Monday, October 31, 2022

Storing of the Quilts and the Scrappy Design Wall

 I have always wondered how people store their quilts, and when they show me on their blog I am amazed. Its such fun to see what hangs where, and how they keep their precious quilts.

For a While I had them piled on a bed, but then I had a child who needed that bed... so I started looking for other options.

I decided I would put them in a closet, but found the piling them on the floor made it hard to see what  I had, and it was a LOT of work to get that bottom one out.... and then I thought about hangers!!!

I found these really heavy duty hangers:

And I thought those would work? So I ordered a set and got to hanging quilts - and so far!!
I LOVE them!!

They come in Sets of 6, and you know - in my innocence - I figured 6 would do the trick... I was wrong... I am on the 3rd set now!!!

You can find them here : Heavy Duty Hangers if you are interested. It sure makes it nice to have my quilts hanging up where I can see them.

It might even make it easier to change out my quilts for the holidays.... A girl can dream right????

NOW!! what is on my design wall?

In the ever attempt of whittling down the piles... I have made a mess!!

I started with 12 of these little blocks, then started counting my Half squares... I could made 48!!

So I sat down and started stitching.... and before I had to go do chores I had this: 

And then!! 
I got all 48 of them done!!!

One of my kids said that is just a total unorganized mess.... and I thought... I totally understand this quilt.... I am pretty sure it will stay as is... Random Plaids

Until Next Time...... 

Linking to:

Design Wall Monday

Sew and Tell

Sunday, October 30, 2022

Horsin' Around

Just a few horse  shots :

This is how they tell me - We are tired of grazing.... Grain would be nice. 

and they camp in front of my dining room door:

Hanging together after a good run... I really think they are conspiring to see who can buck first... but aren't they so cute???

My Riding Buddy... Sometimes we hang out together ;-)

Pure Happiness.... and of course mess making . But this is the way he relaxed after a ride ( workout  for him)

At the end of summer the flies get really really bad - when its cool at night and warm during the day - they annoy my babies - so!! Testing a new fly mask.   Worked pretty good!

"I like Big Butts"
( the horses.... don't think I'm talking about the humans)

This was actually me trying to text one of my kids to bring a T post and the pounder out - I found the hole.... but I *apparently* had to take a photo first. It surprised me when I saw in on my phone!

My view....
He's such a Sweet boy

Until Next Time......

Linking to 
Through My Lens at Mersed Photography

My Corner of the World at My World through my Camera Lens

Friday, October 28, 2022

A Little Floral Lap Quilt and !!! Finished ( or not) Friday!!!

Happy Happy Friday!!!!

We were invited to a persons house for a Anniversary dinner of our Lions Club. And the Lady who invited us has this AMAZING house.... She even gave us a tour. I was trying to think of a Hostess Gift to take, as she really went out of her way. She had 20 of us to feed and host....

Anyways - every time I see her she is wearing something flowery. So... in one of my piles  ( See I really am working on them) was ( were?)  6 inch floral squares.

I thought , Small little lap quilt, or even something she could keep in the car for winter.....

I stitched them all up, added a border, flannel Floral backing and:

Ta Da!!!

I quilted it with flowers too ;-)

Isn't that  pretty Flannel backing?

I did wash it too, I think I like to wash them to make sure nothing is going to happen to them - and they are ready to use.

I gave it to her, and then she said... someday you should see my antique quilts.... Okay!!! I'm in!!

So!! What is you favorite 5 inch square pattern/quilt block to make?  My go to is the Churn Dash... but I need more in my favorite list as another quilter just gifted me a LOT of 5 inch square packs!!

Now it is YOUR TURN!!!

  • Link up your Finished ( or not) Posts with your direct link
  • Link back ...Share the LOVE!!!
  • ( I reserve the right to remove your link if there is not a link back)
  • Visit and leave Comments... I LOVE comments!!! 

********************Link Up 10/28/22**************************

*******************************The End*************************************

Find me at all these places:

Etsy           Instagram           Facebook

Wednesday, October 26, 2022

Long May She Wave - A Patriotic Mystery - Clue #6

 You are in the HOME STRETCH now!!!! Getting SO very close to solving the Mystery!!!

This week you are concentrating on:

And you can Find the Clue here    CLUE #6

Past Mysteries can be found Here

Find me at all these places:

Etsy           Instagram           Facebook

Monday, October 24, 2022

Pile Project, Dreami, Design wall.... and.... Plaid!!!

I am a Piler - and I told you a while ago its was time to start tackling those piles... however, I did not realize the extent of my problem.  I have a table *downstairs* that I put things on too!!! and while I was moving things around I found a pile of plaid.... a grouping, and color pile, a * I HAVE TO USE THIS* pile... and so

I did

I went to my Veterans Breakfast, and was dreaming of how I could use every bit of that pile.... and then I came home and started drawing, came up with a plan, ironed the plaids... and realize my plan would not work - I would have scraps..

So I re-mathed ( its a word!! Okay maybe not) , and got to work before I changed my mind!!!

All of my fabric pieces were 9 ish inches wide  - so I decided to cut them into 4 1/4 inch strips.  That way if they weren't quite exactly 9 inches I had a little wiggle room... It worked!!!

and then I grabbed a few piles and made random cuts - so everything wasn't 44 inches long

I then laid out my piles - so I could admire the pretty colors and get to stitchin'!!

I sewed them into One VERY LONG Strip.....

and then I measured that very long Strip.... I decided I wanted my quilt to be 50 inches wide - so I cut the VERY LONG strip into 50 inch long strips.... 

I got 28 Strips
I laid them on the table and just randomly pulled a strip
Stitched it 
 and put them into TWO!!! Tops!!!   

They Measure 50 x 54 inches

And yes - one end on each side needs to be squared up - but my big table is downstairs and I was too lazy to go there before I took photos.... They are squared now...

Ta-Da!!!! A Dreami  ( linking to at the end of the month)

and A use of my Pile of Plaids....

and!! Two Quilt - sort of Lasagna Quilts (A la Atkinson Designs)  and Jelly Roll Race put together.

Now!! I do have a pile of Fabric to try my original measurement plans with... we will see if it works!!

Anja  and I had a little convo about simple quilts... and that sometimes it is really fun to go back to basics . 

  • 1. its a skill I already have, 
  • 2. instant gratification of a finished project, and 
  • 3. These will go to hospice, so patients can get a little hug a little faster. 
  • 4. I have enough fabric I need to live to be 600, so maybe if I go a little faster I can buy new stuff haha!

I love looking at all the detailed ones, and I even love making them... but sometimes... its just fun to go fast. 

Linking to:  Design Wall Monday       Sew and Tell    Midweek Makers  Oh Scrap!!

Sunday, October 23, 2022

Pioneer Town

 There is a little Old Western Town up in the Mountains called Pioneertown - it was established in 1946 , and was intended to be a Living Breathing Movie Set.

Its open to the public and is pretty cool to stroll through.... so we did!

and we encountered a real life hold up!!!

This little group was called *Gunfighters for Hire* and they put on skits about bank robberies and hold ups . I guess they do it Two times a month - so we were lucky to be there.  It was fun to watch the kids ( not ours, the little ones out for the day) watch these guys... they were giggling so hard

The Inside of the Old Saloon

I have a Piano very similar to this style - Mine is also a player, but! It didn't have the beer holder.... sigh

Just to prove we were there!

we are kind in the middle of the main street looking at all the buildings. There is also the Red Dog Saloon there... YUMMY wagu Tacos!!! and!! Pappy and Harriets. I LOVE tritip - and they have that ( and more) there. so it was a fun whole day!!

And then I had to get Old Timey on you!!!  I love these old Buildings!!

More than 50 films were produced here in the 1940's and 1950's
All of the Gene Autry Flying A productions were filmed here...

Cisco Kid, Range Rider, Annie Oakley and others were filmed here... even the 2014 Gambler with Mark W had some filming here....

Today - there are lots of little stores here. Some of them have the old Building fronts but a cool business inside. and People live in some of the buildings. There are even Weddings hosted here.

This was a pretty cool place to visit. Lots of Cool places to practice your photography - and overall a great place to go. 

We stopped at Red Dogs Saloon and had a sasparilla and a taco - then spent the day wandering. with a stop ae Pappy and Harriet's for Tri Tip and chips and salsa !!

Oh !! and K even got to meet the Mayor!!!!

Friday, October 21, 2022

Plaid Pile Project Finish!!!! and!! Finished ( or not) Friday!!

 My Pile Project Plaid Quilt is!!!  Finished!!!!

Ta Da!!! The blocks are 9 inches I think - ( 5 inch square/ 2 1/2 inch Strips)
the Quilt is 34 x 42 inches

Quilted in Straight Lines and Zig Zags!!

And I bound it in a Denim color.

And then I hung it with my NEW MARGARITA CLIPS... that way!!! I can always be dreaming of Margaritas on the beach when the winter comes and the snow blows.... which of course... ( don't hate me)  I LOVE!!!  ...but still... Margaritas.....

And look at the Fun Plaid I found for the back!!! Its a yummy Flannel!!

Be on the lookout... I'm still digging in to the pile - Who knows What I will find next....

PS - This will go in my Quiltygirl Etsy store just in case you know someone that needs a little Plaid in their life....

and Now.... that part you have all been waiting for!!! FINISHED ( or not!) FRIDAY!!!

Brag Away... Link Away... Comment Away!!!

and please link back so that others can join!!!

*Link up Ends Sunday at noon Colorado time

*******************LINK UP ***********************

****************************The End*********************************

Have a Great Week!!!!


Wednesday, October 19, 2022

Long May She Wave - A Patriotic Mystery - Clue #5


Hope you are having fun!!! How many of you are keeping up?  I try really hard to keep the steps Time Friendly - but!! Also make you guess as to what's next....... 

and Here is it 

CLUE #5!!!!

I give you permission to stitch the day away!!!!

Past Mysteries can be found Here

Find me at all these places:

Etsy           Instagram           Facebook

Monday, October 17, 2022

Batik Spools ( and a Patriotic one too)

 Back in Late August I went fabric shopping with a few friends. We all joked about how sometimes we buy fabric and then don't get to using it quickly.  I decided I Was going to prove myself wrong!

I came home and unrolled my Batik Jelly roll, and I cut the white batik up in strips and I made 2 blocks.... and then....  

Well - today it is October and I am back to progressing on it.... HOW????

does this happen!!!

I know that I had such fun making the blocks that I decided it would be a cool one to do for our QOV sew day ( Distraction #1)

I also had 4 more horse competitions before the end of the Series ( Distraction #2)

I had to go see one one my kids ( Distraction #3)

and then I had to go see another one ( Distraction #4)

Oh ya - and I have to work.... at least I LOVE my work!!! so I can't really call that a Distraction ( Can I?)

We had to refence a section of our property ( Distraction #5)

The garden overflowed so I canned for 4 days straight ( Distraction #6)


I have now stitched all the blocks and am working on arranging them!!!


I think it looks very Wintery ! 

oh!! and I got some of  the Spool blocks sewn into a top from our QOV sew day!!

That is all folks!!!

Have a great week!

linking to:

Midweek Makers