Friday, April 23, 2021

Dakota Inspired - My Finish!! and.... Finished ( or Not) Friday!!!!

 I just hope this was a Stitchy Quilty week for you all!!! We had snow!!! and I will tell you, I must have checked out from the news, because that was a surprise to me!  A good surprise... I like snow... but still...

All right!! Dakota Inspired is now a *finished* Mystery!!!  and here is mine!!

( if you haven't downloaded the latest clue, avert your eyes!!)

Ta-Da!!!  My Finished ( yes un bound!) Dakota Inspired!!!  I think this was a fun one, but I have been sworn to produce a Mystery with not as many half squares - okay they really said no half squares... but I am not sure that is possible... so my brain is off to ponder another quilt design.

And you can tell - I took this photo before the snow.  I actually took it when Little Bit was home and willing to hold quilts... Thank goodness for kids! Middle Bit came over for a Whole Day!! and he helped me rearrange my fabrics and sewing room and I loved it!! I have some space!!

Now it is your turn - Link up your finishes!

*Direct Links please!

*Link back to this page.

* Visit as many as you can - leave a happy word!

* Enjoy!


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Linking to:
TGIF Friday at MMM Quilts
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Frédérique - Quilting Patchwork Appliqué said...

Congratulations, what a beautiful quilt! Great to have kids to hold it, and help in the sewing room! Enjoy the snow too ;)

Gretchen Weaver said...

Lovely quilt! It's always nice when the children come home, happy stitching!

Rebecca Smith said...

I love it. I’ve saved all the steps but never got around to cutting mine. Now I think I need to rethink my fabric pull.

Elizabeth V Kelbaugh said...

Great Dakota Inspired (almost) Finish. Glad you like snow. Not me and that is why I enjoy living in SC.

Linda Swanekamp said...

The quilt came out great. I have to finish the side triangles but the dark blue triangles have me thinking of trying something else. I made a couple of string triangles, but I used red and blue together and that did not look good. I am going to try just a bunch of blue strings and see if that works better.

Vicki in MN said...

Your quilt turned out just gorgeous!

Linda said...

Beautiful finish and I love the fabrics. Your son helped you rearrange your fabrics? How fun!

Donna said...

Gorgeous!!! We had snow too! Ugh!

Snowcatcher said...

Gosh, I love that one! I may have to start one of my own! (That's a huge compliment because I've sworn not to start any new projects until I finish enough WIPs to get down into single digits!!!)

That unexpected snow was a hoot because it protected my hyacinths and daffodils from the low of 13 that night. And it's always fun to watch the critters in the snow the next morning!

Cathy said...

I like how Dakota Inspired turned out. Thanks for the mystery! I hope to get mine to flimsy stage by next week's link up. I have to find enough dark blue pieces to use for the side setting triangles first.

Oh, and I'm one who loves HSTs!

maggie fellow said...

Oh it is really a great quilt - thanks so much for sharing with us.

Kat Scribner said...

You have some space after re-arranging ? That is just invitation to stuff more fabric in there. The Dakota Inspired quilt is lovely. Great finish.

Judy in Michigan said...

I love this quilt!! Great design and fabric choices. But why is it called Dakota Inspired? Maybe because of the 4 peaks at the top? Whatever you decide to call your quilt is fine with me but I wish I knew your thoughts on this. Love you!!

Sandra Walker said...

Too funny: I think we linked up on each other's linkies at the same time! Love this finish. Two block quilts have always had my love and amazement at the secondary patterns.

chrisknits said...

It's a wonderful finish, even if it's not really finished! LOL

Delighted Hands said...

I hope to have mine all done and ready to give to my local QOV coordinator next week!

Nann said...

It's a great design. And there aren't too many HSTs!

Susan said...

Beautiful quilt!

Jenny K. Lyon said...

Gotta love a red, white and blue quilt! This one is a stunner, love all that piecing.

The Joyful Quilter said...

Awesome quilt finish, Alycia!!

Mrs. Goodneedle said...

My favorite color combination of all time- my husband and I even had a R,W and B wedding 46 years ago! Congratulations on a stupendous design and finish!

Anonymous said...

Dakota Inspired is lovely! Wonderful finish!


ginkgokid said...

So pretty!!!! Love the colors, it truly is a great quilt!

Bonnie said...

That is one fabulous quilt. I saved the directions but didn't make the quilt...mainly because I never seem to have enough yardage of a specific color. I may try making it scrappy. Time will tell.

R.A.Holden said...

Fun quilt. Just finished mine.

Vicki W said...

I love this quilt! It's way too late for snow. That stuff needs to move on out. It's been unseasonably cool here this week too.

Cheryl's Teapots2Quilting said...

Great quilt! I like half square triangles.