Well I did it - I finished my Stack n Whack top annnnnnnd even finished quilting it. I know I won't get the binding on for a little bit. This part always slows me down! But here it is - I made it out of animal prints - and quilted it with Quilters Dream Puff batting - it is so soft and comfy and warm!!
I took this as a class at the Quilt Shop in Windsor - and the group I took it with made a reunion date. I am so glad we did that - it put pressure on to finish it before the next year (or two or three for those who know me)
Today was a basketball day - we played in Johnstown, and battled just a little bit of snow, but man am I snow shy. The second that snow started coming down I drove the vehicles to the highway and parked there - no more snowed in junk for this girl! I will hike the 1/2 mile to guarantee we are not stuck!!!