Thursday, December 14, 2023

An In Progress ... Finished Or Not Friday!!!

*FONF is going to take a short break since next week is Close to Christmas and I am going to be playing with my family!!!!

Save the links for DECEMBER 29th - and we will have the final LINK UP of 2023!!!  Whoop Whoop!!!

Maybe start looking for your Favorite finish of 2023 and you can link that one up too????**

Today I am celebrating finishing steps!!! Not a whole quilt, or a top.. but Steps!!

I have the next round on my QOV decided....

I need to stitch that round on and then decide what I will do next!!!


I have finished stitching the last BH mystery clue... they are not pressed - but!! They are stitched - and we are calling that a win!!

I'll probably iron them after chores - that's one of the best ways to warm up your hands!!!

I have finished the last of the Client quilts that wanted them by Christmas - and am now working on the next round of quilts. I always love this part of the process - I get to see so many unique and fun quilts.

It DOES NOT help my bucket list tho!!!! ( Or should I say Bucket Dump Truck!!)

* Link up today and then SAVE UP YOUR LINKS...

FONF is going to take a short break since next week is Close to Christmas and I am going to be playing with my family!!!!

Save the links for DECEMBER 29th - and we will have the final LINK UP of 2023!!!  Whoop Whoop!!!

Maybe start looking for your Favorite finish of 2023 and you can link that one up too????

********************12*15*23 Link UP **********************

***************See you the 29th!!! Happy Christmas!!!********************


Nancy @ Grace and Peace Quilting said...

What a stunning QOV!!! It's looking great! And great job keeping up with BH at this time of year!

Kate said...

The QOV is coming together beautifully. So glad you finished your Christmas orders, that's an achievement all on it's own. Hopefully you'll get more sewing time of your own over the holiday.

Sara said...

I love how your QOV is taking shape. The small and large versions of the Hourglass blocks really makes an impact.

Delighted Hands said...

Great job on the QoV - it is really shaping up!
Nice to see you enjoy a Mystery quilt, too!

Jocelyn is Canadian Needle Nana said...

Glad you have your quilts finished for the customers...nice to have that out of the way. Now to play with your lovely blocks there.

Kat Scribner said...

Alycia, your medallion QOV is GORGEOUS ! It looks complete now.

Yvonne from Quilting Jetgirl said...

That's a lot of success all the way around! Congratulations on getting all the client quilts that were wanted before Christmas done. And smart to iron after chores to help warm up your hands. Have a great weekend. :)

Linda said...

Beautiful QOV! I love those "un-ironed" blues. ;) I usually iron as I go, but I bet I could save time by saving them up like you do and ironing them all at once. I do love to iron - weird huh? Hope you have a great weekend!

Sylvia@Treadlestitches said...

Bucket Dump Truck--I love it! I might have to have a Bucket Warehouse eventually lol. Beautiful quilt on your wall. Good luck with the mystery! said...

Wow, I'm really in awe of your talent. QOV is stunning!

Gypsy Quilter Designs said...

It's coming along beautifully! Wishing you and your family a wonderful Christmas.

San / Gypsy Quilter Designs

cityquilter grace said...

so far so good on both projects! anxious to see more