Thursday, January 16, 2020

Urban Log Cabin FINISH

it is another Finished ( or Not) Finished Friday - and!!

My Urban Log Cabin... now fits in the FINISH category!!

 Ta Da!!

I even made my Quilt Holders help me take its photo in the wild.... okay... really on the ranch - but you know....

It's wild right??

This pattern is called Urban Log Cabin

By Atkinson Designs

I used a Kaffe Fasset Jelly roll and black as the background.

I just love those bright colors!
They make me happy!
and they make me think of spring
( don't laugh - we still have snow and Ice from our Thanksgiving Blizzards around here

I had 6 extra blocks
I don't know if that was my math or just extras - 
so I put them into the back!

and a close up of the quilting
you know you wanted to see it!

Many of you know I run a Mystery Quilt of Valor group
Our group had problems on the Yahoo platform so we moved
you can now find it here:
You may want to come join us - a new mystery
( only found on the Groups page)
Starts next week

And now!
It is time for you to link up!!

1. Link up your own Finish ( or almost finished) 

2. Please don't link things that aren't even a project that you are working on.

3. Use the direct link to your blog post or IG photo - generics will start to be removed... sorry about that - but it is hard to search for the correct post later in the week.

4. Play along and visit other pages - I try to visit all of them! its fun to see so much quilty inspiration!



Linked to:
Midweek Makers at Quilt Fabrication


Karen's Korner said...

A lovely bright and cheery finish. Well done.

Libby in TN said...

It absolutely glows, Alycia. Beautiful!

Vivian said...

Ooh, I love this one including the splash of color on the back! Snow that won't melt, ugh, definitely NOT on the "like" list!

Preeti said...

I have seen this pattern before but your fabric choices bring it to life in a spectacular way. Fabulous Finish, Alycia. The back is totally drool worthy too. Love everything about this one!!!

Sherrill said...

Ooo, I LOVE the urban colors! It's beautiful! I have found even MORE UFO's that I will need to work on or pass along to someone else. yikes

Karen - Quilts...etc. said...

love your quilt - unique blocks! I never seem to have a finished or almost finished!!

Home Sewn By Us said...

Hi Alycia! Yes, that is definitely the wilds . . . at least to this born and raised city girl. I did ride a horse once without falling off, and jumped from the second floor onto hay in my grandpa's barn. We're dairy cow folk - Wisconsin, don't ya know?! LOVE this quilt. The Kaffe Fasset prints are offset so nicely with the black and the blue border softens the whole piece. It is a happy quilt, and yay to Spring. You expect snow to melt in January?? In the wilds?? Silly girl. And thanks for the nice closeup of the quilting - beautiful. I'll check out the next QOV mystery . . . if I can remember that by next week. Remind us again, please?? ~smile~ Roseanne

Dirt Road Quilter said...

Oh, wow! That black just makes those blocks pop! What a great finish!

Cathy said...

I've seen several versions of that Urban Log Cabin but I think yours is the best I've seen so far. Congrats on the finish!

Marcia in TX said...

Beautiful quilt

The Joyful Quilter said...

GORGEOUS, Alycia!!!

Susan said...

You're Urban Log Cabin looks terrific! Well done!

Anja @ Anja Quilts said...

It's amazing. The colours just pop. I'd consider the ranch "in the wild" -- my backyard is about as wild as I get. LOL

Farm Quilter said...

So pretty out there in the wild!!! Love the colors and using black as the neutral really makes them pop!!

Elizabeth V Kelbaugh said...

It is amazing how that spot of blue sky matches the border. Gorgeous!

Kate said...

Gorgeous finish! Those colors just pop!

Nann said...

Alycia, the black background makes those cabins GLOW. It's wonderful!

Angela said...

Gorgeous quilt!