Friday, January 31, 2020

Rainbow Scrap Challenge Block

How many of you participate in the Rainbow Scrap Challenge - Hosted By So Scrappy ?

I did it for many years, and then last year life got in the way - so this year? I AM BACK!!

 I Might have gone over to

and got myself a little Rainbow Hand Dyed Fabric Stash Pack - and then got myself a little White fabric....

And I might have started playing!!

The Greens are the January Blocks - There were 2 Greens in the pack so you know... I just used them both!!

And The Orange is the February Color
( can you believe I have finished February before it really even started? Me Either!)

And Now!! It is time for you to brag about your Finishes ( or not) Finishes!!

Here we go!!
1. Link up your own Finish ( or almost finished) 

2. Please don't link things that aren't even a project that you are working on.

3. Use the direct link to your blog post or IG photo - generics will start to be removed... sorry about that - but it is hard to search for the correct post later in the week.

4. Play along and visit other pages - I try to visit all of them! its fun to see so much quilty inspiration!


Linking to:
Rainbow Scrap Challenge

Wednesday, January 29, 2020

Football Quilts and Kitties

Remember this Quilt?

My Husband is now all set for Super Bowl Sunday - Its all quilted and its on the couch, and the snacks are ready !  I even quilted Footballs on the Quilt ( and his Beloved Broncos are next to the Chiefs on the quilt - who knew?)

I am ready for the 49'ers to win!

and my Kitties
This is Fluffy Kittie
She follows you and at chore time will sit on your boot while you are trying to walk.

and she gets REALLY really close
Even after you have fed her, she wants you to know
She would like more!

This cat.... (below)
wants to learn to quilt... Ha ha

Happy Wednesday to you all! I am looking forward to this weekend - my Mystery Quilts 4 Military IO group is doing a mystery - the fabric requirements have been posted and our First clue is Friday - just in time for National QOV sew day!!

Interested? Join in Here:

PS It the mystery WILL NOT be posted on this blog - only in the

Monday, January 27, 2020

My Leader and Ender is growing... and yes! its a churn dash

Because I mean really? Who doesn't love Churndashes??

Here is what is finished as of today:

Twelve regular blocks - one mini and one Extra Large....

Do I keep making more?

Sash these and add borders?

Figure out some way to make the XL one a part of the quilt?

Oh the questions are endless.....

Linked up to:
Design Wall Monday at Small Quilts and Doll Quilts
Monday Making at Love Laugh Quilt
Midweek Makers  at Quilt Fabrications

Friday, January 24, 2020

A Fire House Quilt Finish

Happy Friday!!
I just have to tell you, I am not a fan of college starting... I lost all my helpers ( okay really workers) and I have to do it, and I might be a little grumbly this time of year.

Even my dog teases me, I put on my coveralls, and heavy jacket and ear muffs - and step out into the 50 mph wind, and then he doesn't tease me anymore... but heck fire we have had a few cold chore times lately!  and the wind! I was downwind of the horses - so when I call for them to come in... only the cows on the backside could hear... so I had to walk all the way out to where they could see me.... ( see how grumbly I am ! ha ha)

On the flip side... I finished this quilt:

It was all out of Pre cut strips that were in my bins!
That made me happy

Here is the back
I quilted it With Fire hats, axes and the fire emblem

Last year our Guild President issued a challenge to make a Quilt for one of our many firehouses, and we would give them to them this year - so I made this one - I think it will got go my local firehouse.

Alright - On to yours!

1. Link up your own Finish ( or almost finished) 

2. Please don't link things that aren't even a project that you are working on.

3. Use the direct link to your blog post or IG photo - generics will start to be removed... sorry about that - but it is hard to search for the correct post later in the week.

4. Play along and visit other pages - I try to visit all of them! its fun to see so much quilty inspiration!


Linking to:
TGIF Friday at Musings of a MMM quilts
Can I get a Whoop Whoop

Thursday, January 16, 2020

Urban Log Cabin FINISH

it is another Finished ( or Not) Finished Friday - and!!

My Urban Log Cabin... now fits in the FINISH category!!

 Ta Da!!

I even made my Quilt Holders help me take its photo in the wild.... okay... really on the ranch - but you know....

It's wild right??

This pattern is called Urban Log Cabin

By Atkinson Designs

I used a Kaffe Fasset Jelly roll and black as the background.

I just love those bright colors!
They make me happy!
and they make me think of spring
( don't laugh - we still have snow and Ice from our Thanksgiving Blizzards around here

I had 6 extra blocks
I don't know if that was my math or just extras - 
so I put them into the back!

and a close up of the quilting
you know you wanted to see it!

Many of you know I run a Mystery Quilt of Valor group
Our group had problems on the Yahoo platform so we moved
you can now find it here:
You may want to come join us - a new mystery
( only found on the Groups page)
Starts next week

And now!
It is time for you to link up!!

1. Link up your own Finish ( or almost finished) 

2. Please don't link things that aren't even a project that you are working on.

3. Use the direct link to your blog post or IG photo - generics will start to be removed... sorry about that - but it is hard to search for the correct post later in the week.

4. Play along and visit other pages - I try to visit all of them! its fun to see so much quilty inspiration!



Linked to:
Midweek Makers at Quilt Fabrication

Wednesday, January 15, 2020

Hugging our Veterans ( with a Quilt of Valor)

Colorado has started 2020 with a Bang!!
We have been hugging and wrapping Veterans Touched by War with their Quilts of Valor right off the bat!! I LOVE it!! and I LOVE the opportunity to thank our Veterans!

this group of Veterans ranged from Korea to our Current Conflicts - and we love hearing their stories.
One gentleman met his wife through his combat buddy while in Vietnam - and they were so sweet. The Veteran on the far right has 4 sons currently serving!

This group ( above) are all Vietnam Veterans. And they were AWESOME!!!  It was fun for me as a lot of the quilts awarded were former Mysteries that I have written - Big Star County on the far right, The Patriot ( two times, right and left side) as well as Mosaic on the sitting Veterans Lap.....  It made my heart double happy.

This man stole my heart
I decided he should be mine! This gentleman was so kind and sweet and he told us the story of his service during WWII. I tell you what! That was a treat. 

Jan ( a group leader in Aurora) and Sandy ( a group leader in Parker)
Put on an award ceremony too - and I was lucky to invite a Veteran and get to attend.
Oh My Stars

It was awesome.
There was a family of 4 Combat Veterans ( Mom and Dad - Airforce - the 2 sons - Marines)

This image was send to me
and It touched my heart.

If you are looking to make a Quilt for a Cause this year
I suggest Quilts of Valor

I have been involved now for 16 years almost 17 ( since late 2003)
And it floors me - I don't think I have stuck with one other quilt thing that long - 
But I have made a ton of Veteran Friends
and knowing how much these quilts have helped them heal, helped them deal, and given them a hug

Makes me want to award as many Quilts of Valor to as many Veterans touched by war as we can.

Linking to:
Mid Week Makers

Friday, January 10, 2020

SSSSQ Scrappy Finish - a TRUE COMPLETE Finish this time!!

It's a real finish, a complete finish, a ... I put it on my bed last night finish!!! Yay!!!

This is the Super Summer Sensational Scrappy Quilt designed by Kevin the Quilter... 

I bound it, and I photographed it in the Wild, and I washed it -
Just so you know - this tree was not very helpful in holding the quilt up - But I wanted an outdoor photo before the temps started dropping.

And now - I have one more complete finish on my list!
Let's see yours!!



Also Linking to:
Can I get a Whoop Whoop
TGIF Friday at Slice of Pi

Wednesday, January 08, 2020

30's repro Scraps for you?

You will not believe this... but !

I started organizing under my ironing board
( Because I couldn't stuff another thing under there and I really wanted too!)

And I found these:

My friend Deb made a Quilt - I made a quilt - and now ... I think YOU should make a quilt with them..

Anyone interested?

If so leave me a comment - if you are the only one they are yours!
More than 1 person - I will draw Thursday at 3pm
and they will be winging there (their??) to you.....

PS Comment must be made here ... on this blog... not a private message, or a fb message or an IG message... I am too NOT organized for that ;-)

and thank you for helping me create a hole to be able to put my RSC 2020 projects in .... and my husband thanks you so that I don't make him build more storage ....

Entries are closed!! Cathy at  they are all yours!!
Thanks guys!!

Monday, January 06, 2020

Barton Family Wineries

One of the trips we went on sent us in to the wine county of California- Paso Robles CA!

And here was the cool thing.... a friend that I grew up with.... Tammy... met up with us, and she was telling us all about her family winery! we went to elementary school together ( altho I am certain that she and I just graduated from 8th grade!!!)

Tammy and I had a great catch up and since we were heading over to the coast - we stopped at her Family Winery - called Barton Family Wineries. Oh My Gosh!! This was so fun!!!

I am not a professional Wine Connoisseur at all - but we had the best time at their place!

Doesn't that just look Inviting?
It felt homey and relaxing to me!

We settled in to the tasting room and tasted 5 different wines - all made there on their campus.
They explained how they made each one, and what grapes were in which, and why.

All of them either grown on their farm or sourced from farms right near them
Too Cool!

We got to sit out on a deck and see the grapes grow.

Just so you know we live in farm country and farmers tell us they can hear the corn grow...
I believe them - so Why not grapes??

We are still learning to take selfies without  Little bit, who has selfie sticks for arms

isn't that just relaxing?

Oh my gosh - and the funniest thing?
We are doing our little wine tasting
Another couple comes in and they start talking about where they are from.
the man is a teacher and he is talking about where he teaches
So very cautiously I say 
Do you know  DP?
And he says Oh my Gosh!! I love him - I have learned so much from him!!

So I text my Cousin DP and tell him who I met....
Small world right?

( and also good to know that people like DP ... ha ha)

We bought a few bottles of wine
and brought them back with us to Colorado to share with my Parents

My Dad and Mr Barton were long time friends
and that was fun to have a little bit of the Old Home
brought to the New Home

Friday, January 03, 2020

Quilts in the Wild

Happy New Year!!
and Welcome to the first Finished ( or NOT) Finished Friday for 2020!!

How many of you have already written 2019?
It takes a while 

This is my Finish for this Friday

and I am Subtitling it 
"Quilts in the Wild"

And of course!
there is a story.

For Christmas I asked for a Backpack. The one I use for our trips is 100 years old ( sorry Dad... didn't mean to throw you under the bus haha) and an external frame, and I think it might be old.

So I asked for a fancier internal frame, and that is what I got.
( exactly what I asked for too , I should add)
BUT! you have to start testing your equipment early, and practice adding weight to it.

So I did.... with this quilt!
and when we got to a spot that had not been touched - 
I made the guys go one way, and I went another
and  then I took its picture!

And they all laughed at me and said 
Did you really pack that along just to get a photo?

how little they understand us quilters right?

See them trying to not drop it?
Well! That is because it is for Wrangler Man.

When all of the kids were home, we pulled out their Christmas quilts and they all snuggled in them, and my poor dear Husband said.... Whaaaa - I need my own quilt. 

Years ago ( I am not telling how many years ago - but.... well the 32nd NFL team was added)
I participated in an NFL teams swap
I , obviously, was the Bronco person.

and I remembered all of these 10 inch squares
so!  I pulled them out and said - will this do for a quilt? 
and he laid all the block out according to something to do with the AFC and the NFC 
and now!!
He has his own quilt!
( which by my count is actually his 4th quilt... but he says who is counting!)

Now!! it is your turn - share your finishes with us all  - and let us Ohh and ahh
Please remember to provide a direct link to the specific blog post please ;-)   ( and ... it would be great if you would link back to this page for others to see too )



Linked to TGIF Friday at Devoted quilter
Can I get a Whoop Whoop  at Confessions of a Fabric Addict