Monday, May 31, 2021

The Positivity QAL and a Gingham Quilt

If you remember - Sew Pretti is hosting the Positivity QAL - to benefit Mercyful Quilts - and!! it started this weekend!!

So what is  girl to do - but see if she can follow directions and start a block ( or more)

And so! I did.... I have quite  few more cut out now!  These are pretty fun - and the pattern is on Pretti's blog:   Positivity QAL

Awhile back I was reading Nancy's Grace and Peace blog and she kept showing these cute Gingham quilts - kind a buffalo plaid looking kind  ( go look here: Gingham Quilts ) and I kept thinking I want to try one.

This was the weekend to dive in  

I have all these rowed and up on the wall:

Never mind that I just pinned them over the other things up there - it just adds dimension right???  I think that will be a cute one and it will measure about 49 x 58 inches.

I also spent time working on my kitchen and my bathroom remodel -until the rain made us stop. I was painting trim outside.... that doesn't work in the rain. I had to move my operation inside... 

Linking to:

Design Wall Monday at Small Quilts and Doll Quilts

Monday Making at Love Laugh Quilt

Saturday, May 29, 2021

Red Rainbow Scrap Challenge and Table Scrap Challenge

 First of all - How many of you have perfect fabric Vision?

I took this test online and I scored a 0 - and I panicked - until I read that 0 was perfect. shew.... which really doesn't always translate to me making gorgeous quilts - but I'll take a perfect score

Test yourself here:  X Rite Colors Challenge and Hue Test

Now on to my Progess for the month of May - 

I got SEVEN Placemats pieced.... and none of the red ones Quilted. But! They are sitting in a pile ready for some extra backing to come their way.... 

I did get a few more of my Green ones done - so that's good. But I still have one of those to quilt too... I see a marathon quilting day in my future!

Someone asked what my total was - including these that makes 47 placemats - I think I need to update my photos with finished shots - You can read all about my placemat projects here:

Placemat Project

Linking up with : Rainbow Scrap Project at Super Scrappy   and Table Scraps at Joyful Quilter

Friday, May 28, 2021

Right On Target - the Finish!!! and Finished ( or Not) Friday

 I finished this quilt top about March of last year and have really really really wanted to quilt it- but! I didn't know what I wanted for a back .. and it finally came to me! Flannel!

Now - it is quilted, and ( knock your socks off!) Bound!!  So I took it for a little photo session.

When it was just the top - all of my trusty Quilt holders had been sent home - and now - they all are at work .. so very sad!  Good for my Grocery budget, but My quilts miss them!!!

So!!! I took it on a walk - I mean - we actually have green grass now! its quite exciting - and the animals are getting fat - we love that!

and the sun is shining - it was a great day!!

I included this one - because - as you can see they are working on the natural gas well ... and those towers - well they scare the everything out of me when the lightening storms occur. But they look so weird!

So this is called Right On Target - but I was thinking I should rename it  psychedelic- since it is So.... Groovy... man... haha!! But since I had to google it, as the spelling i was coming up with wasn't even spell checkable - I think I will just call it Mine!  

See that flannel backing? I love it - I'm thinking of keeping all the windows open so it gets cold enough to snuggle!!

Alright!!! Now it is your turn to brag - Link up!! 


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Favorite Finish Monthly Link UP at Meadow Mist Designs

Find me at all these places:

Etsy           Instagram           Facebook

Wednesday, May 26, 2021

Stillwater Veterans Ranch

 A few weeks ago - I was able to head out to the Stillwater Ranch - A Ranch that focuses on Veterans - and you all!!! I was in Love!!

One of My Veterans ( you know every Vet I award a Quilt of Valor to becomes mine - right?) told me about it - and I had to check it out - not only to learn more but to see how we can incorporate QOV with it!!

And me - the Guru of remembering to take all sorts of Photos.... FORGOT!!! I was just drawn in by the place!

BUT!!! Never Fear - they have a website with all sorts of Photos!

We did remember to get a photo of the two of us though - this is me ( left) and Wendy ( right) the Director. We had such fun touring the place

The facility is not a new state of the art building - but one that is just perfect - it is homey, it has something for everyone - If Veterans come out with their families - there is something for the kids, the spouse - it is just a wonderful way to help our Heroes Heal - Go check it out - right now... as you all can imagine - the biggest expense is HAY - for the big ol HAY burners - Of course, the Horses are so amazing, and provide so much for the Veteran. 

The therapy these animals provide is amazing - Horses are Fight or Flight animals, and given the reactions of Veterans to different situations they can mimic their emotions and help them learn to deal with them.
( on a side note - a lot of people ask how I stay sorta not crazy... My Horses... Oh if they could talk... It'd be bad... just sayin') 

As our restrictions are dropping - I am so excited - we got to do a small Group Presentation - and yes- I realize I am in the way of the shot - but we were just so excited to get to our Veterans... 

And last but not least - let me show you a few QOV"s 

A cool sampler - Kathy B Quilted it

and below -
Donna Mae taught a quilt class - and the class was about how to use a panel

This is one from her class ( I picked up three!) Yay Quilters!!

Alright - your homework - Go check out Stillwater Ranch and just tell me how cool it is!!

Monday, May 24, 2021

Just Stuff

 This is Mare...  early in the morning... Very early - and she decided that she did not want to be caught, brushed or ridden, so she gave me the Evil Eye..... But I won her over, sorta , and got her caught....

Momma Cow - again - with the evil eye - what is that all about? 
Okay - not really the evil eye, she was telling me that if I gave her grain she would be nice.

But that was after she tormented me, and showed me who was queen of the hill. Which by the way - having a cow taller than you - its quite a creepy feeling!!!

And it is BABY time!!! The Babies are a coming!!! I need to get my big happy camera out and let you see these little cuties!!

And just to prove that I have cooked a few meals - Ranch Raised Burgers with Zucchini Fries!!

The winner of my little fabric giveaway on Monday is The Modern Diary Andee - Andee get me your address and this will head your way!! 

Thursday, May 20, 2021

Log Cabin Loonies .... and Finished ( or Not ) Friday AND!!!! TGIF Friday!!!

 You all!!! I get to be the DOUBLE HOST This weekend!!! And you know what... DOUBLE FINISHES right???  

So lets just get to my First Finish!!!  A while back ( Ahem, don't even think it!!) Julie K started a little Log Cabin Loonies sew along. And I kept looking at these fabrics - and decided to jump in. Well this week! I decided that that top needed some quilting and!!! sit down for this... Binding.... oh ya!!

What is this world coming too... Binding more than one quilt this year... crazy!!

And look at how pretty that looks on my refinished wood floor!!! I haven't moved furniture back in, because - well - I am painting now... and may have a few other things I want to do first.... Who ever let me start the refinish project.... your in trouble!! haha!

This is the back. It's kinda  a crazy paisley and I wasn't sure I was going to like it for anything, until I finished this top! I think it goes with it just perfect!!

And Finish ( sort of) Number 2: Along the way of my redecorating, I had some crazy ideas. And when you have a crazy idea - you have to see it to the end. I LOVE photography, and I LOVE using my photos as decorations - and now!!

I have NEW KITCHEN mats!!! I am so excited!!!And Guess what!! If you want to bring home a little bit of my country to your house - you can have one too! We have CATTLE DRIVE ( Or Spring Spa Day)   or The Three Amigos  available right now.   I just love these - and again.... check out that wood floor!!! NICE right?

There is actually one more Finish to share. And I will be honest, this one doesn't quite excite me as much as my quilts. But A lot of you have been praying for and thinking of my Mom... and now you know .

Alright so NOW!!! Let's get to those Finishes!!

* Be sure to use your direct link

* go visit a lot of other pages!!

* this week you should visit DOUBLE the pages - since its a DOUBLE link up!!


********************************************************************* *

Find me at all these places:

Etsy           Instagram           Facebook

Wednesday, May 19, 2021

A really Good Memory

 This is a really really good memory.

I was asked to present a Quilt of Valor to a Veteran living in a Veterans Home.

I have to be honest, I think I fell in Love with him. He was the sweetest, most kindest man, and all he wanted to do was tell stories of his service. ( my favorite thing EVER) .
So my husband and I turned what was supposed to be a 30 minute visit into dinner with him, and then... Ice Cream Sundaes - because if you can't eat ice cream.. what kinda day is it? ( my Vet's words, and ones that I have come to believe in as well)
And when his daughter sent me these photos, I fell in love a little more. Can you see the joy and just plain happiness in his eyes?
Oh to live a life of that kind of happiness. I adored him.

Monday, May 17, 2021

A Little Fabric Giveaway

 This weekend did not give me much time for stitching... but its all good - because I had fun! 

I did have a little rearranging time in my quilting area... well actually the whole front room and kitchen, but that will have to be another post. Because today... after I post this little giveaway... I am going to Paint!! 

Oh yes, a few of you warned me, and you were right... its not just the floors that needed to be redone - but I am having some fun ! And I will have a whole new looking kitchen when I am done.

Here is what I found!

5 Flannels pieces in the cutest colors and a little cross stitch one!  They are all about 1/2 to 1 yard each and I think one of you would LOVE to make something with them!!

If you are not aware - Pretti is hosting a Merciful Quilts Drive Positivity Plus  Maybe some of these fabrics would look good for that?  or Covered in Love  Or maybe you have a special person you think would like them, or hey!! Maybe you need to make yourself a quilt!!!  you probably need these!!!

Interested? Leave me a comment by Friday and we will choose one of you to have these fabrics winging your way!! and you don't even have to tell me anything... just a Hey ya! or me! or if you really want... tell me what you are working on

Happy Stitching!

Friday, May 14, 2021

A 30's finish, Binding... and Finished ( or Not) Friday!!

 Happy Friday!! you have made it through another week - I am sure you were wondering what day it was right?

My goal for my Finished Friday was to Bind stuff!! ( as in THE WHOLE FINISH - ugh) and look! 

I did it!!

I bound this little beauty - is was one of my RSC projects a little while ago - so now it is Quilted - and Bound!!

And here is the back

And then - I really got inspired to bind more.... I got all of my Blue RSC Placemats Bound!

I still have one more Blue Placemat to quilt - but these NINE are now all quilted and bound!! Yay Me!!

I am feeling a little accomplished.... and all the floors are now redone, It is cleanup time - my least favorite part of living in the country... I just think there should be a magic button and Poof - everything is clean!

Anyways - now it is your turn to link up your projects. I am going to set rules though - I am not a meanie, but here it is.

*Link your DIRECT blog post to this link up. If it is just the link to your generic blog - please be forewarned.. I will delete the link.  Its too hard to find your post, as the week goes on... and I want to get to your specific post. 

*Also - you all - It is Finished ( or not) Friday - please do make sure your post has a Quilt project in process or a Finish... not just a generic post ( Please - it is a specific link up)

* Have a lot of fun visiting !! 

*******************Link Up Here**********************

** ************************************The End**************************************

Wednesday, May 12, 2021

A little refinishing and .... a Squirrel!!!

 First off the Squirrel.... or maybe the backstory to the squirrel?

You saw my Finish from Last Friday?  ( I am sure you did, since you eagerly await my blog post each day right? I crack myself up!!)

Well anyways - when making those blocks you got a little bonus block. And the Bonus Blocks were sitting in a pile on my Ironing Board, and we decided to do a little remodel, which meant moving my Kitchen and Dining Room into my sewing room, Which meant my husband thought the *open space* on my ironing board would make a good piling spot... I highly *ahem* Highly!!! Disagree!!

So when I was moving the dishes he piled on my ironing board -  those blocks just jumped out - and I sat down to sew - because - really - what area few extra dishes in the area?

Here is where I am:

Oh Whoops - I got overly zealous in my photo - it is the project on the left!! Mostly I put blocks in a pile until I can figure out what to do to make them into a 60 x 80 quilt - but Not anymore!! Okay - Not this week!!  This one will be small - maybe 35 x 35 - but! I may add a border? Who knows.... we are in the midst of inorganization right now!!

Oh and now - the Refinishing.... My Kitchen/Dining Room floor is wood and has taken a beating over the years with 3 Boys, Dogs, and Friends of Boys - it was time to re finish the floor...

Which meant we had to move the Refrigerator and the Oven and the Table and the Chairs and the Photos, and the crap that builds up .... into my SEWING space.... oh boy!!  

it's all good tho - because I have been sorting through and I swear at least half of it is not going back!! and I might have some redecoating Ideas too.... my husband thinks he woke up a monster!

Back to stitching!!!

Linking to:

Midweek Making

Tuesday, May 11, 2021

Catching Rainbows, Jackknife and 1638

One day I was playing with my fabric, and I fell in, and I saw some prints I just needed to use right away.... and now.... I have started another project....  

That's really how it works right? We can be working along all swift like on 13 projects, and we see a new piece of fabric that we forgot we had and bam! Project 14 is underway... Just like that!!

Don't pretend you don't know what I am talking about... I read your blogs ( bwahh haa ha ha)

Here is how this one started....

Bonnie ( over at Quiltville) Had been working on these little Catching rainbow blocks and I kept liking them. She also published the block pattern in the magazine she writes for (Quiltmaker) and then!! 

I was reading the EQ blog and THEY HAD THE SAME BLOCK..... and I still liked it, and then!! 

 I was reading Susan's QuiltFabrication Blog - and SHE HAD THE SAME BLOCK!!

You know when the universe sends you THAT many clues.... how stupid do you have to be to not start a new project.... ( Don't answer that - its a rhetorical Question....  haha)

I just had to sit down and try one and see if I still liked them - and

I really really do like them!!!  They were so fun to make - and for me - they did take some time. But now I think I have two done, I may be able to save some time streamlining my process.... maybe, but I won't hold my breath!

PS - its raining and snowing here, and its cloudy... that means I don't have to *work* and can stitch more right????  

Monday, May 10, 2021

Stars Unfurled - a double design wall

 As you know - I have been pattern testing the quilt called Stars Unfurled - designed by Katie Mae  and!! I have gotten to the stage where I get to put it up on the design wall!!

Actually - Its a double design wall!! I started out testing the Throw size of the quilt ( she offers 4 different sizes), but as I went a long - I became aware of s few Veterans that could use quilts of a different size... so I started playing with the blocks that I had made to see what I could come up with!

So here is design wall Number One: 

Ta da!!   I may end up adding borders to this one, after I get the center done I will remeasure and make sure it will work for this particular Veteran - if not.... I will add a Maroon Border

And now on to Design Wall Number 2!

This one will (obviously) be larger than Number 1 - but!! I really like this one - and It won't need borders for this Veteran! 

So when this pattern comes out - I will be sure to let you know, and you will want to make one! There are lots of other color ideas - its just I think in Patriotic... !! ( can you imagine!)

Oh!! And I do have blocks left - for a design Wall #3 

Stitch away!!!

Linking to:

Monday Making at Love Laugh Quilt

Design Wall Monday at Small Quilts and Doll Quilts

Friday, May 07, 2021

Tri your Luck - the Finish!! and Finished.... (or not) Friday!!!

 Happy Friday!!

Be honest - how many of you made Tacos for Cinco de Mayo?  It was totally called for right?

And... did you set a Goal - for your One Monthly Goal ( at Elm Street Quilts) ? I was going to, but the week got away from me. So! I am just setting it for myself. My goal, this month, is to Bind things.... lots of things... and get that pile down.....

But first! I needed to Quilt a little something. Maybe you remember my Tri your Luck quilt top from (ugh) February? I decided it was time to move it to the quilting front.... and I even loaded a movie to get me thru.... The Binding..... Oh YES I did!!  

I bound!!!  haha!! I can see your faces now - wait she bound like two things this year! is it a new epidemic, was there an earthquake?  Did the world stop turning??? 

So here it is!  This is the Tri Your Luck pattern by Debbie Brown quilts - and I did it in Patriotics and ... quilted it - and BOUND it.  I think I might be in Love with striped Bindings now... The more I use them, the more I want to make them!

Alright - Now it is your turn to link up your Finishes. 

*Please provide the direct link - a few didn't work last week and I can't tell why.... 

* go visit other links - be inspired and inspire them to keep quilting.

* start something new 

*************************LINK UP **********************************

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Linking to:

Find me at all these places:

Etsy           Instagram           Faceboo

Saturday, May 01, 2021

I am seeing RED!!!

 Ohhh May's Rainbow Scrap Challenge is RED.....

and holee cow - I found a lot of little RED blocks!!

and wait!!! There's more!! I just couldn't fit them all on my design wall!! Now - Placemats to make and!! I even have a little idea for a Quilt out of some of them.... fingers crossed... it works!

I also Finally finished my Blue Pineapple Blossoms..... 

For lots of other really cool Rainbow Scrap Projects  - head over to: