Friday, March 26, 2021

Memory Quilts and!!!! Finished ( or not) Friday!

 Welcome to this weeks edition of Finished ( or not) Friday... where we find ourselves with!!!

A Finish!!! 

Alright - a Little Bragging here.... TWO finishes!! Oh ya!!

I was so excited to finish these and get them back to their owner - and! I think she liked them!!

I put all the darker and more Winter type shirts in this one - with one in the center from the place he spent a lot of time!

Here I tried the Quilt swirl...

Yep -I suck at it!!

and then I took all the light Spring type ones for the second quilt - with one Denim section with his most favorite shirt 

Didn't even attempt the Quilt Swirl with this one... Just gave up gracefully! and draped it over the rocking chair!

These were really really fun to do, and of course - they hold such great memories for this family. The lady I made them for, her dad is an icon in the Horse Business around here, so I hope they bring a lot of good memories for her and her kids!

and now... the part of the show that you have been waiting for!! Its your turn!!

Let's show off those amazing Finishes.....

You know the drill!!

  • Link up your direct post
  • Visit the other linkers! ( you know create even more projects you want to attempt
  • Tell me your favorite color.


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Anonymous said...

These two memory quilts are lovely!


Gretchen Weaver said...

The quilts are lovely, they'll bring lots of good memories to the family. I didn't think your quilt swirl looked so bad. I tried one yesterday, you'll see the picture later. I think you'll agree your swirl was so much better than mine! Happy stitching!

Elizabeth V Kelbaugh said...

Fabulous memory quilt finishes. Love how you grouped the shirts into very different quilts and included special touches. Surely they will be special to the family.

Linda said...

Those are beautiful quilts - each so unique - and the quilting just sets them off. What a wonderful job you did for these folks. Don't feel bad about your swirl - I'm probably the only quilter in the world that prefers to see quilts draped than in that funky swirl - lol!

Cathy said...

Oh,yes...bragging rights are in order for those two finishes! I really like what you did with the shirts as far as the layout and then the quilting was really the icing on the cake. Oh, memories!!

Kat Scribner said...

Such pretty quilts. I wish I could do the larger allover quilting designs on a sit down.

Kate said...

Congrats on two great finishes! Both quilts turned out nicely and how fun to have two color schemes. The quilting is perfect on each.

Sherrie said...

Your quilts are beautiful, I really
like the red one. Have a great day!

Snowcatcher said...

Those are terrific quilts; so appropriate for memories. And I love your swirl. I had never tried it before, and I can see how frustrating it can be, but I think you achieved a nice masculine rose, and the photo is perfect!

Michele said...

Both quilts are great and I especially like the stitch designs you used. I'd love to know what they are, not that I need to add to my panto inventory but....

Vicki in MN said...

That first quilt looks like such a cozy man quilt. My favorite color is purple, but that is not a color I use a lot in my quilts!

chrisknits said...

What wonderful memories!! I don't even try the swirl thingie! LOL

Anja @ Anja Quilts said...

Well done on two finishes. I suck at the quilt swirl. I don't even bother to try anymore. LOL

Cynthia Brunz Designs said...

Great quilting choices on your finishes. Love the texture!

Delighted Hands said...

Love the quilting on these two finished quilts!!! What a comfort for the family!

Melisa- pinkernpunkinquilting said...

Two finishes! Fantastic. They are both so pretty and love the swirl and the drape. Have a lovely weekend and thank you so much for hosting the link party.

The Joyful Quilter said...

Both of those quilts turned out beautifully, Alycia, but I absolutely LOVE that "Winter" version!!