Friday, September 10, 2021

The Quilt that Needs A Name and!!! Finished ( or not) Friday

This quilt is NOW a Finished!!!  Quilt,  and! I love the contrast of the colors! But - I have been calling it the Teal quilt - and it sounds lonely that way. It needs a Name... Suggestions??

Oh ya! And you know I took it hiking with us! It had to be introduced to the whole world.

But don't worry - after its photo shoot it went straight back into the Car - I kept it super clean, as it will go on Etsy soon.   

I just love all those fun fabrics in there - they are mod and crazy, and swirly and... Teal!! with Hot pink and purple - A perfect combination right??

All right - if you have a name!! Shoot it off to me - give it an identity!

Time for Finished ( or not) Friday!!
Link up and show us what you got!!

You know what - I am starting in the third year of hosting this... My first time taking over from Myra was 8/23/2019  - WOW!!

Alright - so !! Why!!??!! aren't all my UFO's done????

** **

Also linking up to"


Kat Scribner said...

I LOVE that teal quilt !! My favorite color, the contrast is perfect and the quilting too. Happy Friday .

Cathy said...

Be "teal" my heart! Your quilt "teals" the show!

3 years already? Wow. Time does fly!

Jenny K. Lyon said...

I'm not good with names, sorry! I never tire of that color combo, it just makes the quilt. Those zig zags make me smile!

Linda said...

It's gorgeous! Great combo of colors and just beautiful photos. Names, hmmmm - maybe something to do with "canyon"? Or Teal Toss?

Donna said...

I can’t think of a cute name but it does look girly to me! Great color combination!

Vicki in MN said...

I love this, aqua is a favorite color! What pattern did you use for it?

Elizabeth V Kelbaugh said...

Love the colors in your teal quilt but no idea for a name. I am terrible at naming quilts. It makes me think of the desert native American jewelry.

Kathy E. said...

Looove those colors together!
Some name suggestions:
"Teal We Meet Again"
"Teal Me You Love Me"
"Teal It Like It is"
"Kiss and Teal"
"Teal Me Something Good"

Leanne Parsons said...

Great quilt, Alycia! I'm terrible at naming my quilts and have been known to refer to them as 'the green one' or something similar, too :)

Mary Says Sew! said...

"Colorado Skies"
"Summer Skies"

Yvonne from Quilting Jetgirl said...

I love the pink border and binding with all that teal. You are on an amazing binding / finishing roll!

The Joyful Quilter said...

Congrats on the quilt finish and best of luck with the Name Game, Alycia!! Personally, I think Kathy E. may be onto something with a few of her suggestions.

Bonnie said...

OOh Kathy E has all sorts of great names... I like Teal It Like It Is. But any would be great.

Melisa- pinkernpunkinquilting said...

It is fabulous, Alycia. Oh yes! I like the colors and the movement as well. Congratulations on your finish for the week and thank you so much for hosting the link party. Happy quilting.

WeedyMama said...

Well, there was "a horse with no name", so you could have a "quilt with no name". BUT, it does have a name. "R", right there on the front, look for it.

Annette Mandel said...

The teal quilt reminds me of the "Shutes & Ladders" board game.

Elaine M said...

Great quilt, love the colors, great photos with the rocky cliff. I would name it Rocky Waters!

Delighted Hands said...

What a great quilt no matter what backdrop! Excellent finish!

Cheryl's Teapots2Quilting said...

No names are coming to me, but it's a nice quilt. Congrats!

Anja @ Anja Quilts said...

Congrats on the finish. The colours are awesome together.

Kate said...

A bright and fun quilt. What you wrote about the fabrics made me think a possible name would be "Just for Fun". You got lots of great suggestions, so hopefully something stuck or inspired something else.

Preeti said...

Gorgeous combination - eye-opening really. Love it. I'd call her Wild Child. I am sure you have plenty of names to choose from now :-)

Anonymous said...

Love it! Name suggestion "Teal R Us"

Crafty Lady

Mayte said...

Es muy bonita¡¡¡

Vicki Waldo said...

I love your quilt! I would name it "Turquoise Dreams"