Friday, December 30, 2022

Baseball Gingham/Buffalo Plaid Finish and.... Finished ( or not) Friday!!!

Happy Friday!

For some reason this week I am all messed up on what day it is... I blame the snow, the shoveling of the snow, and more snow haha!!!

I have a Start to Finish!!

Remember those Buffalo plaid/Gingham Quilts that are so cute? Well I saw the Video from The Fat Quarter shot and it said you could make the whole top, cut to finish in 3 hours... and guess what? 

They were RIGHT!!!

I made mine a bit bigger tho.... and Ta Da!!!

I think I better go take photos in the Sunshine when it appears... the Snow seems to change the color a bit....

I used a Blue, Red, and Two cream prints for the front

You wanted to see our snow right? Its no where near as bad as others, but! It was heavy snow and I was happy about that  ( moisture to the pasture!!)

Here is the Back... A little leftover from the front and some more fun Baseball Fabric

Remember that Pile Project I told you I had to work on?   All these Baseball Fabrics were piled too - haha!! 

Apparently I am a good pile maker!

And I had fun Quilting it too - I knew that it was a busy quilt, so it mostly needed a fun pattern.

There you go - A baseball quilt... Ready for Baseball Season

(It will be for sale in my Etsy Store : Quiltygirl Etsy Store  ) 

Oh- the sun started to shine  - heres a better color photo:

and now!!! It is your turn!!!

You have ONE LAST FRIDAY to brag about a 2022 finish!!!

  • Link up your direct post
  • Please provide a link back on your post to this one
  • Click on the links and leave Lovely Comments

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******************* The End**************

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Thursday, December 29, 2022

More Fabric



These are called ( on the selvedge)

1930's Nostalgia Prints

Each piece is a little over a yard.

Shipping $7.50

Fabrics Free

Continental US only - UPS able Address please ;-)

again - First to say I WANT IT - and leave me a great way to contact them..

I will contact you for address - and you can Venmo or Paypal...

Join Us Friday for Finished ( or not) Friday!!!  I actually have one more.... yay!!!

Wednesday, December 28, 2022

Scrappy Scraps


Dear Quilters...
I pulled out a box looking for a fabric... and it said box...

Was more than I know what to do with.

it is 9 pounds 2 ounces of fabrics - perfect for that Next Scrappy Project

or for the Rainbow Scrap challenge of 2023.... or the Table Scrap challenge

or..... for your imagination to go crazy....

 The Fabric is Free to whomever would love it - the Postage is $15 via UPS ( so I need a UPS able address)

Payment through Venmo or Paypal


be the FIRST Commenter to say they want it, if you are NO REPLY leave me an email , and I will Email you to get you address and method of payment ;-)

My comments are moderated - so I will  be looking for the first comment in ..and updating from there.

Hopefully someone is ready to tackle these scraps!!!

Friday, December 23, 2022

16 Patches Finish and Finished ( or not) Friday

This is the second to the LAST Finished ( or not) Friday for 2022!!!! Last week you all had a Ton of finishes.... shall we keep it going???

I started this 16 patch quilt back in August - it was inspired by an Antique photo.... and of course, I had to do it in Patriotics

but then...  I wondered how I should quilt it - and ... this is what I came up with!

I chose to load it longways, and quilt in long rows.
The Top and the bottom have patriotic scenes (I think they are Judy Lyon designs - she shared them on the QOV members page and I thought they were cool)

and in the Middle two white rows I quilted the words,

In the Colored rows I quilted Stars and flags...

And Ta-da!!! The finish!!!

One more week to finish on more item for the year.... go go go!!

Now it is your turn!!

Link up your finishes:


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******************The End**********************

Wednesday, December 21, 2022

A Little Mountain Trip

 We had a day off and thought... lets go up the mountain!

And off we went.... the car temp thing said 35 - we were excited - perfect snowshowing weather.....

until we got out and the wind was HOWLING... Ground blizzards all over the trails, but Holee cow is that gorgeous. I had my trail map so was pretty confident we were good for a few miles in, but we didn't want to get much further than that - just in case the Ground blizzards got worse...

Check out what we got to see tho!!

The Views..... oh man - I love them...

This one was just so cool to stand and watch - the way the wind moved the clouds in - they were rolling, and that fine mist like looking was the snow...

I had a hood, but snow was still going down my shirt!!! I had my Snowshoe pants on - and they really worked good. They are supposed to cut the wind - and they are lined - and man... I was glad!!!

These are kind of out of order... Below is what we saw
Above is how close we hiked....

Deer!!!   I got ice cream for seeing him first!!!
(its a family competition... and I like to win!!)

Not too much later - we saw him.....

This is us trying to take a selfie with s DSLR.... my cell phone was in the trunk of the car on this little jaunt ( we took 2 different trails)  

Have you ever tried to just turn the big camera around and see what you can get?  

after our hiking we stopped at a BBQ joint for lunch. We walked in and they informed us that their heater wasn't working - I thought it was quite balmy in there - and didn't have to take any gear off!!!


We stopped at SweetHeart Wineries in West Loveland. They actually had tried to grow grapes - but they had a hard time keeping the ELK out of them... Too funny!!!

Snowshoe pants found here: Click here

and guess what? They work when your heater decided to quit in the middle of a Blizzard.... I guess that's a story for another day too .. I will tell you two days later ... we had heat again...

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Linking to:

Monday, December 19, 2022

Spreading the Love

I am getting a slow start around here today. My only defense.... its cold!!! and supposed to get colder... which means more ice has to be broken on water tanks... our tank heaters can't keep up. And... I look like the staypuff marshmellow man with all of my layers...

but!! Roads are opened - so it is ALL Good..... ( our roads were closed 2 1/2 days last week due to blizzards)

BEFORE!!! The blizzard hit on Tuesday - I got to help spread some love to our Veterans!!!  Are you ready???

Above was the First group - bright and early Saturday morning. They were the best - the smiles were contagious, and the stories  - oh lawsy the stories!!! There is something about getting a group of Vets together that make the stories get funnier...

and then the second group.

We got this one awarded and it was so great!! All of these quilts were made by One Quilter with a super big heart of this group of men... and she had one of them help her choose what quilt went with what vet so they all fit their personality. IT WAS AWESOME!!!

And as I was driving home, then temps started dropping... and by the time I got home it was snowing at my house. That is what you call "Perfect Timing" right?

Oh and in between the two large groups - I got to do some single awards - but they were all still active duty - so...You'll just have to pretend you saw the photos ;-)   Great couple of day!!

One of my latest Client quilts - so cute - and quilting hearts all over it!!! 

Have a Happy Day!!!

Find me at all these places:

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Friday, December 16, 2022

Ethels Quilts of Valor and !!! Finished!! ( or not) Friday!!!

 Happy Friday!!!

To those who have had blizzards... Much sympathy to you... this wind... Blows!!! Oh my gosh - I am over the wind!!!

My Friend Ethel has been a faithful QOV'er from the beginning with me!! I started machine quilting them in 2003 and in 2004 decided to teach 100 5th graders how to quilt.... kinda forgetting I still did NOT know how to bind!!! Ethel jumped in and helped so we could get our Quilts to the Soldiers at Fort Carson!!

and since then - she is a QOV machine!!!

These are her latest two that I quilted 

I also might have gone Snowshoeing in Wyoming to get these photos.... or maybe

it was just to see the skies!!  I love this one - where she fussy cut the Eagles in the Hearts on the quilt. I am sure a Veteran is going to LOVE this one!!!

And next!!

Check out that Eagle Border!!! Doesn't that just frame this quilt beautifully??

She does such Great work!!! its an honor to quilt her quilts....

and Now... it is your turn!! Brag away!!!

Link up to your Direct post

Visit lots of links and leave some love

Link back to this post so everyone can join in!!!

and get to work on the next project!! haha!!

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***********************The END*************************

Wednesday, December 14, 2022

Joshua Tree In color

Thank you for indulging me in my Love of Black and White photos. I think they are just amazing, but! I will be honest - the color of a desert sunset is truly amazing.

We hiked all over during the day to find the perfect spot to watch the sunset. and it was totally worth it!

Aren't these views amazing?

But enough of that - you are here for the Sunset!!

We chose a spot where there were mountains, Joshua Trees and facing west...

I had the best time playing with my camera settings to see how I could get the shadows to "be shadowy-ier" and Still get the amazing color of the sunset.

Sometimes it worked.....

Sometimes it didn't - but seriously = nothing can be all bad when I have this view!!!

Oh!! also - we found Palm Trees!!!
There are a few entrances into Joshua Tree. One day we went through 29 Palms - and in 29 Palms is an oasis - and the History of how the name 29 Palms came to be.

The Indian tribe that had lived in the area was having trouble birthing males. All the babies were girls. so they went to their Medicine Man and asked him what to do.

He told them to pull up stakes and move to this specific location, and set up their lives. In the first year they lived here he told them they would have males.

And for each Male born in the first year of living here they needed to plant a palm tree.
Guess how many males were born that year?

Yep!! 29.... and so became 29 Palms!!!

The original location is like a little oasis in the desert - It was very lush before civilization really moved this way and started taking the water. Now they rely on a water system to keep this oasis alive.

linking up to:
Through My Lens at Mersad Donko
My Corner of the World at my World Thru my Camera Lens

Find me at all these places:

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Monday, December 12, 2022

The end of my Plaid Crumb Blocks.... for now

 The Design Wall:

From My Little Bin of Plaid scraps .... I can not believe how many things came from such a small box...

Which really makes me worry, as I have some Large boxes of fabric and I may be in for it!!!

I already made this quilt top with my crumbs:

For this one I pulled the Half squares and longer strings....

But I just couldn't stop there....

I also made the crumb Blocks for this one....

and now... I have 25 more crumb blocks up on the design wall.

I will come up with a setting for them, or something - you will have to stay tuned. I am sure a great design will come to me in the middle of the night, and I will jump out of bed and head to the sewing machine and annoy my dog...

Oh!! and there is still one more project that I am eeking out of the box..... and then I will close the lid until the scraps multiply again...

Want to see the eeking project?????

Are you sure???

Hourglass Blocks... in Plaid ( sigh... such love) 

each of these blocks are 4 inches so that is not going to make a very big quilt - but, I think I will sew it like this and see if some amazing border ideas come to me?

I think with just these it will be about 38 x 45 inches.... Stay Tuned..... it may be something entirely different!!

Linking to: Design Wall Monday with Small Quilts and Doll Quilts

Midweek Makers at Quilt Fabrications

Patchwork Party at Quilting Patch

Oh Scrap at Quilting is more fun than Housework

Find me at all these places:

Etsy           Instagram           Facebook