Friday, May 24, 2024

Yellow Crumb Quilt Finish!! and!! Finished (or not) Friday

This! has been a week!!! We got to go on a vacation that was centered around my Nieces wedding and it! was! a ! blast!!!  But I am so tired......

I have many photos to blog about and show you our adventures, But today I am going to brag that I actually did sneak in a finish !! 

Remember when Yellow was our RSC color? I had yellows left over from my original project so I made crumb blocks. Set those crumb blocks with Pink and a quilt top was born...

I also had some Backing fabric left over from last weeks finish - so it seemed like all the layers were colliding to tell me... JUST DO IT!

So I did!

Sometimes a Quilter just needs to play with different motifs . This quilt seemed to be a perfect play piece....

I have a very fun yet detailed Butterfly....

And feathers...

I also used that same Blue floral back on the last quilt.

I bound it in pink strips and Ta da!!! A finish!!

You'll have to come back to see our vacation photos. A funny - you know we are doing construction? Welllllll when we were gone I got a text - Hit your Propane line. So I assumed that meant the dug down deep enough to find it... I did NOT go to the dark side of that statement.

I had gone ahead and called the propane company to re work the line - NOT knowing that HIT  - meant CUT!!! We had NO propane - which means no hot water!!!! oops - Our first day back was Yesterday and at 6 am I was up helping dig a trench to start a new propane line, The guys worked until 2 pm - and by 3 pm - we had hot water..... Fun right?>?>

Anyways! it is now your turn - Link up your awesome finishes and let us oogle over them!

*Please use a DIRECT link to your specific post
* have fun!

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Gretchen Weaver said...

Digging that trench was NOT fun! Been there, done that. Now you have hot water again which you needed after digging that trench! Have a relaxing weekend!

Linda said...

Love the pinks and yellows together! The backing is just perfect, and what a fun finish with that pretty quilting.
Ugh on the propane line! You have quite the variety of tasks, right? ;)

Delighted Hands said...

Welcome home! It is always something when you have a renovation project going on!!! Glad you could fix it, at least!

Kate said...

Not the most fun welcome home present. Glad you were able to get it fixed quickly. Love that butterfly quilting, very pretty. It's a very fun finish. Have a great holiday weekend resting up.

LIttle Penguin Quilts said...

I love your crumb blocks with pink! The special quilting in the pink blocks is beautiful, and the backing is perfect for the quilt, too. Looking forward to hearing more about your trip, and hope the rest of the construction goes off without any more problems!

Sara said...

Really beautiful quilting! Wow! Fancy quilting brings a simple quilt design UP to a whole new level. And pink paired with yellow really works well.

Vicki in MN said...

Great way to use up more scraps-every one counts! Sorry about the propane hit:(

Yvonne from Quilting Jetgirl said...

I love that you quilted the yellow crumb quilt with yellow thread and used a striped print for the binding. It's fantastic. And oh golly, I'm sorry about the propane line, but glad you have hot water again!!!

Anne-Marie said...

Love the quilt finish! Yellow and pink look great together. Sorry about the broken propane line.

grammajudyb said...

That’s a very pretty and happy quilt. You know I love crumb blocks. Pink and yellow always make me think summer! Ugh on the broken propane line! Could have been worse I guess! “ boom and fire 🔥 “. Looking forward to seeing vacation photos!

Melisa- pinkernpunkinquilting said...

Your quilt is gorgeous. I immediately thought of Pink Lemonade when I saw it.The quilting is spectacular- love the butterfly quilting. There is always something that goes wrong when construction is going on - isn't there? I hope all goes well.

Andree G. Faubert said...

Hi Alycia, what a great crumb quilt! Love all of those fun, colourful yellow blocks! The quilting is really wonderful. Glad your hot water is back!

Nancy @ Grace and Peace Quilting said...

Wow, that quilting!!!!🩷

Elizabeth V Kelbaugh said...

Beautiful fancy quilting

Gwyned Trefethen said...

Love both those quilting patterns. Excellent choice said...

Ugly about the hot water and digging a trench. . .what a way to return from vacation!!! LOVED your yellow crumb block finish. Your 'practice" quilting looks beautiful!

Sylvia@Treadlestitches said...

Lovely quilt, with such wonderful quilting! Feathers and butterflies really go together. I admire your can-do spirit, digging the trench for the propane line! Here's hoping the reno goes smoothly from here on.

Preeti said...

You say yellow and I say pink. French Vanilla and Strawberries - can't go wrong with such yumminess! Have a great Sunday!

cityquilter grace said...

such a pretty finish...yellow and pink look terrific together!

Gypsy Quilter Designs said...

Oh my goodness. . . no hot water! At least nothing exploded when they hit the line.

Glad you're home safe from your adventures.

San / Murphy, NC