This was a mystery quilt and some of the ladies in my guild did it with me - somewhere in my camera are pictures of theres so I will dig in to find them too. The little guy on the left is my youngest son, and the just a tad older guy on the right is my Husband. They make great quilt holders.
And Yes this is a Quilt of Valor. I will get the other ladies quilts finished and we will send them in a groups to the hospital of Catherines choice. If you want to learn more about Quilts of Valor you can at http://www.qovf.org
Today it is very windy outside and many highways have been closed - so I have stayed in a sewed. I am almost finished with another top so will get it finished today I hope.
I was tagged by Carol to write 5 wierd things about me - but I don't think I am wierd - so asked my boys and hubby - heres what they came up with:
1. I have a bite mark on my back from where my brother bit me when we were about 4 and 6 - it made a deep scar and grew with me.
2. I don't particulary like being touched by a lot of people - it seems it is the "in thing" now to hug all the time and I usually find a way to hide.
3. I am still scared of the dark - and avoid it at all costs. I have 2 flashlights in my truck just in case. And I always do chores before it gets dark.
4. I have amazing hearing - I can hear the boys when they least expect it. Sometimes I can hear the wind you make as you are walking - freaky.
5. I am allergic to pain - and its even written down and highlighted on my dentists chart. Although I did manage to make it thru childbirth 3 times with no drugs - but never again! LOL
okay - that ought to tell you more about me than you ever wanted to know!!