Saturday, May 31, 2008
Not so Top Secret Project Intro
I worked on my Not so Top Secret Project almost all day. I would like to tell you a little bit about this Not So Top Secret project and maybe you will want to join me! You remember the Chaplain asking for 100 quilts for Quilts of Valor for his soldiers? Well I told my mom, and my quilt guild. My mom - well she is dangerous. She gets taken with an idea - and away she runs with it... so far she has recruited about 10 sewing ladies from her church, and has scheduled 3 sew days.
Well we need some quilts to sew, that are not too difficult as they are all at various stages in their beginning quilting careers. So I have EQ6... I should use it to come up with some relativly easy pretty patterns right? The first one I did is a Rail Fence quilt. So I got that pattern all printed out, and have made 4 kits out of my fabrics for that.
So now I need something a little more advanced - yet something that I can't screw up while teaching it, and something that maybe my guild would like to make.... and this is where you come in.. Maybe something that you would like to make and consider donating to Quilts of Valor. And if you were so inspired to let us deliver it for you - that would help meet our 100 Quilt goal...
See now - you never knew where I was headed with that did ya? So anyways - I did design something that is relatively easy, and hasn't really taken me that long so far, and I think looks rather nice. At this moment I am testing the yardage and everything has matched up so far. I think its looking rather nice!
Come back on Tuesday to the blog, and I will be ready to show you my Not so Top Secret Project, and will start posting the directions. It will not be a mystery... I love mysteries but am very very visual so its easier for me to not do that. It will not be broken down in time segments - because I am one of the slowest sew people in the world, but it will be step by step.
I hope some of you will like the pattern and choose to participate. Then if you find anything confusing or wrong with my instructions I will be one step ahead when presenting it to my Moms sew ladies and my Guild.
Have a good one!!!
Thursday, May 29, 2008
Summer has Started
Tuesday, May 27, 2008
It is the first Quilt of Valor for the next delivery! Okay - so it isn't quilted yet - but thats just a technicality!! I already cut a backing for it, so I am prepared. This is a Scrappy Bargello - from and it is made by Janelle from MD!
I am so excited!
This weekend I finished a string quilt.. so need to get it quilted and that will be two. We are off for a great start.
Last Friday we had some pretty wicked weather around our house. Nothing at all compared to the huge tornado that hit Windsor - but still we spent the better part of the day in the basement. This pic to the right is the Spout - I think they called it - that built up speed and touched down about 2 miles from us. I took pictures upstairs then decided the wind and the churning clouds were enough. We headed into the basement and watched it go from the small windows.... yep - I am a chicken!!
Okay - back to sewing - I have an idea, we will see how it pans out and then maybe, just maybe I will share it with you ( if I don't screw it up - which has been known to happen!!
Have a great one!
Monday, May 26, 2008
Soldiers examining their Quilts
Saturday, May 24, 2008
Memorial Day Weekend
I had a group of young men in the 5th grade who volunteered to work with the wildlife fabric. They made a quilt and called it Natures Way. Natures Way was able to go to MQX ( and be displayed in the QOV booth. C was one of the young men in the group so he presented the quilt to SGT R.
This soldier I only got to talk to for a little bit. He was a unit leader and had 18 soldiers in his unit. I know he was glad to be on US soil.
We tried to get photo albums with each of the quilts, describing the making of the quilts, the quilting of the quilts, and who worked on them. There were also some letters from the students who helped make each quilt. I can not tell you what a hit they were. All of the soldiers and spouses were so tickled to look thru the albums.
This bottom picture is of our high school CFS teacher and the soldier. This is the second year that the CFS has been involved and what a great help they are!
~ I am not sure if I mentioned it - but when we were leaving the base Chaplain took me aside and said, Do you think you can bring 100 next time you come? Gulp - well we will try our best. Apparently these quilts are quite important??
Have a great Memorial Day weekend! I am prepping more fabric into quilt kits for a sew day in a few weeks... for more Quilts of Valor!
Friday, May 23, 2008
What a strange day
Wednesday, May 21, 2008
More Soldier Quilts
Sunday, May 18, 2008
Tropical Challenge

Monday, May 12, 2008
Staff Sargeant W
He sustained quite a few bullet injures, but the worst was to the head. So he has what they call Traumatic Brain Injury ( TBI), and is really struggling with short term memory. Prior to enlisting he told us he had gone to college to become a teacher... which of course endeared him to the two teachers!
I hope you are all seeing how important your quilts, fabrics and Long Arming skills are to these soldiers. Although you couldn't be there physically - your spirit was. Thanks again!
Have a great day!
Sunday, May 11, 2008
The next Soldier
He is still learning to walk well, as he has no feeling from his left Knee down. They do think the feeling will come back as he can feel sharp real well. He says he still has to watch where he is walking as sometimes his leg has a mind of its own.
He recieved his quilt and was so excited, with both the quilt and the photo album that came with it. I asked if I could take his picture, he said yes. So as I was aiming I said now smile
This is what the base photographer got:
Doesn't he look a little more happy there?
Hope you all have a great Mothers day and evening. We had Grandma (and Grandpa) here for breakfast and then they headed over to my husbands sisters house for dinner. It was very nice.
Saturday, May 10, 2008
Quilts of Valor Delivery Day

Thursday, May 08, 2008
Its Beth Day!!

It is the night before our delivery - and I am trying to make sure I have not forgotten anything. I have taken two loads of quilts in to school, so we can walk them right out to the bus, and my hubby is going to help me load the rest in my trunk tonite.
In Total there are 48 quilts, Three are ones that I made for them just to have on hand - so all the rest will be delivered!! I even have a picture of

My kids are almost done with school, and I think they have summer fever. No one wants to finish homework, no one wants to go to bed before it is dark, No one really wants to go to school. I think I understand... but I am tired of pushing them. (Stinkers)
Hope you all have a good evening!
Monday, May 05, 2008
Its Janice Day
Today ( after a little stress with DHL) 3 wonderful quilts arrived from Texas!! I love Texas! Janice made and quilted these beauties and that brings our delivery number up to 44... won't the chaplain be surprised.
I have one last quilt that Mrs W. is binding, I have bagged up everything that is washed - I have a few more to wash, and then we will be ready for delivery Friday.
This weekend was very productive for me quilt wise. I bound two QOV's and (drumroll please) the Batman/Spiderman quilt I made and gave to my now 7yr old is bound. Apparently he didn't care because he slept with it anyways!
I also worked on some more string blocks. My mom's church is doing VBS and for there community service project they decided to do a Quilt of Valor as well. Now seeing as I don't have any Red White and Blue fabrics - I dug and dug and dug ( are you rolling over laughing yet) and pulled out 12 different
We thought we would have the kids draw pictures into a few quilts ( probably 4). So she has some ladies that live by her that will sew the fabrics into blocks and when the kids are done we will put the into a quilt!
Well that is all I know for now... I made myself a list of things and I guess I had better get to it. One of those is getting the string blocks I made into another top. Binding on a gift quilt, and paying bills - yuck! I have till Thursday to get this done!
Have a quilty Day - Happy Cinco De Mayo!!
PS - I have tried to add all the quilts that are being delivered to my webshots album too - so is where they are
Friday, May 02, 2008
Heartstrings Quilt of Valor