Saturday, October 30, 2021

Placemat Project

 Orange was the color of September I think - and I made a few Orange placemats - but I am just now getting them quilted....

So two more done!

I took 32 of them to our Senior Center for them to use for Holiday lunches. So the big part of my project is over - I really wanted to have a little something bright for the Seniors.

But!! I also wanted my block box to get emptier - and it did.... but well, we all know that it really didn't get as empty as I wanted!! So I think I will need to come up with another plan with these blocks for next years Rainbow Scrap Challenge!!

Friday, October 29, 2021

An I-Spy and..... Finished ( or not) Friday!!!

 A while ago a friend of mine gave me this cute little I spy Quilt and said - Quilt it and donate it okay?

and I said Okay!

Then - a Client gave me a quilt and said I want the WHOLE thing Cross hatched - and I said Okay... and then I said... What???? You are not a pro at that....

and so ! I pulled this little I Spy out and I crosshatched the WHOLE thing .... just for practice you know...

and then I cross hatched my Clients quilt and I felt like I was a Pro then!! haha!

Here is the cute little I Spy:

and a close up of the cross hatching ( proof!!)

So I will bind ( oh yes I will!) this quilt and get it donated!! Get someone snuggling in it!

and now!!

IT is your turn - Show me your Finishes!!!

Thanks so much for sharing our little link up on your blogs - we have had some new Quilters join in !! I love seeing new blogs and new projects!!!

And thank you for continuing to put your direct link in for me! 

*******************Link Up *******************************

******************End of Link**********************

Find me at all these places:

Etsy           Instagram           Facebook

Linking to:

Wednesday, October 27, 2021

Entropy - The Top

 When I got home from my Mountain retreat - I had all of my Entropy Blocks put into a top...

and I thought I was done - but when I kept looking at it - I decided I may  be done - but that top was yelling at me that IT was not done!!

and so what is a girl to do?

Add borders

And I am going to ask you all a very VERY serious question

Do Borders take you just as long to make and apply as piecing the WHOLE quilt?

Oh la la - but I persisted and!!

and NOW!!

My Entropy Scrap a long Top is done!!

Yay Me!!!

I deserve to start another project now ;-)

Linking to:

Misweek Makers at Quilt Fabrication

Wednesday Wait Loss at the Inquiring Quilter

Sunday, October 24, 2021

Entropy Scrap A long

 I caught up!!! Sorta!!

Over at Squats and Running Stitches - Summer ran an Entropy Quilt a long and I started and then I stalled - This weekend - I was lucky enough to be up in the mountains with my sewing machine and sew!

I finally got all my blocks done....

I took that ( above) pile of fabrics an got them cut down to :

This ( below)

And then! I got all the pieces sewn and Laid out - and then!

I got all the blocks made - but no photo - so you will have to come back to see what I am putting together!

Linking to:
Design Wall Monday at Small Quilts ad Doll Quilts and
Monday Making at Love Laugh Quilt

Friday, October 22, 2021

Plaid quilt FINISH!!! and Finished ( or not) Friday!

 Happy Friday!!!!

Hope your week was awesome!! 

I LOVE Fall - and it is so nice to be outside - so Quilting has taken a little back seat - but weeds have been burned, got a lot of fences tightened ( and the weeds cleaned out) ...

I did get a FINISH tho!!! Yay!!!

Just rotate your head a little

its plaid!!! and I love it!!
This was a quilt a long in my Stashbusters group maybe 2 years ago? I hate to admit how far behind I am - but!! I will never get bored right? Too many projects!!

I have a Cowboy Friend that I think this would be perfect for - One Christmas gift taken care of!!! 

Now show me your Finishes!!! I am assuming the closer we get to the end of the year the more finishes? or ?

 * Link up your direct post please

* Show us your projects 

*Let us Ohh and Ahhh

********************Link up here*********************************


Find me at all these places:

Etsy           Instagram           Facebook

Sunday, October 17, 2021

Orphan Block QOV in progress

 I was asked how I construct these and I laughed and said - well... I mess around, and take some measurements, then I go change the laundry. Then I come back and think a little, then I go make a snack. Then .. I come back and cut some strips - and then.... haha - you get the picture ;-)

I decided on this one I was going to start with the width - I would get the panel grown up to 60 inches wide.... then I could start going up and down...

Oh Boy - that photo is a little blown out... sorry - we had sunshine so I opened all the windows!!!

I added two blocks and some sashing to each side - and I even started on the up!! I added a 2 inch border to the top and bottom of the panel section - then started building those blocks on the top.... and now...

when time allows I will start on those bottom ones. 

I am not sure if I will just stitch them all together and then add what is needed on the outside of the row, or if I will sash them.... I guess I have another load of laundry to do to get to this thinking spot!!! 

Linking to:

Design Wall Monday at Small Quilts and Doll Quilts

Monday Making at Love Laugh Quilt

Friday, October 15, 2021

Finished ( or not) Friday!!!

 I don't  really have a finish to speak of.... 

I did finish one more hat for M.... 

and!!! I cleaned off my computer - it was running slow so I decided to purge files. I take a lot of photos for a lot of events - and none of those photos need to stay on my computer - so I backed them all up to a external drive and deleted them off the computer. Went from 30G free to 203G free.... now on to the documents....

All that to say!!

WOW me!!!  Show me what you have been up to!!! Make me want to start 32 more projects!!

Link up your direct post

Visit as many as possible

Make sure your post has something Finished ( or not) in it... 

Link closes at noon on Sunday!!

*******************Link up ****************************

*********************End *********************

Find me at all these places:

Etsy           Instagram           Facebook

Wednesday, October 13, 2021

Skyline Drive

 We are back to our Vacation photos ;-) 

We saw this one way road and it looked pretty cool - so I was driving and up we went.....

It was very very steep - and very narrown

and on the passenger side... it dropped off pretty quick

but it felt like you were on the top of the world
Until the husband screamed  - stop getting so close to the edge!!
and I told him - i just wanted to see what you see
and he threatened to sell my fabric if I got closer

I am a huge Johnny Cash fan.... so as we kept driving up I started singing:
" I drove her out of my mind"   ( but I might have changed it to him.... The husband was not impressed.

Monday, October 11, 2021

Orphan Blocks

 I have been inspired by Cathy's use of Orphan blocks, so I decided to dig into my bag. The only difference is - she has orphans in all these great colors - I have orphans in Patriotics....

Now don't get me wrong - I love Patriotics - but what I had envisioned happening ( you know - being like her) just didn't pan out that way with all one color scheme haha!

And so - I made a change. I have a stack of really cool panels - and I thought maybe I would pull one of those, and see what orphans I can use to build around it!

Here is where I am:

I think I will try to start filling the blanks up and see how many more rows I need to add to make sure it is a 60 x 80 inch size.

I haven't been inspired to start new things lately - so maybe this is a new start for me! 

With Fall coming we had to do Summer clean up - and we still have more to clean up before snow can come. After quilting client quilts ( yay for a real job) and spending the rest of the time on the ranch - its night when I come in. I didn't have any projects in motion to just sit down and stitch for a little  - so I knitted... which is good, but not the same as quilting. 

I had even ( gasp) put some of my scraps away when we had company - and hadn't drug them back out yet. Maybe I will remedy that too. 

Happy Stitching you all!!

Linking to:

Design Wall Monday at Small Quilts and Doll Quilts

Midweek Makers at Quilt Fabrication

Friday, October 08, 2021

Monkey Wrench Finish... and Finished!! ( or not) Friday!!

 I have a finish!! Yay!!!

So I made this top in March - its is a part of Debby Browns Color Block class ( of which I have failed to keep up! Oh well)  This one she called Monkey Wrench!

I made it QOV sized - so I added the borders to it - and now - ALL DONE!!

Now - did you know about Devoted Quilters WIP challenge? If you need a little extra motivation - I think you might find it there. 

and only - because I know you want to see MORE fall..... Aspen Leaves!

Alright!! Now!! it is time for us to see what you have going on for Finished ( or not) Friday!
Someday we are going to have 50 link ups - and then I will have to scream and go - WOW!! that is a lot of Quilty goodness going out in society!!!

*Link up your direct Post

* Visit others and be inspired

* Quilt away!!!

**********************Link up ******************************************

*************** End ***********************

Wednesday, October 06, 2021

More Fall!! and knitted hats

 We found this cool trail that was once a railroad track - but they have taken the tracks off and maintained it as a trail and now I want to go back and hike The WHOLE thing ( its a lot of miles)

But Seriously - doesn't that look like an easy hike? 

And!! We were stalked.... This Antelope boy was letting us know we were TOO close to his ladies!

I feel like this tree is my kindred spirit - every tree around her was turning colors, and following the rules - but Nope!! She had to stay Green... dancing to the beat of her own drum! haha

I love Fall - well - I love winter too.. so I know I am weird - but I just love seeing the way the earth changes!!

And then I did a little knitting experiment. ( I did not do these while driving to our hiking spots cuz I drove!!! that way I could pull over when I wanted to see something.... and!! I got to pick the trail!)

Texas sent me a roll of Variegated Pastel yarn,  and M's mom brought me a roll of Purple - so~!

I still have no idea how to tell how much you will need
so I started with the Bottom hat - All Purple
then the next one is all Variegated
Then I had more - so I used one strand of Purple and one strand of Variegated and made hat 3

Then!! I still have more left - so I made the top hat out of the leftovers !

I'm pretty sure the next two rolls will result in a different amount of hats - but! There are no leftovers of these two to stash.... I have been warned about having a Yarn Stash  haha!!!

My husband says there is NO MORE ROOM to stash things ( Bwahh haah ahaaa)

Monday, October 04, 2021

FALL!!! ( and a Moose)

 I am skipping the travel log of our Labor Day weekend today because. FALL!!

Fall is my Absolute Favorite Time of year - and so!! I begged the man to take a vacation day ( didn't take much begging)

and off we went - to see what we could see - and lawsy Mercy....

I found what I was looking for!!!

The Drama of the colors - the contrast between land and sky.... 

The ability to watch a storm move in.... the smell

and lookie there!!!

a Big ol Daddy moose was watching us - and you can bet... we did NOT get closer, or even try to be friends - he was amazing!! and protecting a momma and baby moose.... I value my life...

These were my favorite shots of the day - but you know ... there were more!!

I even found another barn for QuiltDivaJulie of the Build  A Barn Book Fame!!!!

Sunday, October 03, 2021

Crockpot Zucchini soup

 I made a soup!!

Or I cooked - either way - you should be jumping for joy!!

I love when the days get cooler, as I love to have my Crockpot going and something yummy waiting for us at the end of the day.... 

So here is 

Zucchini Soup!

2Tbsp Butter

1 Small onion diced

5 cups of Diced Zucchini ( I peeled mine, cuz I don't like the peels)

2 potatoes - Peeled and Diced

4 cups of Chicken broth

1/2 cup of Cream or Half and Half

1 cup of shredded cheddar cheese

1. Melt the butter in a pan and saute the onions until soft. I kinda let mine get carmelized.

2. add the zucchini into the pan and stir fry for about 5 minutes

3. Put this in the crockpot

4. Peel and dice the potatoes

5. Add them to the crockpot

6. cover with chicken broth and cook until soft - Mine took 5 hours ( well maybe less, but I left the house for 5 hours and came back and they were soft)

7. Use an Immersion blender to cream it all up

8. and the cream and cheese - stir until melted

9. serve and tell your family you made a cream soup and they will NEVER know it has zucchini in it!!

Friday, October 01, 2021

A Scrappy Strippy and!! Finished! or Not Friday!!

 Hey!!! Did you know that today is October 1st??? Holee Cow!! Fall!! My Favorite-ist time of year!! The only thing I am not a fan of is the dark... Think I could make a deal with the weather that we still get long light days??

I'm starting to dig back thru my Crockpot recipes ... Love having that thing going! I have a love/hate relationship with cooking... I love it, until I run out of time - then I hate the time it takes to make something!!

If you have a great Crockpot recipe - Pass it on ( it has to be gluten free and nut free - because - of course I am allergic to all things good)

Now onto all thing Quilty!!! 
This is my Finish for this week!! 

It is a scrappy Strippy quilt made up of all good things!! and its Blue and cream - so even better!

I quilted geometrical squares on it - and I laughed... I am already a dizzy person - but I found I could make myself dizzier....

Doesn't this make you dizzy?

And now it is your turn to link up your finishes!!!

  • *Provide a direct Link to the post
  • * Visit a lot of the others
  • *Ohh and ahh and be prepared to have a whole new bucket list!
  • *Share a link back here - lets see how many finishes we can get linked up
  • *If your a Pinterest person - I created a FONF Pinterest page.... 

*****************************LINK UP *******************

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