Friday, March 12, 2021

Finished! (Or Not) Friday

Happy Friday you all!

Two years ago today (2019) we had a 60 degree day and woke up the next morning with 2 feet of snow, and it was still snowing. We used a rope to keep ahold of each other while doing chores, and hunkered down....

They say another storm is coming and we could have between 9 and 30 inches of snow... quite frankly, I am hoping for 30inches at my house... anyone who doesn't want it - I hope they stay dry!!  But we are so dry, and we rely on Mother Nature to water our pastures, 

All that said - I have Surprise and her Momma up in the barn, the other cattle are up at the house, we have windbreaks set up, the horses have been brought in to the other corrals, and we think we are prepared. ( I even know where the rope is should it be blizzardy)

I kinda feel like I should have washed the car tho, you know, just to make it snow here!

The only things I really finished this week were my Client quilts - so Yay!! but I did finish this top:

its the Tri Your Luck quilt pattern from our DebbyBrown Quilts class.

I finished this Client quilt - she wanted Butterflies all over it - and that was really fun to quilt!

I also got a little bit of my RSC stuff done, but you'll have to come back Saturday to see that.


Lets see what you are up to - show us those awesome Finishes!! 

* Don't forget to put your direct link in
* for those of you with Flicker photo links - I am looking!!! I just haven't figured out how to comment yet!



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Jenny K. Lyon said...

I'm glad you're getting enough snow to water the pastures! We have a similar feeling in northern California. We are thankful for a system that gave the Sierras a good dump this week. If there's no snow, we don't get electricity, our plants die and we get fires. Let's hope for more!

Gretchen Weaver said...

Maybe you should hang some laundry out on the line, sheets would be great. They'll really blow in the wind and twist around. They should definitely draw in the snow. Happy stitching!

Linda said...

Your butterfly quilting is beautiful! Good luck with the blizzard; sounds like you are well prepared.

Cathy said...

I couldn't wait for all the snow here to melt and it did this week. And here you are wishing for snow. I hope you get it if you need the moisture. Glad you are prepared. I read really old newspaper articles about my ancestors and others holding rope in order to do chores in blizzard conditions. And I read about the demise of some who didn't have a rope to follow and lost their way back to the house. I guess I didn't realize folks still had to hold the line. Ah, the importance of a rope!

Oh, and what could be better than butterflies dancing on a quilt. Lovely!

chrisknits said...

Loving all your quilting!! Feathers are my next goal, but I doubt I could ever do that butterfly! Stay warm!

Donna said...

30" of snow!!! I am only 60" tall!!! Keep us updated on how much you get! You had a productive week! I plan on getting my second part of the QAL down!

Karen - Quilts...etc. said...

sounds like you are prepared for snow and seeing as you need it I hope you get it. Hunker down!

Delighted Hands said...

Amazing quilting work on this one!!!! Stay safe through this one!

Snowcatcher said...

So excited for the storm and hope it delivers!!! It was interesting to read how much you have to do to prepare for this kind of weather. Beautiful top, stunning quilting, and can't wait to see your RSC progress!

Susan said...

That's a really pretty quilt. I love the splashes of red here and there.

The Joyful Quilter said...

I hear you on the client quilt finishes, Alycia. Sometimes, there's not much time for anything else.

Karen's Korner said...

Stay safe....sounds like you are well prepared.

Cheryl's Teapots2Quilting said...

Since you want it, then let it snow! Just keep it near you, and not near me. We've had enough snow for the year.

Melisa- pinkernpunkinquilting said...

Your quilt top looks wonderful, Alycia and love the butterfly quilting. Have a lovely weekend.

Anonymous said...

Beautiful finish for your client! I hope you get the snow.


Elizabeth V Kelbaugh said...

Love the pops of red in your Tri Your Luck quilt top. Hope you get the needed moisture with out the problems it can bring.