In January 2009 I actually wrote down my New Years Resolutions on my blog, and you know I had to make sure some of them were easy - so I had a chance of success. Now looking back I realize I didn't do to bad.
(resolution 5)I learned to cook a lot of things with out wheat, barley, or rye. One of the resolutions was to learn to cook according to my allergies. And after only a few bricks of what was supposed to bread, I managed to learn to cook an edible bread. And then I got brave and learned to make an edible pizza crust. And to top of the accomplishments - I made a gluten free pie crust that was actually yummy! Now if I could just figure out noodles....
(resolution 1) Quilts of Valor was an amazing experience. I have to thank EVERYONE who helped make this possible. A LOT of love was shared. I am defineatly continuing this. I have meet both wonderful quilters, and wonderful reciepients. I have made some of the best friends ever thru this project... and some of them might even come to visit me this summer!
All in all I think the Year of Me (2009) was pretty successful. I started a few projects though, that I did not finish - so they will be UFO's this year.
**********2010 Resolutions************************
I have been reading this book called "organization solutions for add people" or something of the sort. Now I do not have ADD - but there are some pretty good tips in there. And a lot of the behaviors do describe me. So I decided that instead of a whole years worth of resolutions that maybe I would break it down into goals for each month.
So - here are January's goals. And I am hoping that writing them down will motivate me to keep up. I have a tendency to procrastinate certain things.....
*Quilt 15 Quilt of Valor Quilt tops.
*Finish Pieceing the Carolina Christmas Mystery Quilt top.
*Plan a menu each week, and stick with it. I am trying really hard to utilize my crockpot as we have swim practice 4 nights a week, basketball 2 nights per week and one weekend day, and swim meets one weekend per month. ( Oh there is 4-H, quilt guild, and Drum lessons thrown in too)
*Exercise 20 minutes each week day. (Wish me luck, thats the thing I procrastinate the absolute most!! I really should be exercising 30 minutes, but thought if I tricked myself into 20 minutes...I could convince myself to go 10 more minutes)
I hope you all the best for January too!