Friday, March 25, 2022

Stop Tossing version one... and Finished ( or not) Friday


When I write a Mystery Pattern - I usually just make the quilt first.

Then I cut Version two and start writing the pattern as I stitch along.

Then I bribe a friend to do it and critique it

Then I offer it to you as I am quilting my version....

Except this time.

I still have Version one.. with all its boo boos.

Version two got awarded somewhere along the way ...without photos. Which is good, it is doing what it was intended to do... but HOW did I forget it's photo???

and I DID make a Version three.... and Yes... its in plaids... but... It still needs its borders - so I am going to save it for another blog post - just to bother you... annoy you... and well... let you know that my best laid plans.... fail... 

Its all good tho... and I don't stress - I sorta laugh at myself....

Here is the original .. 

It started because my 5 inch square bin... just keeps overflowing - and it needed help......

And I needed some brain stimulation ... do you ever have days where your creativity ebbs? This one got mine going again!! YAY!

The Back... It is now in the to be bound pile for my QOV sew day, where I will bribe one of my favoritist people in the world to bind it ;-)

What have you got finished up?  Share away!!

Please add your Direct link only ( not the main link to your blog)

Please only link up a Finished ( or not) project - not announcements .. that's not really in the spirit of the link up

Please make sure to visit the links - make someone's day with a sweet comment

Please - link back to this post so others can join in

Link closes Sunday at noon my time

***********Link Up *************

***********The end *********************


Cathy said...

Boo boos? I don't see any boo boos! It's a lovely quilt and you are so lucky to have a friendly quilt binder!

Linda said...

I have nothing to show here today, but I LOVE your quilt!

Delighted Hands said...

Thanks for sharing the insider story! Your quilts are always beautiful.

The Joyful Quilter said...

Your version doesn't appear to have any mistakes, Alycia. Congrats on finishing it up! We would have been even MORE impressed if you had bound it, too. :P

Yvonne from Quilting Jetgirl said...

Hooray for having it ready to bind and be donated. I'm sure one of your QOV sew day friends will be more than happy to finish it off!

Sara said...

Amazing how those left over bits and pieces can become a whole new beautiful project. Looks great! I'm putting the final border on a Quilt of Valor this afternoon.

Snowcatcher said...

Now you've got me curious about version three! However, there is no such thing as mistakes, remember??? They are design options. :) I love your quilt, and it looks perfect to me!

Kathleen said...

This looks great to me…and lovely to have it done!

Sylvia@Treadlestitches said...

Nice quilt for a great cause! Did it make a dent in the 5 in. bin? No matter what I sew, somehow the bins stay full!

Andree G. Faubert said...

Hi Alycia, it's good to laugh at ourselves and remember that we are only human! Your quilt looks great - so good luck with version 3! Thanks for the linking party.

Ivani said...

Beautiful quilt Alycia, and for a great cause.

Kate said...

Version one looks great! I guess if you finish one fast, it's easy to forget to photograph it. I take forever to finish a project, so I get lots of photos.