Friday, September 30, 2022

Memory Quilts and!!!! Finished ( or not) Friday!!!

I have a big project that FINALLY got Finished!!! and I am so Happy!!

I had a client who's husband passed away. He was a Dairy Man and she saved a bunch of his work shirts for just simple quilts for his kids.... He had 4! 

So I dug into the shirts and started cutting squares. Surprisingly - that took a LONG time!!! but I got the tops together and since he was a pilot, I quilted planes on each quilt. and then... the binding....

but now!! they are all done, and ready for her to have them!!!!

Here they are!! I used pockets and some button cuffs and I think they are really fun quilt.

And the Airplanes. Aren't those fun?

Now that I have that cleaned up and off the table....And My Mystery Quilt is ready to quilt  - I know you are only on Clue 2 - but!! You will love it!!!   I am ready to get back to my Pile Project!!!!

PS - did anyone notice its the END of September!!! Acckk

So!!! Now it is your turn!!! Show us what you have been up to!!! Share the link - lets make the link up BIG!!!

*Link up your direct post here*

***The end*****

Wednesday, September 28, 2022

Long May She Wave - A Patriotic Mystery - Clue #2

 Hopefully you are all masters of the Flying Goose by now... I just love that method of making them - no waste, I can use my strips... I know there are other ways ;-)  but I like this one ... as you can tell haha!

Today you are making  these:

So click on Clue #2 and get all the details:

If you are new to the mystery - 

you can keep searching down the blog, or to the post list at the side

for the fabric Requirements and Clue #1
or you can go to the tab up top and click on the Long May She wave Tab

You can follow my blog using bloglovin or Feedly 
or you can just put in your browser and check each day..
Clue come out on Wednesdays until the Mystery is finished.

Past Mysteries can be found Here

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Friday, September 23, 2022

Plaid Quilts and Finished ( or not) Friday

I only have a *Not finished* today...

But! In my defense ...I had a QOV sew day, Jury Duty, Quilt A Fair, Salsa making and... rain... 

( yay for rain) So there is that haha!!!

Remember my Pile Project? Well I just kept on going with those little blocks ( 9 1/2 inches) and turned it into a top... then I found a plaid back... and now it waits for its turn on the quilting machine!!

Ta -da - I think it is around 36 x 45 inches... and its all plaid!!!

I have some memory quilts that I am making for a client - and I have one more to quilt... then on to the binding - Progress!!! I can't wait to get them back to her - I hope she will like them!!

*I made Salsa ( that will be another post). 
*I picked all the apples off the trees - they really produced this year!!! and Now we are making apple pie filling... its been crazy busy in my kitchen!!

Also... sit down.... I am organizing... anyone want these? 
A pile of 2 inch strips....

Random colors and patterns

Anyone in the US - leave me a comment saying you want them 
and I'll send them to someone.....

What have you been up to???

  • Link up to your direct post
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  • Go visit all the cool projects in action
  • Make a bucket list

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** the end****

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Wednesday, September 21, 2022

Long May She Wave - a Patriotic Mystery - Clue #1

 Whoop Whoop!!!

Are you ready???? Today is the day for the FIRST CLUE!!!


Today you are making this!! You are making 60 of them - so click on the PDF and get all the info!!!


Hope to see you all at Finished ( or not) Friday to see what you are up to!!!

All Past info here: Long May She Wave Page

Monday, September 19, 2022

Pile Project.....

 I had to do a little clean around my sewing area.

Don't ask why... Okay - I'll just tell you.   I couldn't find a ruler... and you know what happens when you can't find something - you make more of a mess!!!

And so...

Begins the Pile Project....

This was under my table... Can't ( okay WONT) tell you how many projects are there

and then these were stacked on the edge of my Ironing Board.
I LOVE my big board... but sometimes it collects things when I am not looking....

And this is on the other side of my table on the ground....

But wait!!! There is more... I just refuse to take photos of them - and will start on these piles!!!

after getting a little organized - I thought - instead of adding those blocks I found on the Ironing board into a pile... lets start something...

Now to just find more time in the day!!

Have you seen the Back to School blog Hop on Quilting Jet Girl -Lots of tips and tricks... none for finding more time... but they look super interesting!!!

Hey!! See you Wednesday for the FIRST CLUE in LONG MAY SHE WAVE!!!

linking to:

Design Wall Monday     Monday Making

Sunday, September 18, 2022

Wyoming Territorial Prison

 Last Saturday we headed out to a Quilt show... only to find out that it had been cancelled due to weather. Whats a girl to do? Keep going north....

The Wyoming Archeological Society was putting on a History Day at the Wyoming Territorial Prison - and we thought - why not... lets keep going....

(PS my son was working at it but he did not know we were coming)

Oh by the way - there are a lot of photos in this post.... As usual I can't pick just three!!!
But the clouds - you can see the weather that put a damper on the Quilt show.

So we got to the Prison and surprised my son - while we were annoying him for 3 minutes -( he truly had NO break during the day) we saw the Indian dancers come out - 

Oh man!! I have seen photos, but never live... it was SO cool!

and you know as a lover of crazy fabrics.... this dancers outfit intrigued me!!!

So this woman did a dance that made her skirts sway and sound like bells

Black and White thrown in to cleanse your color palette

This young man did a Grass Dance. When the tribes would come upon a new place to set up camp, they did this dance prior to setting up. I assumed it was to flatten the ground a bit , and check for snakes, but he said it was more spiritual in tying themselves to the land.

Dancing fascinates me... I have no rhythm

This is the fort surrounding  the Prison

We saw a demonstration on tanning hides, and getting them ready to use for clothing. It was quite labor intensive, and the hides are quite fragile until smoked.  

A demonstration on Forging and Blacksmithing. this guy was awesome, he knew so much stuff, and was really fun to listen to. He even encouraged the shy kids to ask questions!!

The Prison Wagon - above.... below the inside of it. 
There is a Reason that Man is inside... keep reading!!

I'm not a fan of small spaces - so I just kinda looked inside

Another Prision wall
I loved the lookouts!

We didn't spend a lot of time in the Prison because I wanted to see all the exhibits from the Wyoming Archeological Society - and they had an Atlatl throw ( kind of like throwing spears... I wanted to try)

But look!!! NO QUILTS!!!! I guess prisoners were just allowed to keep warm, not pretty!!!

and in the kitchen they had wheat from Greeley ( I live east of Greeley)  that was fun to see!

The in processing room had an old camera.... Isn't that cool?

The prison cell. I am 5'10" and hit the top of my head walking in. Of course, I did not stay - I went in, backed out and took a photo.... dang they were tight spaces!!!

They had food Vendors there - Indian Tacos and Ice Cream... K would not buy me Ice Cream because it was too cold - so they came and LOCKED him up!!!

It was a really fun time. My son did the Virtual Reality Tours of the Dig site that he worked at this summer. Of course, I had to take the tour . It was really cool, he could show you the places they worked and the things that they found. The way the processed the artifacts and more.

There were a LOT of kids, and he is SO good with kids. One little girl let us know that this was mainly for kids, not adults like me.... When I told her I was a tall 12 year old she wasn't sure what to think. But! I wasn't missing out... so apparently I am still a kid haha!!!

Linking to:

Through My Lens    My Corner of the World

Friday, September 16, 2022

A QOV, The Prairie and!! Finished ( or not) Friday!!!

Happy Happy Friday!!!

This week I got to Quilt on this AMAZING Quilt of Valor!!! I love bold ones - they just pop out at you!!

Isn't this on Gorgeous!!! Verna made it and sent it to me to Quilt for our Awards - and holee cow - I fell in love!!!

I think that a Veteran will fall in love with this one too!

And for my other finish... a BOOK!!!! 

It is called Prairie - and it is AWESOME!!! So maybe you will recall - I LOVE history... and this book - oh my gosh - this book is full of AMAZING Western History - 

Well - first it is a very inspiring story about a young lady heading west in a wagon train - her name is Frankie.  ( PS - my new mantra is Frankie could do it, you can do it!!!) and Frankie suffers some hardships on the trail - but she perseveres.

This story takes you through her adventures, but! It also gives you a real glimpse of what life back then could be like. It inspired me so much... I made the Trip to Ft Laramie - just to see what some of these things could be like....

This is what is said about the book "

"Frankie Harding finds herself alone on the vast prairie of the Nebraska Territory in 1863. With the loss of her family to fever along the trail West, ten-year-old Frankie is faced with the decisions and choices of an adult. With her only other options of turning back East, to a life and home that no longer exist, or waiting by the trail for some unknown person or family to take her in, Frankie chooses to make her own way West.

Fully aware that she has no idea of what to expect, Frankie learns that the journey across the prairie is the same for her as anyone else; it's about taking one step at a time on the prairie, learning one lesson at a time. She knows that, along with a team of horses and a wagon filled with all she has left in life, it's her own character and passion that will take her to the homestead that waits for her, somewhere out on the vast prairie.

This is Frankie's story about traveling home, about going the distance and finding something permanent, both inside herself and across the prairie. It's a story about loving life, about holding onto life, and about building a life. Ultimately, it is a hero's journey...a journey of the heart and the spirit."

I agree - and you will NOT be disappointed!!!  You can find it at Amazon ( click here : Prairie - the Book ) or Barnes and Noble 

and now.... back to you!! Its time for you to brag!!!

Show us what you have been up to - 

  • Link to the direct post on your blog
  • Visit a lot of other blogs
  • Leave a comment here about what you favorite type of book is
  • Ends Sunday at noon

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Wednesday, September 14, 2022

Quilt of Valor Awards

 My Travels took me to North Eastern Wyoming and!! There was an opportunity to award 4 Quilts of Valor to some AMAZING Veterans!!! so you know I jumped at the chance!!!

Photo courtesy of Judy at Busy hands are Happy Hands

But!! First!!!

My in laws live up that way ( Free hotel haha)  so we decided to go a day early and get a little Golfing in!

It was Cowboy Night at the Golf Course... so you know K had to represent... I needed something that kept the sweat out of my eyes - it was 105deg!!! Who knew that happened in the summer!!!

Because I don't know the area well - I searched for Parks in Gilette and found this amazing Veterans Memorial Park.. we went and scouted it when we got there to make sure I made a good choice...

Isn't this just a beautiful Venue??  and it was wheelchair accessible. The only problem - not a lot of shade for our Very Hot award ceremony, but I think I was the only one sweating!!

We had Two presentations there - The Three were so excited to be there - and I loved them. They each had such amazing stories. and the thing is... each presentation takes on a life of its own. One of the Vets shared some of his War Stories - and held us all captive.  The gentleman on the right - Turns 100 this month.   

It was so cool to have their family and friends come to Honor their Veteran... made my day

and also.... I met JUDY!!! of Busy Hands are Happy Hands!!! What a sweetheart!!!

The bottom Photo - He was also so excited to be there - but was more comfortable with an individual presentation - what another cool dynamic. His whole family showed up... and in Whole - I mean like 20 of them.. it was in the evening, and the difference in Temperature - oh wow... I could handle the evening haha!!

So!! Interested in making this Happen for one of your Veterans touched by war? Check out


Long May She Wave  has JUST started... Do it Do it Do it = haha!!

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Monday, September 12, 2022

Sunsets on the Ranch ....

One of the things you know about Ranchers - is they are ALWAYS watching the weather.

Me - I am trying to choose the cool parts of the day to get work done, K - he just wants to know if we are going to be hot or not. He is Definitely ( and infinitely ) tougher than I am  ....

Watching Sunsets is my favorite thing - If I am horseback while the suns going down - even better!~

It is interesting to me how the sun moves along the mountain range with each season...

We had a wind storm ( see there is weather in this post) and my poor 20 year old tree..... fell over,

He wasn't really a Live tree anymore - but I didn't have the heart to cut him down... so Mr Weather did it for me!!

Moon set thru the trees... I likes the Eerie - ness of this one ;-)

A storm came up - and so I went on the deck to watch it.... with my cell phone and I caught this... very  blurry... I kept thinking I should get my big camera - but I was too lazy 

So imagine my surprise When I actually caught lightening with my cell!!!

Doesn't that look like an alien ship trying to find a place to land... oh yes - I can make up stories haha

and FIRE in the sky!!!

See the Sun moving south.... means winter will really come right? or at least something less that 100?

Enjoy your day!!!

See you at Sunset!!

Linking up to:

Through My Lens    MyCorner of the World

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