Friday, May 29, 2020

String Quilts.... And Finished ( or Not) Friday

Happy Friday!!!

String Quilts are some of my most favorite types of quilts - I love the idea of the wonkiness of them turning into something usable... and so! Here we go - It measures 55 x 73 inches of scrappy!! 
I think that the blues remind me of the skies around here - you never know exactly what color Blue you will get.... but something will show up!

and the yellow - because we are told that here in Colorado there is at least 300 days of sunshine...

I am not sure where they measure that - or for how long you have to see the sun... But .. I like the idea there is that much sun in a year!!

I quilted a small meander over it -
I just felt the need to not have to plan or place a pattern
Very relaxing!!

And of course - you need more yellow right?
Just made the back pop!

Alright!!! Let's see all the goodness you have been working on!!


Linking to:

Tuesday, May 26, 2020

Fencing... and Fencing and... more fencing

One of the things that we are all getting proficient at is.... Fencing....

as in building - or rebuilding... or replacing fencelines....

It never fails - you think you have everything all fixed the way you want it... and Bam!

A fire burns some of it, or an animal goes through it.... or.... your wife ( oh wait! That's me!!) wants a new line to help divide a pasture.....

Anyways... Repairing Fences with adult children is way different that fencing with small children... its way less work (for me) and more photo time ( for me) ! I didn't ask them how they felt about it. haha!

Plus - they know what they are doing, and are a lot stronger.. who would I be to deny them the opportunity to prove their abilities??!!

And to be honest - this view was what we really all needed! Its quite peaceful out here and the mountains were pretty crisp. It was also cool enough for me to wear a sweatshirt... my favorite kind of weather!

The little baby was keeping an eye on us!

Had a bit of a Flyover...
( wish I could have gotten a clearer and closer shot... this was zoomed pretty good)

And then!! The antelope came running.... We love antelope - but they are VERY hard on fencelines!
They don't like to go over the fences - they like to go under.... and YAY me!! I had just cleaned the Unders out....

So when he got to the fence.... he wasn't going to tear it up!  ( don't look at the other line - I hadn't gotten to it yet!)

We figured it would probably take us 3 hours to fix what we fixed.... so 5 hours later.... we were ready to saddle up and start the second phase of our day.... ha ha ha!

Linking to:
My Corner of the World

Friday, May 22, 2020

Mystery Quilt Finish .... and! Finished(or not) Friday

Happy Friday!!!

Let's hope you all had a very quilty week!! 
Mine was hit and miss!! It never fails that when I have plans - the oil people, or the cattle have different plans. We have a pipeline that runs on the South end of our property - and they were out there working on it. These people are the nicest oil/natural gas people I have worked with over the years - but they needed to move out some of our fences - which requires conversation and planning and moving of animals ... I don't like when the animals go visiting the other peoples property.... ha ha!

Back before Stay at Home - my QOV group did a one day Mystery - and this was the quilt. I think this one was made by Cindy and Bernie - and my part... I Quilted it ( oh and I also designed the mystery and hosted it) 

A close up of the fabrics - and the fun quilting!

Lets see what you did this week... Share away... Visit all the cool kids and be inspired!!


Tuesday, May 19, 2020

Taking Delivery (of my online shopping purchases)

I am glad you all enjoyed my online shopping experience -

I think I laughed the loudest at " I wonder what the shipping charges are"

We have three sale barns within a few hours of us - so I bought her online, and then had to go pick her up. But the cool thing with that is how calm it was. We all had scheduled times - and there wasn't a rush at the pick up chutes...

These are the chutes for the big trucks - and we pulled into the chutes for the smaller trucks. My trailer opens pretty close to the ground - so if we backed in there the cows would have to jump. We are backed into our slot and are looking at those slots - so imagine when it is crazy busy - you could have 3 semis and 3 regular trucks all trying to back in to the same small space..

I am okay at backing - but when people watch - My trailer misbehaves... so it was a good day for me!!

We loaded her up - and she was obviously relaxed and Ready to go.... There was hay and a little grain in there to keep her happy as we traveled back!

This is just a photo because I made myself laugh.  I put up an alleyway to run my roping steers to the arena - and this photo  just proves that I am a much more accurate quilter than I am a fence maker - and you all know how much I LOVE wonky blocks in quilts...

I see a reason right here ;-)

A good end to a busy day.....

Monday, May 18, 2020

Online Shopping

How many of you are in love with Online Shopping?

I wonder if you have online shopped for what I online shopped for?

Things sure have changed in our Ag industry - and the days I used to spend at the sale barn have really changed - so ..... I did the Online option.....

Ta da!! My most recent Online purchase!!  She doesn't have a name yet - I am just getting to know her. But - I usually go to the sale barns, Walk through the cattle pens, choose the lots I think I might like. Then when they come into the sale ring I can judge their temperament, the way they try to attack ( or not) the ring masters..... 

Online that's a little different. But I tried to assess everything just by watching her on a video - and I think We did alright!  She's a little skittish - but she's not very old, and ran with a large group... so she is getting to know her knew pasture-mates...

although I will tell you when I brought the horses in to the other corrals her nose went up and her eyes got big - I am sure she thought they were her brothers from another mother!!

Course the horses didn't think much of her at all!!

Have a great day!!

Friday, May 15, 2020

LAW School Finish.... and Finished ( or Not) Friday

Today is the Day!!!

We were supposed to be up bright and Early and on our way to our Oldest Sons Law School Graduation Celebration!!!

We had it all figured out how to get the other two kids, Both sets of our Parents and our Luggage out the door and all landing at the Same Airport within 40 minutes of each other.... a Planning feat that may NEVER ever be accomplished again!!

And then some Bird or Bat or Meanie decided to give the world a pause...

Needless to say I am STILL so super proud of my kid and will just brag a little on him.... and when we can all be together again - I will probably brag again ( just a little warning!! ha ha !)

Don't you just love seeing kids celebrate! 

This is in front of the Supreme Court!!

I love it!!
He said there were hardly any people about  - so taking photos was easy!

Even though I didn't personally Accomplish this feat - I am counting it as my Finished Friday for this week - since I gave birth to the kid who did finish this feat.... It counts right??

Alright - Now it is time for your finishes!
Provide a direct link
and have fun looking at all the eye candy!!



Wednesday, May 13, 2020

Mystery Quilt Finishes .... By Carol H

I love it when people send me photos of their finished Mystery Quilts

 ( well from patterns that I wrote - cuz then I know what they are Bwahh ha ha)

Carol H Made these two quilts - and I think they are gorgeous!!

This one is Called Stars and Stripes - and the pattern can be found here:
Stars and Stripes Pattern

I just think her fabric choices are SOOOO Beautiful!!

and then the next one is called Lone Rider!

And this pattern can be found here:
Lone Rider Quilt pattern

Again!! Great fabric choices right?  I really like the color combinations she used!!

Happy Quilting!!

Tuesday, May 12, 2020

More Modern 2020 HST BOM

Designed by Steph Jacobson  Is now done!!

This week I am celebrating the small finishes...

This is the May Block!!

I ran out of that Swirly Red - so I have to start finding others that will blend

Here are all the blocks together - and in order
( there is one bonus block so far)

I am not sure the final design will have them in order - but!
I think it is fun so far!

It is fun to have little projects around - 
I am in the process of making 4 memory quilts for a Veterans Family - He was such a great guy, so it is kinda fun looking at his shirts and military memorabilia and patches - and getting them together for the daughter and her kids.

I am also quilting on a Beautiful Wool Applique quilts that a client made... it is pretty custom so its taking a bit....

So I am glad to have some little projects that I can work on in between.... makes me feel like I am doing something! Ha ha!!

Monday, May 11, 2020

May Rainbow Scrap Challenge blocks

The color for May - announced for the
Is Dark Green

Got my blocks for this month done!! Whoop Whoop!!

Isn't that just a pretty shade of Dark Green?   Wow! Vicki - at Colorways by Vicki has some of the most gorgeous colors of hand dyes!!!!

I love them!!!

Linking to:
Monday Making
Design Wall Monday

Friday, May 08, 2020

Brick Cottage Lane Table Runner and.... Finished or Not Friday!

Time went really fast this week - well and really slow too!!

This was kinda a check in week for our whole family. I don't talk on the phone all that much ( but believe me, that doesn't mean I can't talk!!), this week was an exception - seems I got to check in with the whole family - it was great!!

A few Years ago I made the pattern Brick Cottage Lane 2 from Busy Hands Quilts and I and Loved it!!  Of course, I am kind of a scrappy quilter - so sometimes I have more fabric than what the pattern requires, so I kept playing around and now!!

I have a finished Table Runner made like her Brick Cottage Lane pattern!

I had a fun time quilting it - and used a funky crazy back!!  And of course, I am going to put it in my Etsy store - Since Craft shows are still iffy - I have been trying my luck there! ;-)

So lets get into your brags!!!

Show us what you have finished for this week.  and tell us all about it!

Please provide a direct link to your post.

and please think about linking back so others can see all the quilty Goodness!!

Its pretty cool for me to check out all your great projects!!



Linking to:
TGIF Friday at Pretty Piney
Can I get a Whoop Whoop

Friday, May 01, 2020

Half Square Logs and..... Finished (or not) Friday!!

Happy Friday you all!!!
What a week it has been!

So!! I posted a rememberery photo of the Half Square Log Cabins quilts on Tuesday and I was inspired.... LOOK!! What my Finished Friday is.... Ha ha!!! I wanted to make another - so why not???

And then... I fizzled... Haha! I think this weekend I will need to sit down and make a to do list and get focused - That ever happen to you?  How do you get back on track?

PS - this is a free pattern under my Free Pattern Tabs

alright - lets see how your week went?

Please link the direct link - and go visit all the awesome quilts!!
PS - we had 39 linkups last week  - holee cow - that is a lot of happy fabrics!!



Linking to
Oh Scrap!  at Quilting is more fun than Housework