Thursday, December 31, 2020

Fabric Giveaway Day 7

This giveaway is more scrappy than the others... but the fabrics on the top right - they are pieces - about 12 x 9 inches and a little flag... then on the bottom left - are blocks that were madef rom them.

and!! A Fat Quarter pack!  ( five I think) 

So if you are interested in this giveaway.... leave me a comment telling me ...

A NEW YEARS resolution.... don't worry  - I won't hold you to it - I just like to know what people are thinking of, and get ideas!!

Also - Make sure I have a way to contact you! Winners will be announced Saturday!

Find me at all these places:

Etsy           Instagram           Facebook

Wednesday, December 30, 2020

Happy Half Square block 28... the final block

 Whoo Hoo!!! We have made it through 28 Happy Half Square blocks and I have really enjoyed myself! These have been fun to sketch and play with. I am sure there are a million more to make - but - I am done for 2020!

And that Kat jumped on board and volunteered her time to create full quilts was WAY COOL!!  Plus - she taught me some things about working in EQ7 so that was cool!!

We have had some new followers and they keep asking what size the blocks are - so I just want to say - they can BE any size - you just need 16 half squares of ANY size and bam! you can make these blocks. 

I am using 5 inch squares to start with, because I still ( sigh) have a HUGE box of them!

So here is Block 28...

I really like this one!!
and then when Kat Mocked it up!
I added the FULL quilt to my list of quilts I want to make in 2021...
( soo look for it in 2023 okay... No pressure!)

I hope you have enjoyed this little project!
and if you made any blocks or even a quilt I would love to see them!
I know that not all the blocks are originals - but I am starting to have an affinity for all things
Half square - haha!!

oh!! and my final project!

Check this out!! Kat taught me how to USE PHOTOS!!! in my EQ program
and I remembered!!!
If I use all of my blocks in the sizes I made them - this would be like 93 x 101....
So  that is not going to happen! 
I want them all Quilt of Valor Sized.

Find me at all these places:

Etsy           Instagram           Facebook

Tuesday, December 29, 2020

Fabric Giveaway Day 6

 Joyful asked if my sewing area was looking really organized... the answer was yes.. it did... but then I started stitching again... so now.. no.

I greatly admire organized people, and people who can put things away at the end of the day. I can do that in my House ( you know like dishes, laundry, food) ... but in my sewing space?  DO NOT mess with my piles people... you might see a side of me you don't like 😂🤣!

Alright - so todays Fabrics I won't use in 2021....  

Aren't these so cute!  Those little sewing machine ones have different machines and scenes on them. I counted how many there were, but I didn't write it down - so Surprise!! there is more than 2!!  

We had fun looking at the side dishes, appetizers , etc - so apparently we like food.... but this time - If you are interested tell me what you favorite place to visit would be... You can have gone there - or just dreaming about going there.... 

And ps - quite a few of you are no reply bloggers, so leave me a way to email you please ;-)

Monday, December 28, 2020

Fabric Giveaway..... Day 5


need a little Fat Quarter Pick me up?

These are just for you then!!

Leave me a comment with your favorite New Years Day tradition.

I'll Draw on News years day and they will be heading your way!

Saturday, December 26, 2020

day 1-4 Fabric Giveaway winners!!

 You guys!!

The food ideas and the scrap block ideas are awesome!

I kinda laughed at how many cheese ball suggestion there were. That was one appetizer I had forgotten about, but ended up making for Thanksgiving and it was a total hit!! so we made it again for Christmas! Great minds right?

We look forward to trying a lot of the other food ideas!!


So I emailed the winners - but I thought I would post here just in case they don't read emails very often

Day 1:

Day 2: Quilt Diva Julie

Day 3: Lisa C

Day 4: Cherie in St Louis

Enjoy!! and see you Monday for another round of Giveaways!!

Thursday, December 24, 2020

Fabric Giveaway .... Day 4

 Happy Christmas Eve Day!!!

Hope you day will be awesome! 

So these are all good size pieces - like 12 x 18 inches or larger. Again - I love them! they are so soft and feminine.... but... I won't use them next year.  

Not that they have to be used in 2021.... but I have already made a list of some quilts I DO want to make....  and these just aren't a part of that plan. 

Okay - I just saw your mouth drop open - yes - I actually think I have a plan for 2021... I know... I am more of a fly by the seat of my pants quilter. And that will probably still happen, I don't think I tiger can change... but! I do have a plan - hahaha!

Interested in these?

Leave me a comment with your Favorite Holiday Appetizer

I'll draw Saturday!

Wednesday, December 23, 2020

Happy Half Square Block 27

Happy Half Square Block 27


Okay - I really Love this block!

And when Kat put in into quilts
It looks really familiar - 
like maybe another block?

I really this one ( above) 
Maybe its another one that reminds me of a Peppermint?

Hope you like this one too! Just a reminder - there is One more left next week - and then!! the new year!! Holee Buckets!! again... all of them can be seen here:

All the Blocks

Fabric Giveaway .... Day 3

Okay - you can totally see a scrappy quilt out of these right? 

I've been having a good time sorting through fabrics - and seeing what I have.  You won't really believe that I am actually looking for something specific... and I keep finding more things...

I am sure NONE of you know how that is right?

If you are interested in these - leave me a comment with a favorite Scrappy Block

I will draw names on Saturday - so make sure I have a way to contact you!

Come back in a few hours.... The Happy Half Square Block will be posted!!!!

Tuesday, December 22, 2020

Fabric Giveaway... Day 2

Today's giveaway!!

Now I will be honest - I do love these fabrics - I think they are so pretty and feminine....

but... I won't use them in 2021 - so I would love them to be loved by someone else and become something  ... other than in a box.


The row in the back is all Fat Quarters - and the row in the front is scrap pieces - Most are good sized - like 9x9 - 

I see a beautiful Quilt in your future!

If you are interested - leave me a comment with your favorite Christmas Side Dish... 

I will draw a name on Saturday - so leave me a way to connect with you!

Monday, December 21, 2020

Fabric Giveaway... Day 1

 I am learning there are things in my stash that I just won't use - and I really think they should be used...

Anyone interested?

The squares are all 5 inch squares and the fabric is maybe 2 yards worth?

Interested?  Leave me a comment with your Favorite Holiday Cookie - 

I'll draw a name ( so make sure you are not a no response blogger or leave and email) on Wednesday

it will ship AFTER Christmas... have you seen those lines - I love you all - but... not that much haha!! ( to wait in lines to drop it off)

See you tomorrow - I may have more ....

Friday, December 18, 2020

Polka Dot Mask Quilt Top..... and Finished ( or not) Friday

 Happy Last Friday before Christmas!! Did you know??? I know I knew, but..... I am not sure I realized.

I had plans to have a quilt Quilted for today... but I got sidetracked, and ... 

I was really going to play around with this one for a while, but I was having such fun..  I just decided to finish the top!

It is my Polka Dot Mask quilt!!  I am really thinking of hunting for a Polka Dot Backing for it.... Hmmmm....

Isn't this just fun and bright?

So? What were my distractions?  well, I live in the country, and some of our neighbors have been holed up for a while. They had had some medical things happen, and well, were lonely. Since I haven't been anywhere - and they have been at home for months - we thought it would be safe to go and chit chat from their patio. and it was SO much fun.  

The most fun about it? I had made a Purple Quilt, and she said something about Purple being her favorite color - so I decided to take it to her.

She was so tickled!!! and it was so fun to see the smile on her face! When we got ready to leave the husband  said.. I like Cowboy fabrics.... Oh man - that totally made my day!! I love it when people like what I like.... they are now my best friends 😍🥰

Now it is YOUR TURN!!
Link up your Finished ( or Not) projects!!  

So.... I am thinking since Christmas is Next Friday - we will Skip FONF on the 25th - and pick back up on the First of January ... as in....   next year!!  Oh my!!

Can't wait to see what you have been working on this week!

************************************** ****

Linking to:
TGIF Friday  at Kathleen McMusings
Peacock Party at Wendys Quilts

Wednesday, December 16, 2020

Happy Half Square Block 26

 Happy Half Square Block 26

I am feeling like these are fun little breaks from the End of the Year Fun. 

Isn't this fun?
It kinda makes me think of a diamond...
Maybe its just the fabric?

Of course - using leftovers reminds me of other projects!
This fabric is left overs of the backing I used on my Kevin the Quilter Mystery

Kat did her amazing Mock ups!
Here it is on point!

Straight with Sashings

On Point with Sashings

and just plain ol' Straight

Alright  - Get back to stitching!!!

Tuesday, December 15, 2020

Book Reports!! I may have read more than One!!!


I think I might have found a time period that I love to read about. This one is also about a WWII Veteran. AND! a Woman Pilot.

It is told as Three Stories - intertwining into one event.  Max - the WWII Veteran, Johanna, the German Test Pilot ( see WOMEN PILOTS)  and Beth, Max's Daughter - who brings them all together.

I highly recommend it.

True to me : I will be honest - I chose it for the book cover, but it turned out to be a very interesting fictional read.

A daughter learns upon her mothers death, that the man she thought was her father is not, and that her family is from Hawaii. And this story is of how she decides to find her family, and the family she found.  

It is pretty cool - no women pilots though... 

I am hooked on a time period - I do believe! This book is loosely based on a Model turned Photographer during WWII - Lee Miller - . The fictional character in this book is named Jessica May.

There is the main story - about Jessica May and her adventure as a War Photographer, and then the sub plot of how  two worlds collide - with a current day character - D'Arcy.

There is a lot that I think I know about WWII, but then, reading this novel, there were things brought to the forefront about that war that I didn't know. Issues that maybe don't get talked about as much, especially ones about how we thought the  concentration camps were rumors, and not a reality.  

it is a long book, but I have to tell you - totally worth your time in reading it.  

Sunday, December 13, 2020

Stars and Stripes Panel Quilt...

 is now a top!

This was a fun one - I love the Ohio Star ( Thanks Nan for them!!) and it was fun to build the strip sets to see how it would go around the panel.

And here is my finished top!

I actually have a back for it, but I know I won't get to quilt it until 2021.  ( I am practicing typing that date)

I am (sorta) keeping up with my Hourglass a day blocks - I have 60 done.  This is from the tutorial at Cluck Cluck Sew.  She already has her top done!! But that's okay - Not a competition, and I am enjoying using these as leader/Enders!

I was told to Take a Hike

Bwahh ha ha!!  We headed up to the High Country for a little visit. We needed to take a hike and see what we could see. The fires that were up here were devastating, and we could see the burn areas as we drove thru to this hiking spot.  7.2 miles, and I think we only carried the dog about 3 miles of it. 

and yes... my dog is spoiled ;-)   He is also pretty tiny, I was impressed he made it. Of course, there will be more photos in days to come 🥰

Friday, December 11, 2020

Flags for Sue Quilt of Valor and.... Finished ( or not) Friday!

 Happy Friday!!

I was accused this week of being a Pollyanna... and I laughed! I haven't heard that word in a long time, as in - I think my Grandma used it and she passed on decades ago!  But yes - I will take that accusation. I know that the world is not perfect, but think of all the fun a little joys that really do happen all around you each day... It will make you happier, and a Lot less stressed!

Even when you get up to iron and see Wade the Steer heading towards the dog kennels... IN YOUR YARD.... just in case you want to know... that is NOT where he is supposed to be. But Wade thinks he is human and he wanted a little head rub... *sigh* ( Pictures at the end of the post)

And today - what makes me happy? I have finished another Flags for Sue Quilt of Valor. 

QOV #19 for 2020

I used a Blue Polka Dot to sash this one - and I like it!! And a fun clamshell to quilt it with. 

 I love these quilts - and the most cool thing is how many of them are Hugging Veterans that were BORN OF FLAG DAY!!! Who knew that would work out so well like that! My Favorite is a WWII Veteran, born on Flag Day, he said his eyes were leaking a little when he received his .... oh my!

Ready for Wade the Steer?  I wish I could video him, but I laugh to much when he comes to see me, and he lets me pet him, and he is huge, so I am always ready to move fast!

As soon as I pulled the phone out, he got shy - but.... he really does think he is human!!

Alright - Show us your Finished ( or Not) Projects!! Let us ohh and ahh and leave you a cool comment!

*Link up to your DIRECT blog post please
*Head over to other blogs and leave them a comment
* link back to this post and let others see all the Quilty Goodness!!

* Have a GREAT quilty Week!


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Find me at all these places:

Etsy           Instagram           Facebook

Linking to:

Wednesday, December 09, 2020

Happy Half Square Block Twenty Five


Happy Half Square Block Twenty Five

I used a really fun paisley on this one.
At first I thought I looked a little like a spool..

and then Kat did her magic!!
On Point with no cornere

Just a straight Set

OnPoint with Sashing

And then every other one twisted!
Weedy Mama...
What does this one make you see???

Oh and here is my Drawing of it
just so you can see the Half squares easier.

and then just for fun:
You could alternate colors!

I think this one might be a fun one to just play with and use as a Leader/Ender project!