steps in!! but!! I am also getting some fun weather shots.

My dogs are starting to like each other - we have taken two small walks together ( one on a leash with me, and one on a leash with K) and !! they kind of calmed down... I see a happy future!

Funny enough - the real reason we saw the Northern Lights was... one of the dogs needed to go out. Everyone in our area ( okay the 2 people that live near) had taken a photo and shared it on FB and I was so jealous - I couldn't see them. That was 10 pm ish...but at Midnight!! Oh wow!! that was a total different story for me!!!

its funny - I didn't think there was that much light pollution out here. I mean there is significantly more than there was when we first moved here .. I just didn't expect that much. The big lights? Those are oil drilling sites. 

This one - I laid on the ground to look up - I think its just so ethereal looking.

We have had some amazing storms go by - not the bad ones like the rest of the country - but this is on one of my million walks - watching the storm go south of us. Coveting the rain - but wanting the wind to stay there.

Squall lines are pretty cool to see too...

To make this quilty!!!   I am starting to pair my Purple with the RSC Pink!!!!  I think I like it!! Its pretty rich in color - should be quite cool!!!

Come on back Friday - for Finished ( or not) Friday and link up your projects!!!!

Monday, May 13, 2024

Purple Pie Hole... aka the Rabbit Hole

 Remember how I said I didn't want to put any fabric away once I had taken it out? 

That might be the death of me..... just sayin'

I still had Purple out from last months RSC challenge... and then I found a block that I had made for a test.. ( A Framed Nine Patch) 

 I still had just a bit of yellow out...

And!! I had finished all of my T shirt quilts, AND!! I have a commission quilt that starts in June, AND... well - I have QADD  AND... Did I tell you we have construction... AND... my hot water heater decided to quit.... so truly - what is a girl to do?

First I made more Framed 9 Patches and kept playing until:

See that Purple Border there?  I think that is going to be my contrast color for my Pink RSC Lightening quilt... ( Thanks Kate for the advice on color!!)

There was more Purple:

and so!

Now we have these, and there is only a teeny weeny but of purple left in this scrap bin. Please note - I am clarifying - THIS scrap bin..... Don't faint

now it is on to finishing topping my Just One Thing Churndashs..

Oh! and don't google Purple Pie - I found out its a drug.... but too late!! I already stole it for my title. Because I think these crumb blocks look like Purple Pie...Maybe I am just craving sugar 

Happy Trails!!!

hey!! I finally have something to link to these amazing blogs!!

Design Wall Monday

Sew and Tell

Monday Musings

Friday, May 10, 2024

Changes!!!! and !! Finished ( or not) Friday!!

 This week has been a crazy crazy one... and I didn't get a lot finished... I do have a lot going on though - does that count?

The big finish is taking Eleven Quilt to our Pathways Hospice - Three of them were donated from our Pieceable Friends Quilt guild in Greeley. 

The in progress?

We tore up our house!! Oh my!! We had to have solar panels removed off the part that was coming down, the concrete of the old porch torn up and removed, the steps to the door taken out - and new concrete put in.  Now the roof part that was removed is going to be rebuilt..... and of course - everything is delayed. 

Trusses that were supposed to be here last week, are now coming next week. We had 3 days of high winds, so the framers are delayed a few days. ( it has to suck to be dependent on weather!)  And I am glad that my Buddy Kevin of Pagel Construction is in charge and I just get to watch and listen and give my opinions!! and Bam!! he makes it happen!

And then on the dog front - the two girls like each other - but they don't like each other. Bella gets a little jealous of Daisy, and Daisy doesn't know why.

So we are doing a ton of Separate but equal walking, and playing. And I am getting in 20,000 steps per day ( not even joking!!)

I know it will take time, but if you know me well - Patience is not a Virtue I possess!! 

They do both love me though, and will sit on the couch with me, especially if it looks like I might have a cheese stick.....

So I am dependent on you all this week for me to get my Quilty Fix!! Brag away - show us whats up!!!

*****************Finished (or not) Friday *********************

***************Go sew*****************************

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