Friday, January 03, 2020

Quilts in the Wild

Happy New Year!!
and Welcome to the first Finished ( or NOT) Finished Friday for 2020!!

How many of you have already written 2019?
It takes a while 

This is my Finish for this Friday

and I am Subtitling it 
"Quilts in the Wild"

And of course!
there is a story.

For Christmas I asked for a Backpack. The one I use for our trips is 100 years old ( sorry Dad... didn't mean to throw you under the bus haha) and an external frame, and I think it might be old.

So I asked for a fancier internal frame, and that is what I got.
( exactly what I asked for too , I should add)
BUT! you have to start testing your equipment early, and practice adding weight to it.

So I did.... with this quilt!
and when we got to a spot that had not been touched - 
I made the guys go one way, and I went another
and  then I took its picture!

And they all laughed at me and said 
Did you really pack that along just to get a photo?

how little they understand us quilters right?

See them trying to not drop it?
Well! That is because it is for Wrangler Man.

When all of the kids were home, we pulled out their Christmas quilts and they all snuggled in them, and my poor dear Husband said.... Whaaaa - I need my own quilt. 

Years ago ( I am not telling how many years ago - but.... well the 32nd NFL team was added)
I participated in an NFL teams swap
I , obviously, was the Bronco person.

and I remembered all of these 10 inch squares
so!  I pulled them out and said - will this do for a quilt? 
and he laid all the block out according to something to do with the AFC and the NFC 
and now!!
He has his own quilt!
( which by my count is actually his 4th quilt... but he says who is counting!)

Now!! it is your turn - share your finishes with us all  - and let us Ohh and ahh
Please remember to provide a direct link to the specific blog post please ;-)   ( and ... it would be great if you would link back to this page for others to see too )



Linked to TGIF Friday at Devoted quilter
Can I get a Whoop Whoop  at Confessions of a Fabric Addict


Preeti said...

Who knew that husbands could whine for a quilt or a zippered pouch? I have one of those too.
Getting a decent photoshoot with non-quilty models can be challenging but I am sure you can train them :-) I hope the Wrangler man is happy with his big, bold and bright quilt. The snowy background dis just perfect for taking pictures.

Nancy @ Grace and Peace Quilting said...

Haha! Love the story!!! The quilt is so colorful against the white snow. I would've done the same thing! Us quilters think alike!

Home Sewn By Us said...

Hi Alycia! What a fun post - I adore every detail about this quilt. Of course, you packed a quilt along to test out your new pack - what else would you use?? Of course, you need some good pictures of the quilt and you had two people along to hold/setup for you - the perfect storm for a quilt photoshoot. I especially love hearing how the blocks had to be laid out just so - AFC vs. NFC, this rival near this team, etc. is what I'm picturing in my mind with the boys chiming in. Happy Happy New Year, Alycia. Here's to a great 2020. ~smile~ Roseanne

Leanne Parsons said...

Those who aren't quilters will never understand the need for quilty photoshoots, lol. Your husband should be very happy with his new quilt :) Thanks for linking to TGIFF this week!

Linda Swanekamp said...

Wonderful story and great photos. I always love looking at your landscape photos.

Farm Quilter said...

I finished a quilt to today!! It is a wall hanging that was the result of a 7-day Mystery QAL. Had a blast and love the final result!

Dirt Road Quilter said...

What an awesome quilt! Wrangler Man must have been very good! And I like the way you think - a backpack for quilty transportation to awesome photo sites is so smart!

Lisa J. said...

It's an awesome finish Alycia and a great photo shoot.

Karen's Korner said...

I am enjoying looking at all that beautiful snow as my country is just the opposite - we are burning up with out of control bushfires. You must have a happy hubby now that he has his own quilt.

Anja @ Anja Quilts said...

Great story. I need "people" to go on photo shoots with. Have fun with the new backpack and snowshoes.

scraphappy said...

Great finish and great photo. Glad your holders came along for the hike.

Vicki in MN said...

I am glad you got the back pack you wanted, you deserve it. And your hubby got a quilt he wanted, made by you of course!

Kate said...

Love the quilt and it's backstory. Enjoy your new backpack, you've already put it to good use!