So September is getting away from me.... I only have one orange placemat made - and not even quilted....
So September is getting away from me.... I only have one orange placemat made - and not even quilted....
After we Attended the Military Reunion - we headed out on our adventure! The first thing we did ( after the Wine Tasting of course) was take a Colorado Jeep Tour! This company was awesome!
I had never been to this region, and so we thought - why not take a Jeep Tour - learn what is out there and then - we can go adventure on our own... BEST decision!!
Our Jeep Driver was Scott - and I wish I had taken a photo of him - he was awesome. He is a school teacher in the regular year and a guide in the summer!
I should warn you - I might have a lot of photos in this post... go get your coffee??
This was such a cool trip - there are way more photos of just this half of the day - but I know you are out of coffee! If you go to the Royal Gorge - I totally recommend Colorado Jeep Tours! Its a great way to see the area. and if you get Scott - you get THE best history lesson....
Come back soon... There is more....
When Sherrill came to visit me - she did not come empty handed!!!
She came with a Flags for Sue top and backing!! and it is GORGEOUS!!
So what is a girl to do - but to get it QUILTED!!
A little Close up for you to see the colors - and of course the Quilting!!
The Quilting is my Finish for this week!!
And now it is your turn - Link up!!!
Share a Back link on your post ( the more the merrier)
Ohh and Ahhh Away!!
My husband and I had an anniversary... and! I was invited to a Military reunion to award a few Quilts - and so!! we did what any good couple would do - turned it into a vacation!! Oh ya!!
And! Since I was driving thru the state - we had some QOV recipients that weren't allowed to head to group presentations - so I decided... I would drop in on them!!
It was really fun, and it was really cool to map something out and have it all work!
First off - we went to an assisted nursing home - we weren't sure they would let us in with the mask requirements - but I told the staff at the desk what I wanted to do - and they said - let me bring him down.... and down this amazing 101 year old WWII veteran came. I fell in love.
He said - well if you have three hours I have a story or two I could tell.
I said - lets start with your favorite story - and an hour later... they kicked us out haha!!
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Quilt made by Connie |
What an amazing gentleman!!
Next we headed off to a Vietnam Vet's location. He was Ah!! Mazing!! His wife even set up a table with all of his Memories and I tell you what - I listened to every story he was willing to tell!
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Quilt made by Cindi |
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QOV on left made by Me QOV on Right made by Vickie |
M says that the kids like the ones without brims too - but that one on the top right? with the brim and the stripy look - I think that is my Favorite of this weeks hats.
PS - I know next week won't be as many - I don't have as much driving ( okay riding) time or hanging out time this week.... *sigh*
Taking a little trip into towns and places unknown to us!! It was a great little getaway and we learned a ton about a part of our State we haven't traveled in. So of course , I took a million photos!! and want to share all of them -
Today I am starting with my Favorite Black and Whites...
This town was one of the first to pop up in our State in 1860 - And the amount of Historic places and things to see was really cool for me!!
This is the St Cloud hotel - it was originally built in 1882 in Silver Cliff. That town was originally under consideration to be the state capitol - along with Denver and Leadville. Silver Cliff was the third largest city in the state.
The St Cloud hotel was a grand hotel at the construction cost of $30,000 - And the Grand opening was a huge success - Flowers in the hallways, decadent food, a band - and as soon as it had opened.... it starting have financial stress....
The land under the hotel was sold, but not the hotel - in 1883 DeWoody bought the hotel, with no land - so in 1886 he decided to move the hotel.
He moved it to Canon City, Brick by Brick - The bricks were disassembled , numbered, loaded into wagons and moved be rebuilt - it was a grander hotel. It went from 3 stories to 4, had an elevator and an electric bell.
I dug thru my Block box and guess what???
There was Orange!! Not a whole lot - but these are the blocks that I found with some ORange in them.
I think they will work!
I feel like there is a few Placemats in there! and they will be bright and cheery!
Linking up with:
Whoop Whoop - I'm celebrating.....
the wind caught us - and gave my quilt holder away!!
So this block is called the Bee Blessed block? I found that pattern years ago here: and I rREALLY liked it!!! I used it for a lot of 30's Stashbusting - and then I saw one in Red White and Blue and decided it was a pretty versatile block!
This will be in my Quiltygirl Etsy Store at some point - I am still learning how to manage my time .😍😁😂
**** Now it is your turn!!! Link up your finishes ( or not) and lets all be inspired!!!************
Mexico Government Confiscation
- Kiro is a male Leopard that was
confiscated by the Mexican
Government agency known as
due to his being trafficked illegally.
When rescued,
Kiro was suffering from abuse
and neglect including having been
declawed on all four feet and being
malnourished and underweight.
Kiro is now at a healthy weight and has regained his agility and mental health.
This handsome Leopard can look forward to living
a wonderful life in a sensory-rich habitat with the Sanctuary’s many other Leopards. - TWAS
"Pleiades" is another example of human meddling, as White Tigers are inbred to such a degree that all of them have genetic issues as well. Although Pleiades is less than one year old, he has severely crossed eyes as a result of the endless inbreeding that took place when person after person bred White Tiger fathers to their White Tiger daughters... TWAS
These two heard the truck coming....
And then Oscar says - hey!!! I can't see - so he stands up to check things out!!
Here is the website for the sanctuary - you can read more about all the animals they have there - and learn their rescue stories. They always need money - but sometimes they need donations of things you have around your house - and you can ship them there. One time they had a towel drive - and That was pretty cool - I cleaned out a closet!!