Friday, July 01, 2022

Teal Basketweave .. the finish!!! AND!!! Finished ( or not) Friday!

 Da da da DAAA da da!!!

I believe the last time we saw this Basketweave quilt was on the design wall!!!.. and now look at it!! It has grown ( just like our children)

This was my Squirrel project for the February Rainbow Scrap Challenge and its all Jan's Fault!!
She posted a pattern here   and it said... you have a jelly roll - what is stopping you!!!! and so....

I didn't get stopped!!!

As I was putting these blocks together - we made a surprise trip to Joshua Tree National Park - and I fell in love with the Cactus and the Joshua Trees!

When we got back I was inspired to find a Quilting pattern with Cactus on it!!!

And I did!!!
It has Coyotes, cactus and Yucca on it - so I think it fit the bill!

We have had a plethora of wind lately.... and its not my Favorite.. I prefer Nice cool breezes!

I show you this one - because my Husband almost took flight... but!! if you look close - you can see the Cheeseburgers in Paradise fabric on the back!!!

Alright - I am finished!! Its your turn haha!

Welcome to Finished ( or Not Friday!!)

The whole goal ( for me) is to have a finish to brag about and actually get my projects to finish!  You can also show the progress on your projects... Hope this is working for you and your projects too!

  • And now.... it is your turn!! Link up your finishes for this week!
  • Help us make the linky party grow and Provide a link back ON YOUR POST - to this post.

  • ****Link Up ****

    ************The End************


    Kat Scribner said...

    Your quilt looks mighty big, Alycia. and that is one of my favorite colors.

    Cathy said...

    As if your quilt wasn't wonderful to begin with...then you added that cute quilting pattern to take it up a notch to really wonderful. Congrats on the finish.

    I've seen that Basketweave pattern called all sorts of names and with blocks in all different sizes and the blocks made of all different things from crumbs to single pieces. It is so versatile and makes for some really neat quilts.

    Delighted Hands said...

    A beautiful finish and what a great quilting design! Our husbands are so tolerant of our quilting needs! lol

    Michelle said...

    Beautiful! Such yummy colors.


    Elizabeth V Kelbaugh said...

    Fabulous "Basketweave" quilt. Love all the teal.

    The Colorful Fabriholic said...

    OMG, those colors! THAT QUILTING!!! It's gorgeous, I love it! Isn't Joshua Tree the coolest otherworldly place?
    Thanks for the shout-out. Was one jelly roll enough for the 6 x 8 block layout you used? Was there any left over? I might update the fabric info for this pattern since it seems to work so well for a jelly roll.

    Yvonne from Quilting Jetgirl said...

    Oooh, I can't decide which I like better: the quilt, backing, or quilting motif. Such a fun finish!

    Jenny K. Lyon said...

    Love that quilt, Joshua Tree and that burgers in paradise backing!

    Quiltdivajulie said...

    Cheeseburgers in Paradise fabric indeed. Fabulous!

    Jo Kitchen said...
    This comment has been removed by the author.
    Nancy @ Grace and Peace Quilting said...

    Wooow!! Love how your quilt turned out!!! I'm noting the pattern! We visited Joshua Tree NP last summer--pretty awesome!

    Snowcatcher said...

    You've seen my teal quilts, so you've got to know how much this yanks on my heart! The colors... WOW! And being a desert girl, I'm really loving the quilting!!! Outstanding!

    Vicki W said...

    Very pretty quilt and I love the quilting that you did on it.

    quiltingbydawn said...

    Your quilt is beautiful! Congratulations on the finish! I love the color teal/aqua but I don't think I have enough in my stash to do a full quilt! Hmmm....

    loulee said...

    I'm in love with that quilt, no wonder you didn't stop.

    Cynthia Brunz Designs said...

    Congrats on the finish. I am loving the colors!

    Mystic Quilter said...

    Beautiful mix of teals here and fabulous backing fabric!

    Vicki in MN said...

    Oh but I love this one!! It's my favorite colors(along with purples).

    Bernie Kringel said...

    Love the quilt Alycia. It seems like a pattern that is easy which is my cup of tea. The quilting motif is awesome. It is crazy how many patterns are out there for long arm quilting. Seems like a theme for any fabric.
    Hope the wind calmed down. I am not sure why, but I really dislike being out on a windy day. Who knows?

    Bonnie said...

    Wonderful quilt. Absolutely love the color and the quilting. Too cool. Thanks for giving info on finding the pattern.

    cityquilter grace said...

    very pretty quilt alycia...glad hub was able to remain terra

    Andree G. Faubert said...

    Hi Alycia, I love your quilting designs - very cool! I love the Joshua Tree National Park. Glad that you had a good trip and that you were inspired! Take care.

    Anja @ Anja Quilts said...

    Teal is such a great colour. Love the basket weave pattern.