Thursday, June 27, 2024

A Patriotic Panel, RSC Blues and !!! Finished ( or not) Friday!!

Happy Friday  (Ok Thursday Night) folks!!!

It has been a week!! I have been single ranching, single dogging, and single cooking all week. And then my Husbands flight was cancelled so he won't be back till Friday... which is why I am posting tonight... I have to do chores again (all by myself - I think I need fabric therapy!)

First - is my Patriotic Panel Finish - I think I showed it to you as a top - but now it is Quilted. And lucky me, I am able to pawn the binding off on someone who LOVES it!!! I kind of Like that panel!!

These blocks were made by the customers of Sew Downtown - the Quilt Shop in Greeley. They did an amazing job and I had fun using them with this panel!

And now ! BLUE Rainbow Scrap Challenge.... unless some miracle occurs - this one is not going to be topped by the deadline... but who knows - Sleep is not something I do much of ? So Maybe?

But since is awful close to the end of the month - I want to get what I have photographed!! And that way I can pretend!!! And guess what the color for July will be?  

It has been hot here - so I am up at 4 getting things done, but Wednesday night we had rain ( yay) so this morning it was SO humid.... I have pretty curly hair in humidity. I had a guy delivering gravel this morning and I didn't get a chance to put a hat on before he arrived... he told me I looked like a soaked poodle - Wouldn't that be a sight???

Can you tell I have been on my own for a bit? I have a LOT more words to use !!

Show us what you have been up to this week!!!

and visit lots of others !!

************************Link up here *********************

********************* The End *************************

Happy Stitching and Blog Reading - and If you are hot - stay cool... if you are on the opposite side of the world Stay Warm!!


Gretchen Weaver said...

Patriotic Panel is beautiful! Someone is going to be thrilled to receive this quilt. Happy stitching!

Soma @ said...

That was fun post to read. Sorry your husband’s flight got delayed. Wishing him a safe journey back home. Thanks so much for hosting.


maggie fellow said...

great quilt

Cathy said...

Fabulous panel in a fantastic quilt!

Wet poodle? ;-) Until yesterday we had a very hot and humid week. My whole body has been drenched. No curly hair though!

LIttle Penguin Quilts said...

Sounds like you've had a crazy week! Hope your hubby is home soon and life gets back to normal. That patriotic panel quilt is fabulous - I was trying to figure out how the star blocks are made - they make a great design!

Sara said...

That turned out great. I have a whole stack of that same Split Back Star block made by members of our local QOV group. Hadn't even considered using with a panel. Thanks for the inspiration.

Kat Scribner said...

I just LOVE what plaid do for a quilt. You always have some to use. Nice.

Kate said...

Going the ranch route alone is not much fun. Hopefully Your Guy will reward all your hard work with a nothing but sewing day for you? Hope he makes it back for the weekend. said...

I'm amazed at all that you accomplish. Your patriotic finish is wonderful! I like your blue scrap challenge progress and there is always another day to have a finish. As for the poodle comment. . .he must know you well to venture such words!

Yvonne from Quilting Jetgirl said...

Oh goodness, that's a lot to be responsible for on your own. I hope your husband's flight makes it in today and that frees up more of your time for quilting!

Andree G. Faubert said...

Hi Alycia, that's too bad about all of those extra chores. I hope that you do get some sleep but fabric therapy is also great :-) Take care.

Gypsy Quilter Designs said...

Hang in there. Stay cool. Drink more water. Peanut butter sandwiches are good for single "cooking".

The quilts are wonderful. Thank you for sharing.

San / Murphy, NC

Delighted Hands said...

Fantastic finishes even with the extra work on the ranch! You rose to the occasion!!!

The Joyful Quilter said...

What a great quilt, Alycia!! You'll finish those BLUE Rails up eventually. They will wait patiently.

Bonnie said...

Love how your panel turned out. Those stars make such an interesting background to the panel. Great job. Hope hubby is home and sharing in the chores. The weekend is coming so maybe some extra fabric therapy time.

Gwyned Trefethen said...

Love the border surrounding the panel. The perfect POV quilt.

Kathleen said...

Your RWB quilt is just gorgeous...sorry for all the singling and the delayed flight. It is ok for some alone time but you have so much to do! I am sure it all feels better now and maybe a little more time to work on your blues!

scraphappy said...

Glad you were able to get your star quilt done, it is beautiful. Panels can be so hard to use, but that setting is perfect. Hope you get some help with the chores soon. Husbands are good for so many things...

Vivian said...

Bummers that Hubby will be delayed (well not as of the posting of this comment) but kudos to you for getting an early start on FONF. I on the other hand am running late! Love that panel quilt setting -- definitely going in the "QOV Ideas" file! Funny my MIL also just pieced a blue and white squares top. I did cut some blocks for RSC but did I sew them? Nope! Maybe in July....

Astrid said...

That's a pretty patriotic quilt. Pretty blue & white blocks too. Hope you didn't overworked yourself when you were alone. Fabric therapy, indeed, you need it! Have a great July 4th!

Susie H said...

Oh Alicia -- what a week you're had and on it goes, right? Stay strong and keep on quilting. That patriotic one is beautiful and RSC will not be going away anytime soon so keep at it. Soaked poodle? Looking good! ;-)