Friday, July 30, 2021

Gingham Finish and !!! Finished ( or not) Friday!

Do you ever have all the worlds collide that just make you have to make a quilt??

I think that is what happened on this one - and I am really glad I did!!

I think.... I may have a few more of these in my future - as soon as I catch up on my list that is!!

All those worlds:

My own Mom was On hospice.  And we did Hospice in our house, I guess there is actually Hospice care in hospitals too, but we chose to keep my Mom at home. Which meant our care worker was on call with us, and met weekly no matter what.

And then Pretti and Bernie said they needed quilts for Mercyful Hospice..... and then I started asking Kat about her Hospice Quilt program 

And Then!!!  Nancy showed this Gingham Quilt.... I Knew I just had to make one .

and then! Our Hospice worker said how much she loved my Moms quilts..... I thought - yep! I am going to do the Positivity QAL for Bernie - and then see what I can do locally! So far I have taken them 18 quilts... Who knew I had that many that I could finish up? And now - I am starting my next batch of quilts and this will be one of them!!!

Isn't it fun?  All stars and I LOVE it!!! I think it is 50 x 59 inches.

I did pincurl quilting on it and.... guess what?  I BOUND IT! I did - there must be something in the air !! Well I know there is -  my allergies are horrible too haha!!


Now it is your turn - 

Link up your Finishes!!'

Let us Oogle your Eye candy

and please link back up to this page ;-)



Wednesday, July 28, 2021

Flock of Geese - and Dakota Inspired

 I have such fun going to the Post Office now - there is more than Just Bills!!! Yay!!

These two awesome blocks came from Amanda!!! Thank you!!!

And QuiltDiva Julie sent in 15 and... some yummy cream fabrics!!!

And then - check this out - the WHOLE finished quilt came From 

I Love Her Dakota Inspired!!!

AND!!! We got to award a Few QOV's this weekend!!  That was HOT and Fun all at the same time. That they agreed to let us wrap them up - in that heat - shows how much they love their quilts!!!

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Monday, July 26, 2021

Quarter Log Blue Blocks

I don't know the name of these blocks - I did a bunch of them using only 2 1/2 inch strips and called them quarter logs - but this time....

I started with a 5 inch square and added miscellaneous size strips until they reached 9 1/2 inches.

I know I saw Confessions of a Fabric Addict making them and Samelias Mum.... and Maybe  few others but I can't remember what they called them either!

Anyways - They have been on my design wall long enough so I started cutting the setting triangles in hopes that I will sew some this week and get this into a top!!!

Forward Progress!!!!

linking to:

Midweek Makers

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Sunday, July 25, 2021

Fast Food Lunches


I saw him at a class. He was out of place, he looked like he didn’t want to be there, but he also looked interested… he had kind eyes, and he had a sad smile that made you want to know more.

After class I asked if I could take him to get a meal – anyplace he chose. He said why Yes, I do believe that would be nice… and he chose a fast food restaurant. I don’t know about you, but sometimes when someone offers a meal – I think steak house. Off we went to the fast food restaurant. We happened to be in a city full of Military Members, and as we walked in this Veteran saluted each and every active duty soldier there. He said it made him feel important, as if maybe his service in Vietnam counted for something, as if saying hi, and welcoming these soldiers he could ease their concerns a little.

And, of course, he invited them to eat with us, after all I was buying.

As he sat among these young Soldiers, you could see his eyes light up when they told their stories,  you could see that he knew their experiences that they were sharing, You could see, he felt a part of them, as if he hadn’t been tossed back into society – and left to just grow older. Alone.

When these young soldiers asked him to tell a story about his experience in Vietnam, Oh did his wheels start turning. Which story to tell? What would be the best one to convey he was one of them? And when he told his story, you could see their eyes light up, their nods of understanding, their acceptance, that yes – he was a Solider, and a good one, and he knew…. He knew what it was like for them.

It was a great meal, if not a little more than the cost of a good steak, but all around I was privileged to be a part of it. I was privileged to see a man, who thought he’d been left behind, come out to the forefront.

As I returned him home, he asked if maybe we could share a meal again soon.. and I knew it really meant, could you please not forget me. Remember that I am still important, and that we are still relevant in our throwaway society.

What a privilege it was to meet him for lunch every week –To watch him work his magic on those current Soldiers. To watch his eyes light up as they recognized one of their own. It was a magical.

Friday, July 23, 2021

Plaid Churn Dash and.... Finished (or not) Friday!!

 Happy Friday!!!

Here's to hoping your week was wonderful! Mine seemed to go way to fast! you ever have weeks like that - the just zoom.... go by?

I did get a finish!! 

I think the heat is getting to me because...... Hold on to your hats...... I bound again!!

If you follow my blog you have probably seen it before - but!! you have not seen in bound. And!! I will admit to using it unbound... I mean!! it has all my favorites in it!! Plaid... Blue Plaid... and Churn Dashes! 

Last week we had 34 linkups!! 

That's a lot of finished projects!! 

And you know it is getting closer to the One Monthly Goal link up... so I am expecting to see more Finished Projects this week ( that's pressure for you haha!!)

Please remember to link up your direct post 

Please link up a finished ( or not) project - something we can ohh and awww at!! 

Please provide a link back to this post 

Inspire us!!



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Wednesday, July 21, 2021

Flock of Geese Blocks... are flying in

 Well that was fun! I went to the Post Office and there were bags ... and I said -What are people sending me? and then I opened the first one and laughed.... I really didn't think that you all would start stitching that fast!!! 

Above the top line - the first 16 - were made by Connie in Loveland
The next 5 Came from Verna in Walden

then the next 21 ( if I did the math right) came From Barbara in Winter Park
and the bottom 6 came from Dianne K in Denver

and then!! another batch from Pat at Bell Creek Quilts!!

This is so fun watching them grow!!

Happy Stitching!!

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Tuesday, July 20, 2021

Happy Blue and Yellow Star Quilt

 Alright - no takers for the blocks and they don't go with Joyful's color scheme... maybe that means I need to create something with them....

Blue and Yellow must be the color scheme around here tho! I got the top Pieced and quilted in January - and then of course, the binding languished around for a while... but now!

Oh Ya! I mean I had light blue thread in the machine... I couldn't pass up the opportunity!!! It is Bound:

And I figured out how to hang it from the deck without a boy holding it. This was a sad moment in my life for real - I miss my boys....

I know most of you are quilters - but - just in case you know someone who needs to add this quilt to their house...

I listed it in my Etsy Store.
It is 80 x 80 - so a good sized quilt - I think It would brighten up a room!

Changes: My husband is now going back to work a set number of days and they all rotate - so Puppy and I are on our own today. But he Texted me to see if I had the chores done and so... because I have been known to be a pain - my response was... Wait - it was my day to do chores?  Hee hee hee

Monday, July 19, 2021

Positivity Extras and some Orange

 so...... As I was cleaning up from My Positivity quilt...

I found!! 

An extra!!

Anyone want one completed block and three more ( same color way) cut out?

Then Since my cutting board was clean....

I Cut!

I decided to join in the blog hop - hosted by Creatin' in the sticks!

So this will be my secret stitching until my assigned day in August ( the 18th I think) and then!!

you will get to see what this is along with.... a Tutorial!! Oh ya!! 

Friday, July 16, 2021

Positivity ( the TOP) and!!!! Finished ( or not) Friday! and!!! TGIF Friday!!

 What a week - it was crazy busy and lots of fun and! I stitched..... makes it all the better!!

We went to the Home Run Derby in Denver Monday Night and oh my stars!!! it was crazy!! after all this lockdown it was so weird to see so many people in one spot - but what fun!. The last time I was on the streets of Denver you were all masked and walking in groups, staying away from people - not this time!!

And then I got to work on my Positivity Top - and the dog and I looked for some fun places to try to take a photo. Puppy is not much help when it comes to photos - he is not tall enough!!

But this is what we found:

My hay storage trailer!! haha!!! This is an old , still usable trailer! I have been known to pull it to the hay field and have them stack the hay in here - then! it is under cover ( saves it from the weather) and when I need to go feed in a different pasture I can pull it out that way... I am all about the easy peasy in life !!

The backing in now made, everything is pinned and ready to load on the LongArm - and! When I finish the next couple of Client quilts I am going to sneak it on it there!

And now... the moment you have been waiting for.... YOUR turn!!   IT is BOTH Finished ( or Not) Friday and TGIF Friday!! I LOVE double hosting - twice as many projects to check out!!! I LOVE it!!

Link up your Finishes ( or not ones)!!!!

*again - Direct Links please ;-)


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Sunday, July 11, 2021

Surprises and a Farm Story


It started with an ad for Farm Implements. We needed some, the ad said they had some – and so we made an appointment to go check them out. The original owner didn’t happen to be there, but he had a neighbor let us in to see them.

You see, when you have a tractor, you start to think that you are a farmer, or maybe a cowboy, and then you start to think of all the fun things you can do with the extra attachments. And when you are the wife, you really start to think of all the things the husband can do…. You know – plow the garden, mow the fence-lines, rake the arena, dig some postholes…..

The gentleman who was showing us the tools started talking, and I started asking more questions about him. It was really fun to hear his stories. And then he said – I am a Vietnam Vet. That just perked my ears right up. So we started talking about Vietnam (the country), and Vietnam (the war). He told us how things had changed for him. What is was like to leave America at that time, and what it was like to come back to America at that time. He didn’t have a lot of anger in him, but you could still hear the hurt and the surprise that our own would treat him not so kindly.

After all – he was drafted by the country he loved, and he served the country he loved. 

As we went home to deliberate the purchase of some of these implements, I had a nagging feeling that he would be willing to accept a Quilt from us – a Quilt of Valor, a special hug that lets one know that they are appreciated, that we do recognize your service – and even better – says Welcome Home Son, Job Well Done.

I was in the middle of finishing up a Quilt, so I put the binding on it, washed it, labeled it and of course, made a pillowcase for it. Quilts in Pillowcases always make me happy. It’s like a little gift all wrapped up in some really cool fabric!

As we drove back the next day to get the items we wanted, he helped us load, and of course, I got to talking with him. He told me even more stories, and what a great story teller he was. I then said – Well Sir – I brought you something. I pulled that Quilt out of its pillowcase and told him the story of it. And of course, let him know that this particular quilt was for him. It was my little way of saying Welcome Home.

You know it was only 100 degrees outside, but I’ll be, he was so ready and willing to have that Quilt wrapped around him – and then he stood there – and told me another story. All the while he had a little precipitation coming down from his eyes.

Best Farm Deal I have ever made.

Friday, July 09, 2021

Diamondback .... and!! Finished ( or Not) Friday!!

 My June One Monthly Goal was to finish my Diamondback Quilt ( Rectangle Wrangle from Quiltville pattern)

but... I did not make it in June.... so! it carried over!!

I now have it Quilted - and I love it!!

Isn't that kinda cool? I started this as the Monochromatic Challenge that Patchwork Times did in like 2011.... or at least that is all I will admit to.  I had 6 blocks done and then I just quit!!! So I pulled it back out - made more blocks - and ta da!!

I think it is 24 blocks total to make this and it is 40 x 50 ish in size

I am pretty sure I will bind it in black .

Just a little proof that I did work back in the day 
We were looking for photos for a slide show and I found this one - 
that is me with my oldest bambino on my back
My husband and dad building fences!!

Alright - Now it is your turn to link up your Friday Finishes. 

Please do provide a direct link to the specific post - a few of you did not last week.

Let me tell you why it is important to me.... because I read every post - but I can't get to them on Friday - so I read throughout the week.. and if you don't provide a direct link it goes to your main blog and I read them all so three hours later I wonder where my day went and! I get in trouble for not finishing my chores!!! 


************************* End**************************

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Wednesday, July 07, 2021

May;s Red Placemat Project

 I got on a roll with binding.... or maybe I just rolled the binding???

Anyways - my May RED Placemats are now all complete - finished, and in the pile!! 

Many of you are asking how many I have made so far - I have 54 - and only....

The purple need to be bound - Oh ya!!!

July is my break month of making placemats so I can catch up on some other things..... 

Without further ado.....


I am kinda proud of myself - I am such a procrastinator when it comes to binding - I am surprised I am only a month behind now! And all of you who love binding??? The rooms are ready...  Bring your machine!!!!!

Tuesday, July 06, 2021

Flock of Geese ... Progress

 Yesterday I posted about the Flock of Geese pattern... but what I didn't tell you is that on Saturday - when it got really really really really hot, and I was told I could come in from all the chores....

I sat under the fan and cut a BUNCH of strips.... and then cut them into the parts.....

And now... I even have a few blocks complete....

This year the Grass has dried up so fast, but we are starting to get secondary rains - so we are mowing like crazy to see if we can get some moisture in to the ground... so mowing.... is taking a LOT of time!

But our knuckleheads are worth it!!

For the FREE FLOCK OF GEESE Pattern!!!  ( click there)

Monday, July 05, 2021

Flock of Geese

Our Quilts of Valor Colorado group is doing a quarterly block again - and I think its a pretty easy one!

Of course - I am a fan of Half Square Triangles - so you know I would love this one!

Its called Flock Of Geese!!

We are doing it in this colorway ( exactly as shown)
and the block is 8 1/2 inch ( unfinished)

I played around with some settings
and if you see mistakes....

Well - its cuz Its not on the actual design wall!

I kinda like this one point one!
I think it looks aztecky!

And of course - with sashing.

Flock of Geese Block Pattern

I wrote up a Block Pattern for this - 

I did it two ways - the Traditional way using squares

as well as the Easy Angle way using strips 

So no matter what kind of quilter you are.... there is a method haha!

If you would like to make a block or two - we would not be opposed to adding them to our quilts.  (that's a nice way to say - send them in haha)

If you want to make a whole top for your Quilt of Valor group - I would absolutely love that - spread the love and lets get all those Veterans Touched by War Covered with a healing quilt!

Find me at all these places:

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Linking to:

Friday, July 02, 2021

A Sweet Little Baby Quilt.... and Finished ( or Not) Finished Friday

Happy July and! Happy Friday!!

I did get a little Quilt Quilted this week .. I was digging in my stash - looking for something, don't ask me now what it was... but it was probably very important - and I came across these 20 squares all cut out and thought - well heck fire! Let's make them into a little quilt... and so I did!

And then I quilted little Dragonflies on it - and in 3006 when it gets bound - it will make some little one warm right?

We had my Mom's memorial and I think we all survived ;-) My family all came in and it was great to be with my kids, niece and nephew. We all had a lot of time together - and I think we made my Dad happy ;-)

How did your week go? Did you get some good stitching time in?

* Link up your Finished Friday posts and let us all drool!
* Last week I tried a button on the link up - and it jumbled the order of the posts each time you looked at the page... sorry - I did not like that!

**************Link UP ******************************

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