That said... I think I should start at the beginning.... Thursday nite... Two more Wonderful quilts arrived on my doorstep. One you can see at Suzannes blog http://saltcreekquilts.wordpress.com/2008/05/06/stars-and-stripes-quilt-of-valor/ , and the other one I will defineatly blog about!

Thursday I took this picture.... of all the quilts! And decided I needed to take a load to the school, so we did and had quite an entourage following me to the classroom. The whole school I think had an idea of what was about to happen.
Friday morning 3 High School students, the CFS teacher, 8 5th grade students, one of the 5th grade teachers and myself boarded the bus for our 2 1/2 hour drive. We discussed about what might happen, what would happen, and what to say.... but we were all excited. We arrived on base and got to take a tour of the war memorial gardens before heading into the chapel. The chapel would be our main location for the presentation of the quilts. This is where the soldiers met us. All of these soldiers came from the Warrior in Transition Unit on the base. This means the have rehabbed enough to not need to be in the hosptial, but they are not rehabbed enough to be back with there active unit, or be discharged. Many of them have been there a few months, and few have been there for a year.
We were able to talk with the soldiers and hang out and get to know them while we ate sandwiches. Many of them told us there stories of injury, and how they got back to the states. One soldier told me - Ma'am its just way to gory, I don't want to scare anyone.....
After this we moved into the chapel where the quilts were and the kids started taking quilts to the individual soldiers. I tried so hard to take pictures of all the quilts going out - and I know I missed quite a few. For this I do apologize, but to make you feel better - I even missed the soldier getting the quilt my 6yo son made. But I know they are all in good hands and are SO Appreciated!!
If you will allow I would like to tell you the stories I have permission to share one soldier at a time. This soldier I will call Pomona, as that is where is was born and raised. When we were out socializing I noticed him kind of standing there, very quiet and not involved with talking to someone. So I headed over and being the shy being that I am pestered him! I asked where he was from, and he grew up South of where I grew up. He was very quiet and very shy, and was very hesitant to engage in conversation. He worked Air Traffic Control in Iraq, which is one Humongous job. I think God must have told me to talk to him cuz in my previous life ( okay even this one) I am a pilot. So we talked planes and helicopters and soon he was actually talking with out me asking questions.
His quilt was delivered to him, and I noticed he left it in the bag and didn't have it out like so many of the other soldiers... so again I pestered him. I asked him if he thought his quilt was okay - and it wasn't too girly was it ? This was his concern earlier in the day - that he would get something too girly. He said nope - it was fine. So I tried to talk to him again, and he just wouldn't take the quilt out. Being a quilter this was driving me nuts! I wanted to know which one he got. So I finally asked him , Can I take a picture of you with the quilt? He said No, I said okay, Why? He says if I cry in front of the men I don't know if I can handle it. I smiled and pointed to 3 other Men who were crying, and then he took the quilt out. And yep - he cried, and I turned away until he got the tears brushed away. The sweet girl next to him is one of our High School students - A - and she came over and hugged him and we got this picture.
These soldiers - men and women alike are TOUGH! More so than I think I could ever be, and they are so considerate of others that they don't talk about themselves much, so this was quite an experience to have to talk about themselves.
I have many many more pics and stories - so check back often!! I want you all to know how much your quilts are appreciated and loved and cried over!!
Thank you so much for doing this! The stories are wonderful and the work you are doing is so very important.
I saw your post on Stashbusters. I too belong to that group. I have also quilted for Quilts of Valor, however I noticed that you live in CO and take your quilts to Ft. Carson. What unit is that the home for now? It used to be the home of the 4th Infantry Division and it was when I was a soldier many years ago. My dad was also a member of that unit during WWII. I would like to start sending my QOV's to you for the soldiers there in CO. Please email me at
qultnut@embarqmail.com. I also have a blog on blogspot, here is the address:
hope to hear from you soon.
thank you SO much for taking them to be delivered!I was waiting to see if you had updated your blog on my bloglines...it NEVER updated! Dratted Bloglines! I will visit DIRECLY for awhile!
What a wonderful day for everyone.
love and hugs xxx
WOW, that is the coolest thing ever. Your post gave me chills. I'm sooo glad you went over to talk to that soldier, it sounds like that was exactly what he needed.
I admit I had a sook when I read this post.. it would make what you do so more worthwhile to see how much they are appreciated!
take care
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