Monday, November 30, 2020

Book report: Postcards from a Stranger

 This one was kind of interesting... It took  me a minute to get into it, but I think that is because there is some secrecy and it takes a bit to build those characters - but once you get reading... you kind of want to know what the family secret it.

Very interesting read, and very interesting way the family interacts with each other.

Sunday, November 29, 2020

Stars and Stripes? Panel Quilts? Both?

 I got a new panel.  and I had to drive all over the world. and while I drove... I planned.....

( the driving was because a kids car decided not to work... nothing fun, just so you don't get jealous)

and when I got home, I sat down and started playing and what I laid out.... I liked!

I get a lot of emails about the Eagle Quilt of Valor in my header, and they all ask if there is a pattern. and... there is not... but this is how I start.  

I put the panel on the center of my design wall, and I lay blocks out around it, and then I start stitching. Then when I figure out the sizes of the coping strips that are missing, I cut those and keep assembling. 

The sizes of these blocks are 9 1/2 inches.  I can do 9 1/2 inch block math - and will probably come up with a top and bottom border to make this a little more than the 72 inches is is planning on being in this photo. 

This was my first idea - and While I still like it - I really like the dark blue as a frame - it looked chunky to me, So I moved blocks around, and I think the way I moved them sorta elongated the quilt.... even thought the size will remain the same...

Alright - Back to stitching... my goof of days are getting shorter...

Linking to:   Design Wall monday    Monday Making

Friday, November 27, 2020

Phat Santa .... and Finished ( or Not ) Friday

Hope your Thanksgiving was a wonderful time!!  I always have fun with my family - so its all good!!

I was spending a little time ( okay a lot... sigh) reading all my favorite blogs and I stopped in at Sew Fresh Quilts... and she had the CUTEST Santa quilt.... and lo and behold - she wrote the pattern for it - and I wanted it!

So I got it!! 

And then - I sat right down and got to stitching it!!!

I Decided tho... I really wanted Phat Santa Placemats - so that is what I made!! and of course, since Thanksgiving is over... I have permission to decorate... they are on the table now!!

Is he just not the cutest little thing - in his happy plaid?   I love him!!! Head over to Sew Fresh Quilts to get the pattern!!

Now it is your turn to tell us what you have Finished!! ( or not)

*Link up the DIRECT link to the post you are sharing
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* visit pages and leave comments - make this fun!



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Wednesday, November 25, 2020

Happy Half Square Blocks TWENTY THREE

 Alright - if you are like me, you are cooking today, or prepping pies... or something - so that keeps you from all other chores.... while something is cooking ... you can whip up this block ... right? haha!!

We are not doing the large family gathering... just the family I have... but that is 6 people - so you know what... Pumpkin Pie, and Turkey is definitely warranted!  and we do have a lot to be thankful for!! 

on to the block!


I am really having a lot of fun making these blocks Two Colored
There is no reason why I am doing it - I just am
and actually was pretty excited to find 8 pieces of the same fabric in my 5 inch square bin!

Kat mocked these up for us!
and she labeled what the were.. so I hope I get them right!

This is rotating the block a half turn each time you place it

This is just the straight set of the block
( I kinda like this one the best)

This is all on point

and this is on point
and you will choose your setting colors

Hope you all have a wonderful day tomorrow. My family doesn't know this yet - but we are hosting our own *Family Turkey Trot*  ! The dog and I have mapped out a 5K course on the ranch, made sure the gates open the right way for our turns... and we are earning our Pumpkin pie!!

Monday, November 23, 2020

THE BOX... that embarrassing box

 A few years ago my Guild hosted a UFO challenge, and I gleefully said... I can not participate... I do not *have* UFOs.... if only they could see me now.... *sigh*

Remember last week? I said I found a box... well... I did... and in it were 3 blocks and parts of blocks and a BOOK!

Glad the book was there - reminds me of what the project was... 

But then I posted on my guild page - Hey does anyone remember when we took that Square in a Square class... and someone said 2004 and I went - oops!!!  I have a  UFO!!  AND!! Apparently I have had it for a long time... Oh boy.....


 I finished up those parts into blocks, and then figured since I had 5 blocks... It could become something - and so it is!

Of course it need quilting...But I can do that!!! ha ha!!

Fingers crossed that was the ONLY UFO I have... but no promises... raising kids fries your brain....

( PS - the book was Square in a Square from Jodi Barrows)

Linking to:

Monday Making at love laugh quilt

Design Wall Monday at Small QUilts and Doll Quilts

Friday, November 20, 2020

A11 FINISH .... and its Finished ( or not) Friday

 Happy Friday!!! 

If you follow me for more that just Fridays - you will know that we just wrapped up our Mystery A11 .... and because I really really really wanted mine done before I wrote the pattern.... I did it!! and!! I kept it a secret!!   

I am so good at secrets these days... you have NO idea..... haha!!

So here is my Finish.... 

The wind was blowing ( as usual) but my quilt grew feet !   Whoop Whoop!!

Now here is the thing... A11 needs a NAME!!!!  It really really does..... any suggestions? Leave them in the comments, I think I may be brain dead on coming up with names this week.

And now it is your turn!! did you know there were 35 finishes last week? We quilters know how to hunker down right??

Show us what you have Finished ( or Not)

  • * Link a direct link to the Quilty Post you want to share
  • * Visit at least three others - leave a comment - you may make a new friend
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Linking to:
TGIF Friday at
Can I get a Whoop Whoop  at Confessions of a Fabric addict

Thursday, November 19, 2020

Mystery A11 CLUE 6 - and!!! THE FINAL CLUE!!

 Welcome to the END of the Mystery!!!

I will be excited to hear if you solved it ahead of time?  or if you had an idea?  or if you just made the clues and relaxed - knowing it would be solved at some time???

I told you it will be finished before Thanksgiving - its a week before... its all good right? and if you are a Bonnie Hunter fan ( I mean! who is not??) you are all finished and ready to start in on her mystery!!

First off, remember I told you that QOV had some backlogged requests in certain states? If you would like this quilt to go to that - email CalltoAction@ QOVF .org - and they will tell you where it should go.

Second off... THIS is NOT my original design!! 

Years ago when I joined Mystery Quilts 4 Military , Nancy and Judy ( were hosting the the mysteries ( before I took over) and one of the first mysteries I stitched with them - was one designed by Judy. 

The size was a bit smaller - as the size requirements were smaller. So earlier this year I reached out to her - and said - Can I please steal your Quilt and re-size it to today's QOV requirements, and run it as a mystery?  and she didn't even hesitate - she said GO FOR IT!

And so! I did!!! 

So this Mystery is with Thanks to Judy!!

So here it is....the finish... the reveal..... the FINAL CLUE!!


See you tomorrow for Finished or Not Finished Friday!! 

Wednesday, November 18, 2020

Happy Half Square Block TWENTY TWO!!

 Happy Half Square Block 22

I originally thought to make this one just scrappy - maybe 16 different colors - and I may still try that at a later date. but! When I colored it with my pencils - i just didn't care for it all scrappy. So if you do make it that way - shoot me a photo... make me really want to make another one!

Then - because all of these will eventually become a Quilt of Valor ( or 6) I chose a Half and Half color selection - I like this one!

Here is your little drawing - just in case you need it ;-)

And then - Check out the versatility of this block!!!
This one is on point - I know!!! Its hard to tell - but it is ( cuz Kat told me so!!)

I really like this one - Just a straight set of the blocks, and alternating them every other block ( again Kat tells me what the layouts are called... I like her ;-)  )

I got a little package - and looky here - Laura sent these 12 to me! They are the same sizes as mine - so I am going to have some fun laying them all out to see what they become!!

I hope you have been enjoying these - I sure have - I've have liked having just a little project to work on each night, even if I can't get to my *big* proejcts!!

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Tuesday, November 17, 2020

Book Report - The Last Correspondent

 Oh My Stars!!! I have another MUST read book for you!!

It is called

The Last Correspondent 

Written by Soraya M Lane

Surprisingly Amazon Recommended it for me, and they were dead on!! ( Unlike their movie recommendations for me haha)

This book is about a Female Photo Journalist and a Female reporter during WWII. Their claim to fame in the book , is that they beat the male reporters to the story on Omaha Beach - and it is cool!

This is Historical Fiction - but!! the main characters are based on Three real life women. ONE of them really did beat the men to shore and watched the drama unfold ( Normandy) before the male correspondents even made it to the event.....


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Monday, November 16, 2020

Design Wall Monday - the Summer Mystery continued....

 My summer Mystery has grown... I tried quite a few ideas to make it bigger, but.... I didn't like all of them... I thought about adding other blocks, making a piano key border.... maybe using half squares....

And this.... is what I finally came up with!

I added a 2 1/2 inch Red border, and then found this USA fabric - and made borders with it. Its a little plainer than I imagined - but I hope that is leaves the focus on the cool blocks in the center.

now I am off on another tangent... I found a box, and I opened the box.... and oh boy.... there was stuff in it!!!..................

Linking to:

Design Wall Monday at Small quilts and Doll Quilts

Monday Making at Love Laugh Quilt

Inspiration Tuesday at Clever Chameleon

Friday, November 13, 2020

Disappearing Shoo Fly.... and FINISHED( or not) Friday!!!

 Happy Friday!!

This week went screaming for me!! I started a Gratitude Photo Project on the First of November - and it has just kept me hopping and on the lookout for all the good things in the world - and! I love it!

And!! I got in a LOT of quilting time!! it is that time of year where everyone is scrambling to finish their Christmas gifts - and I love Being a part of it....

So... I snuck this one in on my list this week... just because - sometimes you need a little play time!

Its the Disappearing Shoo fly!!! I have also received enough blocks to make a few more - so you will probably see another one or two in the coming year!  I think  a Veteran will love this one!!!

And now it is your turn!!

Show us what you have Finished ( or Not)

  • * Link a direct link to the Quilty Post you want to share
  • * Visit at least three others - leave a comment - you may make a new friend
  • *Add a link back in your post - let others see all the Quilty goodness!

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Linking to:
Can I get a whoop Whoop at confessions of a Fabric Addict

TGIF Friday at Every QUilt tells a Story

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Thursday, November 12, 2020

Mystery A11 CLUE FIVE

 Just so you know.... you are so so so so close at this moment... Hope you are enjoying the process!


and have LOTS of fun!!

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Wednesday, November 11, 2020

Happy Half Square block - Block TWENTY ONE

 Welcome to Week TWENTY ONE!! 

of the Happy Half Square Project!

When i was playing around with Week 18's block I kept thinking there was a way to look similar - but not exactly the same - and ... I think this is what I was seeing in my head!!

I kinda like this one too!

A few of you have asked how many more there will be..
Well - I do not know for sure - but!!
I do know there will be a block each each through the end of this year!!

Hope that helps a bit?

Alright!! now lets see what Kat has created!

isn't it interesting that another block creates this same look ( above)

Now - 
I like this one the best

Mixing it with another block

and an on point setting

Linked to 

Midweek Makers

Monday, November 09, 2020

Design Wall Monday - a Summer Mystery

 This summer ( as in just a few months ago) my guild was looking at ways that we could all sew together remotely - and one of the ladies ( Sheree) decided to host a Mystery... of course I had to join in!!

Plus - she swore it used 5 inch squares ( remember my size 14 shoe box full of 5 inch squares?)  I just had to jump in.... and so I made all the blocks, trimmed them and put them on a stack... oh boy... that stack.... it hides things ALL THE TIME!!

But I found them - and now - they are up on my design wall!

You can also do this with them....
But I didn't have enough blocks to make it
*even* in its placing

I think the blocks are only 9 1/2 inches - so I will definitely have to add borders to get it up to a Quilt of Valor size. I am thinking of maybe adding some red in there somehow - you know - Patriotic it up a bit?

On the funny side - the time has changed - and you may remember , my husband has been working from home since March. With the time change, and him never leaving... my dog and I are getting all messed up on our timing - we are finding ourselves wondering why it is dark at 5pm and no one has opened the door yet ( you know - we used to wait on Dad to get home haha)  And then in the morning at 4:30 we are ready to go do chores.... its funny how much we structured our days based on everyone else coming and going..... 

Linking to:

Design Wall Monday

Monday Making

Friday, November 06, 2020

Greek Key Finish!!!! and Finished (or not) Friday!!

 I hope your week has been so productive!!!  I have had a good one, and I hope the momentum keeps right on going!!!  

My finish for this week is my Greek Key top - it is all plaid... with Eagles for the borders - and you know what?


The weather was super nice and super calm all day - and I couldn't wait to get out and take photos. Now the kids are gone, but the Husband is working from home... so I bribed him into.... taking photos!  But as soon as we opened the door to go out - the wind started blowing - can you believe it!!

We had to go hide in front of the barn - and it was all okay - but I wanted to take this photo in front of a tree.... 

 A Close up of the quilting....

And a gratuitous Mountain show - just because - we all need a little Peace in our Lives...
PS - I don't know who that guy is in the photo - but I forgot to crop him out - so now he will be forever famous!!

And now it is your turn!!

Show us what you have Finished ( or Not)

  • * Link a direct link to the Quilty Post you want to share
  • * Visit at least three others - leave a comment - you may make a new friend
  • *Add a link back in your post - let others see all the Quilty goodness!


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Also Linking to:

Thursday, November 05, 2020


 Ohhh Quilters - we are getting closer!!  

A lot of you have asked how many clues - I promised you we would be done before Thanksgiving.... and I am still promising that!!  That way - you definitely have time for Pumpkin Pie !!

All right!! ARE you ready.... CLUE FOUR is here!!


here are some helpful hints that others have found

*the Clue is in the Google Drive - so if you can't get it the first time, close your browser and try again.

*if something doesn't make sense the first time - read through it again, and look at the pictures. I forget I am a very visual person - so I tend to look at photos first... so hopefully that will help you too.

* Have a ton of fun - quilts are meant to be fun and enjoyable!!

* Many of you have said that you are interested in making this quilt for the Backlog of Quilts of Valor in other states.... if you are - that is SO awesome - email Nancy at CALLTOACTION @

* and lastly - HAVE fun!!!!

Wednesday, November 04, 2020

Happy Half Square Block TWENTY

Welcome to Week TWENTY of the Happy Half Square Project!!!! 

Whoop Whoop!!!  This one is like a Bullseye Block!!  Or at least that's what I see - I think it would look great scrappy too, but I really like that I stuck with the same colors for this one!

Here is your Diagram!'

Check out these awesome Mock Ups that Kat made with this block

On Point gives it a whole different look!!

Now check this out!
Donna T made this super sized Block 18 and added the coolest borders
Her nephew goes to Xavier and she made this for a dorm quilt!
I LOVE it!!!!

and then check this one out 
It is made with Block EIGHT!!

And a lot of scraps -

All I can say is
How fun is this?  I love seeing all the creations every one is making.

Too Much FUN

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