Friday, April 17, 2020

Diamonds on the Rough... and Finished Friday

Sometimes I name my Quilts and it makes my headline so much easier, but other times... I can't think of a name... so I have to wing it!   And this one was winged...

But it is finished!  Pieced and Quilted - and in the stack for my awesome Fellow QOV'ers to bind!!

Finished QOV #7 for 2020

And Lucky me - we got the photo in before the snow storms came back! We have had 3 of the last 4 days bring snow - and cold  - and more snow.... Really wet snow.... I hope to have an awesome pasture this year!!! and Fat Cows!!

This is the back - Debbe made this cool back out of bandannas and I thought it looked good for this quilt.....

So that is my brag for the week - that and my family got fed every day this week.....

What is up with you??
Share your Finishes with us
Provide the Direct Link to the post/instagram photo
and if you would link back to this post for others to ohh and ahh over our awesome projects!


Linking to:
Can I get a Whoop Whoop


Gretchen Weaver said...

I love your quilt, so pretty! The recipient will be thrilled. This snow, we're supposed to get 4" today! I guess I'll just keep on sewing. Stay safe and healthy!

Mrs. Goodneedle said...

It's wonderful; the name too~ you're on a roll! I find that sometimes the quilts name themselves. Well done on this one, bravo!

Kate said...

Congrats on a cool finish, front and back. Maybe you should make it a self improvement project for the college kids to cook at least once a week, you'd have more time to stitch.

Anja @ Anja Quilts said...

Great finish. And a great name. I rarely name my quilts because I can never think of a decent name. So I call it by it's pattern name. LOL Sorry to hear about the snow, but please keep it -- I'm ready for sun and warm weather. ☺

Delighted Hands said...

Fantastic finish and I really like the backing for it, too!
Very creative! (sorry for the additional snow!)

Zenia Rene said...

You should "wing it" more often, you are a natural. Great name for a fantastic quilt! And the backing of bandannas, Bravo!

Home Sewn By Us said...

Hi Alycia! What a gorgeous quilty finish. Of course, your pieced work looks fab but that backing is really unique and fab as well. I can see this being a reversible quilt very easily. Thanks so much for hosting today! Have a fabulous Friday. ~smile~ Roseanne

Cheryl's Teapots2Quilting said...

That is a cool backing.

chrisknits said...

I LOVE THIS QUILT!!! It just speaks to me for some reason. And what an awesome back.

Preeti said...

What a fine, fabulous finish. The bandana backing is the bomb.
I cannot help the alliteration :-p
Have a great weekend!!!

Dirt Road Quilter said...

What a great finish - it looks great with that red border and yes, perfect backing! As for feeding your family, just let them out to graze. I'm sure the cows won't mind sharing. :)

Melva said...

That is a very attractive finish and the bandanna backing is perfect! Thanks for the linky opportunity. :)

Susan said...

Beautiful QOV finishes!

Yvonne from Quilting Jetgirl said...

Sometimes finding a name for a quilt can be hard. I spent hours yesterday trying to come up with a name myself, LOL. Diamonds on the Rough is lovely: congratulations on the finish!

Snowcatcher said...

Hopefully all this snow will make for fewer wildfires this summer and phenomenal wildflowers...

Love your newest QoV! The back is a really great idea, too!

Cathy said...

Wonderful finish! I've never thought of using bandanas for backing. Great idea.

Julie said...

What a great quilt and fun name. I rarely name quilts, because I just can't think of a name! You can keep the snow! We have cold weather, but my husband is farming full steam right now. I keep making excuses to not go out and do yardwork, but I think I ran out and this afternoon yardwork it is! What a fun quilt back too.

The Joyful Quilter said...

Simple, but oh-SEW-effective. Congrats on another wonderful QOV finish, Alycia!!

Pat at Bell Creek Quilts said...

another awesome quilt! are those free form baptist fans on it?!

Rebecca Grace said...

Beautiful QOV and yes, kudos to you for feeding your family, too! Quilting AND cooking is asking a lot!!

Sandy said...

Awesome quilt... and a bandana back! What a great idea!

Andree G. Faubert said...

Hi Alycia, that is one great quilt. I really like the idea for the backing. Congrats on a great finish!