Wednesday, June 19, 2024

A Quilt of Valor presentation

 This is another group that we have been working with for years. However - the person in charge there... doesn't keep records like our last group haha! I know in the past three years we have done 45 quilts with this group ;-)   

I wish I like keep track of statistics....

This was such a fun group - each one of them really wanted to share more of their stories - and so! I learned a lot and really enjoyed it!!

We had 4 branches represented ( Army, Navy, Air Force, Marines)

We Had Vietnam, Gulf war, OIF, OEF, Operation Just Cause, Operation Eagle Pull and Operation New Dawn.

We had Nuclear Weapons Specialists, we had Radar Test Pilots, we had Tactical Air Command, and Military Police and Photo Recon Specialists and Mechanics and it was AWESOME. 

Many of the Veterans bring Family, and after reading one Gentleman's Bio, his daughter asked me how I got that information. She had never heard it before. So I gave her his Bio Paper for her to ask him more questions. I love when this happens, when they realize their parents are pretty Bad Ass, but just play it cool ;-)

Interested in Quilts of Valor - head over to

10 comments: said...

What a great presentation. I loved your last line in your post too!

Yvonne from Quilting Jetgirl said...

That sounds like a fabulous presentation, and hopefully it sparked a great conversation between father and daughter.

Sara said...

Wonderful photo!

Tired Teacher said...


Judy in Michigan said...

If you haven't already, read "The Women" by Kristin Hannah. It's an amazing book about the Vietnam war and the women who served.

Gypsy Quilter Designs said...

What a great way to spend the day!

Thanks for sharing.

Delighted Hands said...

Another fantastic presentation!!!!!

Linda said...

What a wonderful group. I have read that a majority of veterans do not like to talk about their experiences, so I think it is great that they feel like sharing with you. How DO you get their bios?

Vicki W said...

Absolutely wonderful! I just finished reading The Women by Kristen Hannah. It's a wonderful book about the Vietnam War from a nurse's POV.

Kate said...

They do look like a really fun crew of vets. The got some really cool quilts too.