Wednesday, May 29, 2024

Morro Bay!!!

 We took the Mountain drive from our house to Morro Bay - Those trees!! Are avocado Trees.. Cool!!

In my mind Morro Bay used to be this small little Beach community - I grew up visiting here with my parents and I don't even remember crowds. We'd stay for the weekend and goof off.... we arrived to the town in the middle of an Iron Man Triathlon prep. Oh My!! SO many people. 

My Best friend was there to greet me... He told me stories of all the had happened since my last visit ( just a few years ago) and he whined about the parking... NEVER has there been so many cars!!!

We made it to our favorite beach. And surprisingly - the beach was kind of empty. Most everyone was here for the competition!

Found my other kid!!! yay!!!

We had a great relaxing walk - brunch and then toured through town to get the great views of the rock!!

Our Beach Drawing.... Proves you can take the rancher off the ranch... but!! He still thinks about his cattle ;-)

of course , on the way back to our house... we did manage to make a stop at another winery.....


Kate said...

Looks like a lot of fun. So glad you got the chance to hang with all three boys. Hope you've had more fun adventures.

Linda said...

I'm enjoying your travelogue! Glad you are all having such fun.

Sara said...

Awesome trip so far! Morro Bay is a location I've only visited in pictures. I love a good beach so I'm sure I would enjoy it.

Delighted Hands said...

Such a wonderful time--I love the photo of the sunset, sail boat masts and the rock!

LIttle Penguin Quilts said...

I've enjoyed your posts about the trip - looks like so much fun! That's a part of California that we haven't visited yet, but hope to get to. How wonderful to have the whole family together, too!

Kathleen said...

What a fun trip and fun to go down memory lane with you!

Vicki W said...

It sounds like a wonderful vacation!

Quiltdivajulie said...

Love the casual family photo on the beach ... good times for sure!