Friday, February 28, 2025

1860's Log Cabin Quilt and !! Finished ( or not) Friday!!!

 Happy Friday!!!!  ( the LAST Friday of February!!!!)

Even though I have been on Vacation - you know I had to finish something before I left to make sure I could show off today!!!

This is an 1860's Log Cabin Quilt and I am in love with it!!!

This was a find by Deb!!! She found a bag of blocks in a Basement and they needed a LOT of work!!

She hand washed each one, and re-stitched the ones that were coming apart. then She set them in this setting!

its amazing!!

I was discussing it with my friend K and then I talked with Deb too - we haven't seen a Log Cabin this old with half squares as the center block. I am sure they were there - but just not documented. Have you seen one?   

Truly - its just lovely!!!

And that Cheddar - Swoon worthy!!! I like how the make kept the cheddar rows consistent - In my opinion it draws the quilt together!! 

I did have to give it back, but I put a caveat on the invoice - if she ever doesn't love it anymore... call me first!!!

Now you all know what time it is right?   FINISHED ( or not) FRIDAY LINK UP!!!!

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Thursday, February 27, 2025

Escape Away.... Belize ( San Pedro)

 We ESCAPED..... it was -12 and I was done with it - so!!! we jumped a plane or two, a water taxi, and golf cart - and we went to San Pedro, Belize, Central America.

I will admit - the Central America thing did not register in my brain until I saw the C.A  and it did not mean California!!!

Who has been to Belize? To San Pedro?
it was a brand new experience for me - and I loved it- 

We arrived into Belize City from Houston - to stand in the Immigration and Customs line for 2 1/2 hours - that part.... Keeelllllled me!!!

But the cool thing is you do your customs online before hand - so you just show them a QR code with your passport - easy peasy.

We were traveling to San Pedro, Ambergris Caye - so we either needed to take a puddle jumper plane or a Water Taxi - I decided the Water taxi to get there, plane to get back. After traveling for 12 hours - that might not have been the best decision - the Water taxi took another 1 1/2 hours and the flight would have been 15 minutes - but its all good - we were on Vacation!!!

On the Caye - the main mode of transportation is GOLF CARTS!!! Too much fun, and a lot of crazy driving!!

We are in a golf cart - following the guy in front of us. He was the Caretaker of the VRBO we were staying in, and!! Our luggage driver!! Also - he knew we had no clue where to go!!

The quilter in me was drawn in by the colors - Look at that pretty teal ish greenn color - and Yellow!!! ( which is the RSC color but I didn't know it at the time!!)

We quickly learned to Navigate the roads - and just jump in - no real signals and only a VERY few stop signs exist there - also - the local beer is Belikin.... and it is MUCH cheaper than anything brought in from another country

We ARRIVED!!! This is our own little beach and oh man you all - it was HEAVEN!!! For a country girl I was a little worried about crowds and noise - but this place we rented - AMAZING - you had your own beach!!

And our Caretakers wife - she cooked for us. I love her, I asked her to come home with me, Sadly - she declined - apparently she is not a fan of snow or cold or , well, leaving her family ( sigh)

We decided our First day would be just to hang out on our beach and see what we could see:

Not a bad way to start your morning. and yes - I am wearing sandals; I am a weird one and I don't like feeling things on my feet ( like sand) 

Guess how many days it took for me to just walk barefoot???

That is our house - we stayed on the top floor. The caretaker and his family live on the bottom floor. and we had a Paddleboard, a kayak, we brought our own snorkeling gear and did it all off of our beach - SO SUPER COOL to us!!!

Another view from our Beach.

When I travel - I do like to learn about the culture - so it was great to have the caretaker. There are a lot of things I don't think about living in America - like food - we have so much of it all the time.

There really aren't Seasons anymore when you have a grocery store - there? Lobster season ends 2/28 - so they won't have lobster from the island until it is in season again. Which will increase restaurant prices as they will have to import it from another country.... Interesting.

We have been complaining about eggs and produce - my sad was that avocados in the US doubled ( to like $2) in price - she said they rarely pay less that $4 per avocado.... That shut me up!!

Anyways Day 1? 

Awesome - 

We were cooked for, we played in the ocean, we had a beer ( okay the boys had a beer - I am allergic) 
and I read a Book - A WHOLE book..... that's usually a 3 week task around here!!

Proof that I read!!!  ( and yes I did start it on the plane - but Seriously - I finished it!!)
its about a Grandma and Granddaughter switching lives and it is SOOOO good!

All while it was snowing and blowing and I was feeling bad for my Chore people - but not that bad to come back!!!

Oh and Nann - that is why there were no comments haha - Internet/Wifi/ Cell service... not as easy as one might think ;-)

Wednesday, February 26, 2025

Blue Buckeyes with a twist Top

 I am wrapping up the Blues for this months RSC... That gives me a day or two to clean up and guess what March's color will be????  (yellow!!)

I finished all my Blue Buckeyes - but!! do you remember that ORANGE is the Complimentary color to blue? And I live in BRONCO country... so you know... I just had to try something -and An Idea came to me...

But - after a few blocks I didn't like it - so I changed plans.

I had decided that I wanted to make Border blocks with orange - and in my mind I could get them to look like an extension of the quilt center - but the more I looked at it, the more I didn't like it... 

And then I was sitting on the couch, playing with my photos and I started cropping it - to see what might happen if I shrunk the border....and 


I liked it - so I kept going.... and I made a few boo boos because with only half a block it became directional.... My seam ripper and I had to meet a few times, but it wasn't too bad....

Ta da!!!!

The finished top!!!

I ask you tho - IS it REALLY a finish if the girls aren't in the photo??? 

There you go! that is the end of my BLUE RSC stitching for this month!

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Friday, February 21, 2025

The 4th Hawaiian... and !! Finished ( or not!) Friday

Happy Friday!!

Todays quilt has a little Tropical vibe going on!!!  Maybe its because I like the idea of the sun, the beach, and the water???

I started this one in May of 2023 - back when I had decided it was time to clear out the Hawaiian prints in the bucket - and this is the 4th of the quilts I made from said fabrics!!

The pattern is called Wiggle Time - from Quilting is more fun that Housework - and it was fun!

I added a little Rip Curl Quilting to it - and BAM!!!

 It is a super fun pattern, and goes together rather quickly. I enjoyed making it. And then photographing it on a dreary day.

I added my Margarita Beach chair clips. I also tried to convince K that Margaritas at 10 am were acceptable....

He did not agree 😕

and for the other side I used my Flamingos - I mean - everyone needs a flamingo right? They are just the funniest birds...

Again - K declined to let me buy a bird!! I think Pink birds would be just fine with my horses???

And a close up of the Rip Curl quilting - I envisioned the waves hitting the shore line... Beachy dreaming right???

Enough about me and my Beach Dreaming!!! What have you all been up to??? 

Did you move things closer to a finish?

Did you Finish!!!!

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Wednesday, February 19, 2025

Awarding a few Quilts of Valor

 I had the privilege of awarding some Quilts of Valor to Combat Veterans - You all know this is the best part of making Quilts.

Usually, before a presentation I am given a little bio of each Vet - and I was this time as well, but!! I decided I wanted to hear more.

It was a small group of their peers, they were all excited to be here - I thought I had a chance to get a story or two out of them if I tried....

and Man did that pay off!!

Each one of them took the time to share about their service, and then of course , Civilian - ize it for me so I knew exactly what they were talking about. It was awesome.

The best part was hearing what they thought of their quilt. A lot of us say this - but I am always confirming it - there is a divine hand when we choose the Quilts for the Vets - the Vet on the far left, She got her quilt and her eyes welled up. After I wrapped her she told me she was Native American and we couldn't have made a better quilt for her ( Karen K made it!) 

Third from the left is a Marine, and He received the Motorcycle Quilt I made - and wow  - did he ohh and ahh. And then I added my Son is a Marine - he told me we were family now. Love this so much!!

Now I want to go award more haha!

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Monday, February 17, 2025

Blue Buckeyes - with a twist!!

 I got to playing in my 5 inch squares again - I thought maybe I'd make a buckeye block or two as well. But!! then I remembered all the twists and turns this block could have so I started Twisting and this is what happened:

A new colorway - which I'm sure is not really new in the quilting world - but it is a new way for me to set these pieces.... and I am sure it has a name - but right now - its the *New Buckeye* 😆😇😆😇

And the fun thing is - If you lay them out twisted you get two different looks too.... Don't ask where this is going - I have NO idea - and maybe I Do have an idea, but I might not get to it.... so for know

I will enjoy the *new buckeye* haha!!

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Friday, February 14, 2025

Liz's QOV and !!! Finished ( or not) Friday

Happy Friday!!!!  AND !! Happy Valentines Day!

I got a little behind in my own finishes - but!! I helped to Finish Liz's QOV!!!

WE were gifted some fabrics from a QOV'er out east - so I put together some quilt kits - various Quilters took them home from one of our meetings - and Liz brought hers back  ( okay!! a lot of them brought them back - they are too fast!!)

I got this one quilted!!! and it will go back to Liz to bind!!

I am still going to count it as a finish - since is was on my to do list! 

And this week - started okay but turned brutal!! Certain folk have led you to believe that when it is winter the Ranch chores slow down. (I heard a News Anchor say that!)

I am here to call Phooey on that - Even though I have tank heaters, Ice still has to be chopped - the wind  - not helpful. Animals need to be fed more - horses especially - if they have full tummies they can stay warmer. 

Which also means you are hauling feed around a lot more.... and needing more time in the day ha ha

Now it is your turn!!
BRAG Away!! let us cheer you on!!!

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and visit - I love getting little comments - I try to reply, but sometimes.... well - just know that I LOVE them - they make my day 💓💕

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Wednesday, February 12, 2025

Blue Crumbs ( again) or is it the end???

 I put a halt to my Blue Crumb block making.... there has to be more to quilting than crumbs right? 

Eh?? Maybe not!!!

Anyways - I made a deadline that I could make blocks until - and Bam!!!

Look at that!!   FIFTY ONE blocks....

They all measure 8 1/2 inches - so into the Crumb Block Pile they go to marinate!!
And all that is left is:   ðŸ‘‡

I am putting them back into the crumb bin , but I am keeping it in the Light - I don't need these seeds to sprout even MORE blue crumbs  haha!! Fat chance right???

Some friends invited us to a hockey game, and Oh! my! Stars - they have front row tickets - I got the puck coming at me, the players hitting the glass in front of me - it was AWESOME!!

Look how close we were!!! I think I might like Hockey - Maybe I'll have to learn up on it!!

Alright... Back to the Blue!!

Linking up with:

  • Wednesday Wait loss at Inquiring Quilts
  • Rainbow Scrap Challenge at Super Scrappy
  • Needle and Thread Thursday
  • See you back here on Friday for !!!

    FINISHED ( or not) Friday!!!  Fingers crossed I can do it!!!

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    Friday, February 07, 2025

    Pink Diamonds!! and ! Finished ( or not) Friday!

    Happy Friday!!! The wind has been howling here - and I feel like it just Blew me through the week!! Its supposed to be less windy today and I am all for it!!

    I did get lucky and get a finish!!!

    It is my PINK DIAMONDS!!!

    I might have gone a little Photo happy - but the sun was shining, the dogs were behaving, the world was all right for the moment... so I snapped away!!!

    My Little Flamingo Quilt clips are actually Beach chair clips - the work so nice over the Fencing: you can find them here :

    Towel Clips... 

    I always like to use them in the winter because it makes me think I am on a beach - warm and maybe drinking an appropriate Adult beverage - Maybe even reading a book!!!

    This was my January Rainbow scrap Challenge Quilt - and I was pretty excited I got it quilt - and even got the striped binding on it!!! It is now on my quilt rack with another Pink one, and my Moms is on the couch. I think we are looking pretty Valentiney around here now!!!

    How was your week?? What did you get up to? Any Finishes? any movement towards finished?

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