- Finish 24 String block and trim them up
- Put string blocks into a top
- Help sons continue to sew on there ( hope to be this year) Fair quilts.
Wednesday, June 30, 2010
Quilters Accountability 6/30
Tuesday, June 29, 2010
Warrior Games QOV Quilt show
These Next three quilts ( That blogger has seen fit to turn funky) Come from Sara K in Eagle NE. She must have gotten very busy!!
Monday, June 28, 2010
Warrior Games Recap

These two pictures were forwarded to us - so I hope you enjoy them. Somehow, I have recieved a few comments and thank yous ( which have been posted in previous entries) - which shocked me, as I didn't have any of my information in the quilts - except the few I made.
(May 11, 2010) To fight off the chill in the air during track and field practice at the U.S. Air Force Academy, Colorado Springs, Colo., Navy LT Melanie Monts de Oca wraps herself in the warmth of a Quilt of Valor she received as a wounded warrior athlete participating in the inaugural Warrior Games. The athletes are wounded, ill and injured personnel from all service branches and will compete against one another in archery, cycling, track & field, swimming, shooting, sitting volleyball and wheelchair basketball. (Photo courtesy of Joe Martinez Photography).

Sunday, June 27, 2010
Sandra Dallas Book Winner
Anyways to the important part - the Winner.......
NFCMS is the winner. And they left an email for me to contact them - so be looking for your email!!!
Thanks for playing....
Tuesday, June 22, 2010
Sandra Dallas Book Giveaway
And now she has written a NEW one. If you have never read a Sandra Dallas book before - head on over to Amazon or your favorite Book store and get a book written by her. My favorite book is "Prayers For Sale". Oh, or maybe it is "The Persian Pickle Club", Oh, and I like "Tallgrass" as well. Kind of reminds me of the area in which I now live.
Another way for you to be able to read her new book "Whiter than Snow" is a giveaway!! I have been given the opportunity to give away one copy of her new book to one very lucky blog reader. So if you are so inclined to be included in this giveaway. Leave a comment on this post before Sunday June 27th at 6pm, and tell me what your favorite quilt pattern or block is. Be sure to leave a way for me to contact you for your address to send the book to if you are a lucky winner!!
Here is an excerpt from Sandra:
Sandra Dallas, Whiter Than Snow
Nothing defines my characters more than their sewing.
In my first novels, my female characters smoked. My books are set in earlier times, long before we knew about the evils of tobacco, when a woman who smoked was independent, a little daring, sophisticated. As a writer, I could do so much with smoking: A character could watch the smoke curl up or blow smoke into someone’s face. She could pick a speck of tobacco off her lip or snuff out a cigarette in anger. And there was all that wonderful smoking paraphernalia, such as Bakelite cigarette holders, monogrammed cigarette boxes, and remember those huge standing ashtrays with sand in them? But today, smoking says something negative about a character, no matter what the time period. So my characters have quit smoking. Instead, they quilt.
The way a woman stitches says something about her. A woman who takes small, even stitches is different from one who sews with big, sloppy stitches. A quilter who selects black and white fabrics for her quilt is more somber than one who picks primary colors. And the patterns the women choose, whether an intricate design with thousands of pieces or a big, bold pattern of large blocks, say something about them.
The titles of the quilts, too, affect the stitchers. Log cabin quilts were a favorite of women who helped escaped slaves on the Underground Railroad. More than one pioneer woman pieced a Road to California before setting out for the West. And it’s hard to imagine that a woman who likes her toddies would make a Drunkard’s Path.
My characters don’t just sew. They are part of a community of stitchers—the quilting circle. I first wrote about a quilting circle in The Persian Pickle Club, thinking there were a few quilters out there who might relate to the subject. What I didn’t know was there are 27 million of them and that they understand the significance of the quilting circle far better than I. So I’ve included sewing in virtually all of my books, to a greater (Prayers for Sale) or lesser (Whiter Than Snow) degree.
What these readers know is that quilting isn’t just about making bed covers. In a quilting circle, women support each other. They share each other’s joys and sorrows, help in times of need, pull together when a member is threatened or in trouble. Quilting is a way of sharing, and the work of the women’s hands represents warmth and comfort not only because they are making a quilt but because that quilt is made with love.
I’ve often been asked if I’m a quilter. Some years ago, I wrote The Quilt That Walked to Golden, a history of quilting in the Rocky Mountain States, for the Rocky Mountain Quilt Museum in Golden, Colo. In the book, I write that quilting all but died out during World War II, and the women who picked up their needles a generation later were often self-taught. They did things no self-respecting quilter would do today, such as use polyester fabric or quilt in the ditch (on the seam line.) I tell of one woman who made a quilt for her sister as a wedding present, a stuffed quilt made of huge puffs filled with cotton. She didn’t know when to stop stuffing, and as a result, the quilt weighed 25 pounds. Their brother had to take it to the wedding in the back of his pickup.
But my sister cherished the quilt anyway.
© Copyright 2010 by Sandra Dallas. Reprinted with permission from the author
Monday, June 21, 2010
A QOV mini Quilt Show
This first Quilt of Valor comes from Kim B in Colorado. She and PJ are a team that can't be beat!
The nine patch quilt comes from Amy S in WI. She recently got a quilting machine and now is double trouble - she can piece and quilt!!! One of my boys wants to copy this one.
Amy can be found here!
This quilt comes from Vicki M of Morrison CO. I met her thru email, and just thought she was wonderful. Then I attended a Colorado Quilt Council ( our state guild) meeting and I heard the name Vicki M mentioned, so after the meeting I wandered around and found her! She was much sweeter in person!! What a small world.....
These next two quilts took the long boat to get here. Way back in January Jan M from... AUSTRALIA emailed me and said I am sending you two Quilts of Valor, but they may take a while. She knew what she was talking about. But how cool is that? To have two QOV's from such a distance away?
Plus they are string quilts, and those Quilt as you Go ones - I LOVE them!!
Thanks Jan for going to all that effort.
This QOV comes from Barbara W in NJ. She followed along with our Chunky Churndash Mystery a bit ago, and sent this one in. I have to say - I am just enarmored with this quilt pattern. Thanks Barbara!!
A bit ago I was invited out to a guild called Calico Quilters in Brush CO. They were the nicest group of ladies. And after the meeting they had a quick lunch and got down to business. Each member had brought in 5 inch squares of Patriotic Fabrics and they made 5 Dissappearing 9 Patch quilt tops that day. IMPRESSIVE. Shar and her friend Quilted them - and voila.....
Thanks Ladies!
Remember when I told you a gal and her friend stopped by? I showed you what Susan had brought - we her friend Carolyn did not show up empty handed either!
She made these two Lovely quilts for Quilts of Valor as well.
And that concludes our Mini Quilt show for this week. I meant to do it yesterday - but it was Fathers Day. Hope you all had a great one.
Thursday, June 17, 2010
A Happy Day
It was COOL... I may have already said that - but I mean it, I cried - it was awesome. It. Was. Cool.
There were three graduates this time, and they all talked about
They were honored by their case coordinators, their families and by Quilts of Valor. That was the coolest part for me ( grin) As each man recieved his diploma, they were then presented with a Quilt of Valor.
And then I got hugged! They were just SO tickled to recieve a quilt, and so excited. I met some others who had recieved quilts earlier and they asked me to tell "all you wonderful quilters" how much these quilts mean to them. One gentlemen wanted me to know that every time he snuggles in his quilt it reminds him that someone really does care, and it makes his heart happy. ( he totally got the mission huh?)
So - again Thank you - all of you - who participate in Quilts of Valor in any way. You are angels!
Wednesday, June 16, 2010
Quilters Accountibility 23
My goals for last week:
Oh - and to brag - I even made the backing and took a picture for Ms Sandy. She likes backs. I used the rest of my scraps up. But I also had 4 yards of the Royal Blue - thanks to Ms Vicki A of Machine Quilting Unlimited ( I raided her stash when she wasn't looking)
#2: Help my kids get their quilts cut out.
Ugh - almost! We are working on them. And we got quite a bit cut, but not all of it. I think I will wrestle them down to the sewing room on Sunday and tie them to the cutting table until we are finished? Or until Dad calls us for lunch!
This is a sneak of one childs quilt pattern ( he designed it in EQ6) and his fabrics.
And here is a sneak peak of another childs quilt (some fabrics are missing - we had them over on the cutting table already)
And this is the last childs - he doesn't want you to see his whole design until it is done.
#3: Put the Carolina Christmas blocks into the top ( I only have rows sewn... bummer) Nope nada zilch - didn't even touch it. Thats okay though right - cuz now I have a goal for the next week - a reason to keep quilting, to still work with the fabric - to keep my space in the house ......
So - I guess you know the goal for next week - FINISH THE CAROLINA CHRISTMAS QUILT before Christmas comes again!!!!
If you want to see what everyone else is up to head over to Bari's
Tuesday, June 15, 2010
Answering Questions

"What do your backs look like? Can you post some?"
http://www.maryquilts.com/off-center-4-patch-backing/ I think this makes nice backings.
Saturday, June 12, 2010
Another Mini Quilt Show
Here is another mini quilt show for you to enjoy - of Quilts of Valor.
The first four were made by the Gloria Christie quilters in Greeley CO. They made quite a variety of quilts, and they are wonderful!
These quilters are super busy all year round and make quilts for various causes. Thanks ladies!!
It was VERY nice to meet them!!
Friday, June 11, 2010
We are not out of it yet
And then there was more lightening, and then there was a downpour, and they cancelled the meet. (Or postponed it).
And we are still under ugly grey green skies - that could move away any time they wanted to!
Unfortuneatly this event has repeated itself a few times this week - Tuesday night we had 3 horses saddled up, and rather quickly had to unsaddle the 3 horses and make a run for the house.
Thursday evening we were at the shooting range, all the kids were on the line, lightening was spotted, they called a cease fire, and we decided to wait a minute. About 5 minutes later we were running the the vehicles to get all the equipment into the cars without getting wet.... as we were trying to stay dry as well.
Apparently global warming hasn't made it here?