Wednesday, May 31, 2017

Quilts of Valor ( and a link up)

Good Wednesday Morning!!!

First off!! I think   *think*  I have created a link up and I think that I created it properly.... however.... I have to go do chores.... so I will check it and see if it all worked right as soon as I get back in..

Hopefully someone will link up by then!!
(edited... Yay it works!!! Thank you Colorful Fabriholic for linking!!!!)

Here is the deal - link up a Quilt of Valor project that you have finished - or are working on - and let us all be inspired.  There is no time limit on this one - if its a quilt you have finished in the last year - Link it up.... if its the last month... link it up!!

We want to see

And because I know you like inspiration.....

Here are a few quilts that my group has finished:

PS - this pattern can be found here:

All three of these were made by our Greeley group
and quilted by 
Hollie in TX

We really appreciate Hollie for helping us finish these!


Link up your QOV projects so that we all can see you creativeness and be inspired!
1. The Colorful Fabriholic  6. Anne  
2. Sherrill  7. Mary Johnson  
3. Laura @ Slice of Pi Quilts  8. KatyQuilts  
4. pat in wisconsin  9. Gypsy Quilter Designs - Firsrt QOV for 2017  
5. Gypsy Quilter Designs  10. Nancy  

(Cannot add links: Registration/trial expired)

Linking to:

Monday, May 29, 2017


While I know that Memorial Day is the day for Remembering our Fallen, I will never miss an opportunity to Thank a living Veteran.... and what an experience both this Veteran and myself had....

In Ft Collins on Memorial Day Weekend the Realities Ride for Children occurs. It  is a huge fundraiser for over 30 Children's Charities, and they also honor and Remember our Veterans.

I was invited to come be a participant this year as a Representative of Quilts of Valor, and we decided that it would not only be good to talk about what QOV is, but to let the crowd see a presentation.... and did these people make us (The Vet and myself) feel like Rock Stars!!

They had us up on Stage - so as I am talking about Quilts of Valor, 
my husband and a Friend ( another Veteran as well)
held the quilt up so the whole audience could see it

Usually I get a little nervous in front of that many people
( I can hide it well - but stage fright is so real)
This time the lights were so bright to illuminate us
the people were just faceless shadows... that was SO easy to talk to!!

Then the President of Realities For Children
Introduced our Veteran
He was a Navy Corpsman in Vietnam
he was a part of the Hill Fights of Khe Sahn
( Go google it.... it;s ok - I'll wait)

Here were are (Above) 
wrapping him in his quilt as the Audience is going wild - and the little grin on his face
Oh! My ! Stars! you all - was totally priceless!!

I'm back there  - I promise 
I can see my feet

I read the Commendation from Quilts of Valor to him
And Welcomed him home

He then took the mike
and as he is also well award of the meaning of Memorial day
he brought us all to tears

 He not only expressed his appreciation
He accepted this Quilt on Behalf of his Fallen Brothers who did not make it home
and on Behalf of those Brothers who did, but were not treated well

I know this is blurry
But I hope you can see his Smile
It was just the best night !!

and as soon as we were finished
the Color Guard came and presented the color
and an Air Force Airman sang the National Anthem

And a HUGE fireworks display was set off


PS!! Don't forget Wednesday there will be a link up for all of you to share your QOV projects too!!!

Sunday, May 28, 2017

Vietnam Traveling Wall

Memorial Day Weekend ....

This year the Traveling VietNam Wall made it to Ft Collins - which is within Driving distance for me. In conjunction with the traveling wall there is a motorcycle ride - and I was invited to help with that - so you will have to come back tomorrow to see about that! Ha!

We headed out to the Wall - it is Located at Veterans Plaza in Ft Collins, and got there just in time for a mini hail storm and a lot of drenching rain.... PS - my jacket.... its not water proof.... nor is my hair

But I really didn't go there for me, I went to remember people I had heard about growing up, to honor the fallen brothers of the many VietNam Veterans I have met through Quilts of Valor, and to hug my Veteran Friends who were there as well...

If you remember I went in March with my son to Washington DC and got to see the Wall there as well. I am not sure why, but having it in your own backyard was very emotional. And being there with others that you know made the loss really hit home.  Seeing the dates on the bottom of the slabs, and realizing the amount of loss in such a short date period... wow....

Remember them all this weekend .....

Saturday, May 27, 2017

Scrappy Saturday!!


even MORE ChurnDashes!! haha - are you tired of them yet???


This is all I finished as of late Friday Night

and below:
This is what I have in progress
( 4 more blocks)

I just couldn't finish them

Wrangler Man made dinner
and then the boys started wrestling
and then it was dark
and then.....

well - I needed to go to bed!

Linked to:

Friday, May 26, 2017

A Very Red Quilt - oh and! Churndashes!!

I might have said earlier this week that Churn-dashes seemed to be the block of the year for me...

I might not have been kidding !

The Month of March was Red on the Rainbow Scrap Challenge < so I had pulled out my red and went to working on them

And I decided that this year my goal was to not only make the blocks - but to assemble them into something.... this year!   ( did you catch that? This year.... Big goal for me!)

Ta Da!!

They are all put into a quilt
and this time I was NOT one block short
( this may be the first quilt this year with ALL of its components!)

And it is all quilted!!

I used a pretty wild back ..
Well it's not really wild, but when paired with all the red
I think it went crazy!

My friend is binding it for me
In the black and white stripe
Won't that be cool????

Here is a little announcement ....
I have been asked by a few readers to host a QOV Blog/instagram Link up for Quilts of Valor Inspiration.

So have decided that once a month I'll host a link up and you can link to all of your blog posts for that month of Quilts of Valor that you are working on/or finished.  That way we can all enjoy the QOV inspirations!  So spread the word - the first linky will be next Wednesday the 31st of May.

Then we will do this on the last Wednesday of each month if people like it - will you join in?


Linking to:
TGI Friday at Slice of Pi
Finished or Not
Confessions ( whoop Whoop)
Off the wall Friday

Wednesday, May 24, 2017

Quilts of Valor CO

Are you ready for your QOV inspirations this week?

I say this a lot - but my bucket list grows every time I get to see new quilts!! And I saw one on a blog that I really want to make now!!!

Here is the link to it:

I am inspired - and hopefully these quilts will inspire you as well!

Diana at High Prarie Quilt shop hosts different sew days - and this top above ( well quilt now) is one of theirs  - I love how they put these blocks together!
it was quilted by Kelly G

All the blocks were made by many people
Joan put them into a top and quilted it

This one was pieced by Marilyn 
Quilted by Joan
( pay attention - you will see it again!)

Below - Thee blocks were made by all different people, and I can not remember who put them into a top - and it was quilted by JukeBox Quilts

This one was pieced by Patty B - I LOVE this panel in it! and it was quilted by Kelly.

We had an Italian Themed Sew day - and we made Atkinson Designs LAsagna Quilt - this as one of them - and it was quilted by JukeBox Quilts

This is another one pieced by Patty - pretty cool huh? and Quilted by Juke Box Quilts!

So!! Did you pay attention to the quilts this time?  Especially the one with the hint???

I will apologize for the lighting - 
But YAy!!  3 more Veterans Covered in Love!!

Go Forth and Quilt!!!
linked to:
quilt Fabrication Mid Week Makers
lets Bee Social
Sew Soem Love

Monday, May 22, 2017


You may have figured out, just by the sheer amount of them, that I may have chosen the churndash block as my block of the year....

I am not sure really how that happened - but I am just loving how fun and easy they are to put together, and I can use them as a leader ender for every other project...... and well....

They are Churndashes! You have to love them.

The Rainbow Scrap Challenge colors earlier in the year were purple and teal/sea green.

I decided it was time to put those blocks to use!

I stuck them all to my design wall
and realized I would be one green block short.

After searching my lime Green bin ( it was sort of empty)
I re Stuck them to my design wall

and learned I would be one purple block short.
so I thought I should run to the Quilt shop!!!

and my frugal son said
Mom - I see purple in one of your fabric bins.

and I said - yes - but I can't reach it, so I should go to the store
and him, being soooo very tall - reached it...

and I wasn't allowed to go to the store
( True Story)

So I made that purple block in the bottom Right Corner
and am starting to stitch the rows together.

And this is why I got to stitch!
We rounded up animals to keep the a little dry
and we stayed inside
Snow! in May!
you gotta love it!

and 3 days later 
We let the horses back out in the cold wind and look at them - goofy animals!

Main Crush Monday
Design Wall Monday
Love Laugh Quilt
Freemotion by the river

Friday, May 19, 2017

Cats Cats Cats.... A finish

That I can now share!!



THIS!!! Flew over my house the other day. And when I was downloading photos I actually captured it! I was standing on my deck shooting straight up!  It was so noisy it sounded like a 16wheeler was coming up the road... and my dog and I looked, but this is what we saw!!

ok - back to the finish!

My friends Mom loves Cats, and she thought it would be great to have a quilt made for her, that matched her decor, and was special.  This is what we came up with!

The pattern is from Missouri Star Quilt Co - Someone had asked me that earlier.... so there you go!
The quilting pattern is called Feathers A La mode and its from Dawnas Design Threads

Happy Friday you all.... our heaters have kicked on, and we have lakes in front of the house - our ground is quite saturated..... hello Green Grass in a few weeks!!

Linking to:

TGI Friday
Finished or not Finished Friday

Wednesday, May 17, 2017

More Quilts of Valor

One of my QOV groups had a real fun Panel Challenge. The challenge was to take the Panel and come up with something.... and the panel had motorcycles on it!!

So I wanted it!  I work with 3 Combat Vet Motorcycle groups - so I know it will be loved....

And this is what I made with it:

I really like that panel - 
and surprisingly I am not sure that I have ever made a panel quilt
I am sort of hooked now 
( I even bought a real cool eagle one to work with)

And then I just quilted this one
Ethel made it - It's really cool too!

Check out this fun one
My Buddy - a Veteran who received his quilt from us a while ago
presented it for us .

but that;s one that was all of our group blocks and
I finished it ;-)

School is out for all my kids now
so wish me luck in finding my personal Quilting time - ok?

Monday, May 15, 2017

They keep getting older......

And I am not sure why!!!!  

My son....  decided that it was time to graduate.....

From College....


and When????

My stars - this time has just flown by!!

See Look!!! They let him cross the stage!!

and they actually handed him a diploma

This is total proof right??

Actually we are really really proud of him, no matter how bad of time we give him!
He finished in four years - go him!!

Friday, May 12, 2017

Modern Medallion Quilt

I love seeing what kind of quilts my Clients come up with, and when they are so unique - it is really fun to find ways to quilt them.

Now - this client has specific likes and dislikes as to quilting designs - sometimes that adds to the challenge, other times it helps you focus real quick!  

This one was fun, I had ideas, she had ideas, and this is the final quilt.

( PS - I had NO ideas as to the piecing of the quilt - that is all her, my ideas were on the quilting side)

Its a LARGE quilt - it didn't even fit in my living room. I have a large living room.....

Isn't that just a cool quilt?  I think she did an amazing job - she had an idea and just kept adding to it!

I don't know about you, but I always love looking at the back and checking out all that yummy texture!

Oh I had such fun working on this one! She loved it too- so that was win -win!! Right?

Shameless Plug:
I have a few openings in June if you are interested in having a quilt quilted.... message me - 
Also  follow me on Facebook for more information:  Quiltygirl on Facebook