Friday, September 30, 2022

Memory Quilts and!!!! Finished ( or not) Friday!!!

I have a big project that FINALLY got Finished!!! and I am so Happy!!

I had a client who's husband passed away. He was a Dairy Man and she saved a bunch of his work shirts for just simple quilts for his kids.... He had 4! 

So I dug into the shirts and started cutting squares. Surprisingly - that took a LONG time!!! but I got the tops together and since he was a pilot, I quilted planes on each quilt. and then... the binding....

but now!! they are all done, and ready for her to have them!!!!

Here they are!! I used pockets and some button cuffs and I think they are really fun quilt.

And the Airplanes. Aren't those fun?

Now that I have that cleaned up and off the table....And My Mystery Quilt is ready to quilt  - I know you are only on Clue 2 - but!! You will love it!!!   I am ready to get back to my Pile Project!!!!

PS - did anyone notice its the END of September!!! Acckk

So!!! Now it is your turn!!! Show us what you have been up to!!! Share the link - lets make the link up BIG!!!

*Link up your direct post here*

***The end*****


Delighted Hands said...

What treasures! A perfecct way to make a memory quilt.

chrisknits said...

Link isn't live yet. Says 5 hours til open.
What a sweet memory for his kids. I love the pockets incorporated into the quilts!!

grammajudyb said...

Love the simplicity of the work shirt quilts! Cute idea to quilt airplanes on them. What a treasure for those kids! I’m sure they will be used and loved!
And yes! I do know it’s the last day of September! It’s our son’s birthday!

Preeti said...

Oh my goodness, a dairy man and a pilot. Such a huge loss for his family and so much warmth and comfort in your quilts for them. You are a kind soul. Have an awesome weekend.

Snowcatcher said...

My gosh! Tears are streaming down my cheeks! What a wonderful gift you have given your friend and her children. Brilliant quilting, and love the included pockets. They will certainly treasure these!

Vicki W said...

What a fabulous gift for his children!

Melisa- pinkernpunkinquilting said...

Fabulous quilts, Alycia and love how you incorporated the pockets in the quilts . Sweet notes could be placed in those . The quilting is amazing. Have a blessed weekend and thank you for hosting the link party.

Sylvia@Treadlestitches said...

Your quilts for the dairy man's family are a wonderful labor of love. The airplanes are adorable, and I always love pockets on a quilt made from shirts. Congrats on a big project finished!

Yvonne from Quilting Jetgirl said...

Oh my goodness, what special quilts for his children. The quilts look soft and cuddly, and the airplanes are the perfect choice for the quilting.

Kate said...

Congrats on finishing up the customer quilts. They look good. Now do you get to start something fun?

Sallie (FullTime-Life) said...

What a lovely thing for you to do for your friend and such a good idea -- the four children will be so happy to have this memory of their dad.