Friday, September 16, 2022

A QOV, The Prairie and!! Finished ( or not) Friday!!!

Happy Happy Friday!!!

This week I got to Quilt on this AMAZING Quilt of Valor!!! I love bold ones - they just pop out at you!!

Isn't this on Gorgeous!!! Verna made it and sent it to me to Quilt for our Awards - and holee cow - I fell in love!!!

I think that a Veteran will fall in love with this one too!

And for my other finish... a BOOK!!!! 

It is called Prairie - and it is AWESOME!!! So maybe you will recall - I LOVE history... and this book - oh my gosh - this book is full of AMAZING Western History - 

Well - first it is a very inspiring story about a young lady heading west in a wagon train - her name is Frankie.  ( PS - my new mantra is Frankie could do it, you can do it!!!) and Frankie suffers some hardships on the trail - but she perseveres.

This story takes you through her adventures, but! It also gives you a real glimpse of what life back then could be like. It inspired me so much... I made the Trip to Ft Laramie - just to see what some of these things could be like....

This is what is said about the book "

"Frankie Harding finds herself alone on the vast prairie of the Nebraska Territory in 1863. With the loss of her family to fever along the trail West, ten-year-old Frankie is faced with the decisions and choices of an adult. With her only other options of turning back East, to a life and home that no longer exist, or waiting by the trail for some unknown person or family to take her in, Frankie chooses to make her own way West.

Fully aware that she has no idea of what to expect, Frankie learns that the journey across the prairie is the same for her as anyone else; it's about taking one step at a time on the prairie, learning one lesson at a time. She knows that, along with a team of horses and a wagon filled with all she has left in life, it's her own character and passion that will take her to the homestead that waits for her, somewhere out on the vast prairie.

This is Frankie's story about traveling home, about going the distance and finding something permanent, both inside herself and across the prairie. It's a story about loving life, about holding onto life, and about building a life. Ultimately, it is a hero's journey...a journey of the heart and the spirit."

I agree - and you will NOT be disappointed!!!  You can find it at Amazon ( click here : Prairie - the Book ) or Barnes and Noble 

and now.... back to you!! Its time for you to brag!!!

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  • Ends Sunday at noon

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Jenny K. Lyon said...

LOVE that one; I love a bold design too. And for a QOV, it kinda shouts thank you!

Yvonne from Quilting Jetgirl said...

Wow, Verna did an amazing job. That quilt is stunning and is sure to make a veteran happy. Beautiful teamwork!

Melva said...

The book sounds right up my alley! Is it fiction or true story?

Michelle said...

That is a particularly stunning QOV!

Delighted Hands said...

Fantastic quilt! Beautiful quilting work by you! Thanks for the book recommend-I will give it a read!

Jocelyn is Canadian Needle Nana said...

What a quilt and what quilting! Wow packs a lot of punch.
I love survivalist books and movies. I've read several about surviving the long journey west for the pioneers including the Donner Party. So your book would definitely interest me. Thanks for mentioning it.

Snowcatcher said...

That is one amazing quilt. Great quilting, too! I know it will make a veteran very happy! Book sounds perfect for a rainy night! Now, we just need a rainy night... :)

Andree G. Faubert said...

Hi Alycia, you did a great job on the quilt. Congrats! It does look great.

Unknown said...

That is an OUTSTANDING quilt!!! Wow! And the book? I live in North Platte, NE where the north and south platte rivers combine just east of town. Lots of history in this part of the country! Been to Ft. Laramie lots of times. I was raised in the very west part of the state.

Allison said...

It is a wonderful quilt, no wonder you enjoyed quilting it so much. The book sounds fascinating too. Have you discovered a fellow quilter Melva of 'Melva Loves Scraps'? I'm sure you'd enjoy the extracts she shared from a diary written by an ancestor who travelled along and lived beside the Santa Fe Trail back in the 1850s.