Friday, July 17, 2020

Client Quips ... and !! Finished Friday!!

Happy Friday!!

This week - I have no finishes for myself.... But its all good!!
I have a few finishes to show you from some of my clients!

This is from my dear friend that can find THE BEST antique Quilts areound.. It was REALLY flimsy and fragile, so we tried to not do any stitch in the ditch - We wanted nothing to rip!!

And I loved the fabrics!!
Here is the next one, and!! she asked me to bind it - can you imagine ha haha!  But I did it for her - and it turned out so cute!

I am still working on processing wedding photos from my friends wedding - I think I went Camera Crazy - and you should just guess how many Raw photos I took... I don't think anyone can get close!!

Now it is your turn to brag... Link up!!




Sandy said...

That is a lovely vintage top ypu are quilting. I wonder how/where people find these?

chrisknits said...

Our daughter's wedding is 22 days away!! I do hope there are a ton of photos showing the fun we are going to have! None of those staged ones, just all the fun. That vintage quilt is gorgeous!!

Delighted Hands said...

Nice work on the antique quilt--they do require special handling!
Fun to hear of your other adventures, too!

Cathy said...

What an unusual basket block. Your quilting really enhanced it. Now it is the beauty it was meant to be.

Michele said...

That antique quilt is fabulous.

Anja @ Anja Quilts said...

You've been busy. We can't always have a finish every week. Although it would be awesome if I could finish a project in a week...I really need to get moving on these UFOs. LOL

Andree G. Faubert said...

Hi Alycia, I didn't realise that you shouldn't stitch-in-the-ditch if you had fragile fabrics. Very good to know! Both quilts are lovely. Good luck with the photos! Take care.

Kate said...

Very pretty quilts! Hopefully there was time this week for some of your stitching stuff.