Monday, June 03, 2024

Hearst Castle

 For all the years that I went to Morro Bay as a kid - can you believe we never went to Hearst Castle? it was time to remedy that - and I am so glad we did. 

The place was originally a 230,000 acre ranch - and William Hearst grew up ranching with his dad and camping out on the property . I guess when he decided that he would like to have a place to stay when he was out ranching - and his little idea turned into this amazing place! it is really an incredible feat considering is was started in 1919 and there was no electricity or running water - I mean this castle is plopped in the middle of his property.

He also built two ( i think) Guest houses - that is the first guest house. I think it was big enough that I could have stayed 30 years or so....

We were pretending to be rich - but I think we feel more like the Beverly Hillbillies
Left to right - Big bit ( he's the one thats married)  me, Middle bit, K and Little Bit  .

The pool - can you imagine the parties that you could have there? If I remember right - the first pool was to the Greek key lines and then he decided to make it bigger, and add all the architecture. Its awesome

Even the Tile was amazing - and of course - this one looked like a cool quilt block to make!

There were incredible flowers and gardens - and greenery...

But the Views - OMG - the Views !! I think we should inquire about a quilt retreat up there!!!

This is part of the Castle - we couldn't go in the front doors - Can't remember why - but we went in the side door to the right - behind the first turret - and wow!

The place did NOT disappoint!!! There were so many cool things inside and history - I do have to say if I lived there permanently - a lot of that stuff would be donated to a museum - haha! It made it kind of dark inside.  But!! as a museum - its too cool!

its amazing the attention to detail and how well it has withstood all these years. One thing he told us about was the danger from earthquakes. Even thought it was built over 100 years ago - its construction standards were better than Today earthquake requirements. 

The second pool - the indoor one. That Tile work - WOW!!!

if you get a chance to go it is totally worth the time and money ( I think it was $30 a person for a two hour tour) Just learning the history - and of course, many of you may remember the story of Patty Hearst?  

Linking to:

Thru My Lens


Delighted Hands said...

I would enjoy staying there for a while, just to explore and admire it!

Karen - Quilts...etc. said...

amazing how the very rich live!(lived)

Sara said...

So nice to be able to travel and have some fun with adult kids. That Hearst Castle is amazing. Guess I need to add that to my bucket list.

Vicki W said...

We went there years ago. I absolutely loved it! It's one of my favorite personal residences I've visited. Better than anything in Newport, RI

Linda said...

Quite the castle, it's amazing what folks have built, right?

Quiltdivajulie said...

What an over the top beautiful place (inside and out). Great photos!!!

Kate said...

Lots of "Wow" factor there. They certainly don't build like that any more. So glad you got to have all three boys together for a bit. I've followed you since Little Bit was actually little!

Kathleen said...

So amazing! Thanks for share it with us...and fun to know a little more the kids and who is who. I would be happy to swim in any of those pools.