Friday, September 23, 2022

Plaid Quilts and Finished ( or not) Friday

I only have a *Not finished* today...

But! In my defense ...I had a QOV sew day, Jury Duty, Quilt A Fair, Salsa making and... rain... 

( yay for rain) So there is that haha!!!

Remember my Pile Project? Well I just kept on going with those little blocks ( 9 1/2 inches) and turned it into a top... then I found a plaid back... and now it waits for its turn on the quilting machine!!

Ta -da - I think it is around 36 x 45 inches... and its all plaid!!!

I have some memory quilts that I am making for a client - and I have one more to quilt... then on to the binding - Progress!!! I can't wait to get them back to her - I hope she will like them!!

*I made Salsa ( that will be another post). 
*I picked all the apples off the trees - they really produced this year!!! and Now we are making apple pie filling... its been crazy busy in my kitchen!!

Also... sit down.... I am organizing... anyone want these? 
A pile of 2 inch strips....

Random colors and patterns

Anyone in the US - leave me a comment saying you want them 
and I'll send them to someone.....

What have you been up to???

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** the end****

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julieQ said...

I love your plaid quilt!!! Fall time was always busy at the farm, with harvesting, canning, drying and freezing. I would love to have your strips if they are not claimed!!!

Cathy said...

Oh so you now have one pile gone?? Or are there still unused plaids in that pile? I like the all plaid Happy Blocks. Looks very cozy.

I've made my salsa, canned tomatoes and tomato jam. Waiting for some peaches to ripen and I can't reach the pears on the pear tree so not sure what to do about that. No helpers around here anymore! Our apple trees died a few years ago and the deer or something ate my grapes.

I like 2 inch strips and am making a few different blocks with them.

Jikke13 said...

sure, I want the strips because the yellow one really jumps out at me

Jenny K. Lyon said...

OMG I love that plaid quilt!! How can you ever go wrong with plaids?

Kate said...

Sounds like you've been really busy. Love the scrappy plaids. Happy stitching this weekend.

Mari said...

Jury duty? But yay for salsa and for this fun little quilt. Have a good weekend!

Quiltdivajulie said...

2”strips? Sure, I can give them a good home. LOVE those plaids!

Nann said...

Did you use cut-up shirts or yardage for your plaid project? Either way, I really like it! A great scrap buster.

Nancy @ Grace and Peace Quilting said...

I love your plaid quilts, Alycia!!!

Yvonne from Quilting Jetgirl said...

A finished flimsy is still a finish in my book!

Jocelyn is Canadian Needle Nana said...

I've read a lot of folks are mentioning lots of apples this year. I have some mens shirts that I've cut up to use up sometime like this. The plaids are perfect. You are quite the quiltygirl, Alycia!

Anonymous said...

I'm patently envious of your ability to check so much off the list. All I seem to do is come and go to work. Ahh well, life in the fast lane.

Thank you, but I have plenty of strips and very little time to sew. Glad you do though. Enjoy the Fall!

San / Gypsy Quilter Designs

Marly said...

I like plaid quilts, and yours is really pretty.

Melisa- pinkernpunkinquilting said...

Sounds like you have been very busy. Love the assortment of plaids. What a fun quilt to work on. Have a great weekend.

Celine said...

Beautiful top, so different with the plaids

Caroline said...

I love your quilts. I have many of them on my ToDo list. Yes please, I would love your scraps.

Snowcatcher said...

You really make plaids look good in quilts! This is adorable! Glad you got a lot of apples! Our neighbor, who shared several dozen with us last year, got less than half as many this year, thanks to the pesky squirrels. But I've been making salsa, too. YUM!

Bonnie said...

Great job on using more plaids! It sounds like you have been really busy. Apple pie filling and salsa! I like both of those. Keep on doing that organizing. Maybe some will rub off on me!

Delighted Hands said...

Beautiful plaid quilt!! I can just smell the apple goodies--and applesauce?! Yum!

Rebecca Grace said...

Your plaid quilt is looking great, and my goodness -- yes, you have been busy! None of us quilters is pointing fingers at anyone else for not making enough progress on their WIPs, We all live in glass houses and are afraid to start a fight throwing stones! :-)

Paulette said...

The plaid quilt turned out beautifully! I don't envy you processing all those apples, but I'm sure you and your family will appreciate it in the months to come. I hope you have one of those easy peeler thingies, at least!

Nancy said...

I love your plaid quilt, Alycia! Simple and delightful.

Michelle said...

It’s a lovely top, Alycia.

Sharon Wagner said...

Look at all those quilts in the link-up party. I'm glad the art continues!

Raquel Loio said...

Hi Alycia! It is a very beautiful artwork. I like to paint intuitively and make earrings. Hugs, Raquel

Unknown said...

Oh my, what a beautiful quilt. I would love those 2 inch strips to add to a string quilt. Sew scrappy.