Friday, February 28, 2020

Spiderwebs... the good kind

because the bad kind creep me out!!

I am starting to see a Thursday Trend around here... I finish a Quilt... I want to take a photo.. the wind blows...  I think it doesn't like me much!

Ah well!! Welcome to Finished (or Not) Friday!!! 

So this is my Spiderweb Quilt ( Pattern can be found here:  )

By the way... Every time I think I don't have something to finish... I find something... how about you??

I used a lot of strips up and you know what? I have more... But isn't this a cool way to use them?
( Thanks Mary for the cool pattern!)

 Close up of the quilting... just cuz - you know.. I am a quilter ( bwahh haahaaa)

Now it is your turn - Link up your Finishes ( or Not) and let us drool!
Please again - use direct links.

(PS - there were 28 finishes last week - way to go!)



Also Linking to:
Can I get a Whoop Whoop at Confessions of a Fabriholic
TGIF Friday  at Home Sewn By Us

Monday, February 24, 2020

Patriotic Monday

I was able to quilt up another one of our January Two Day Mystery Quilts!! Whoop whoop!!
This one was made by Sheree and Cindi !
You can see the others here:More Mystery QUilts

Here we are... Wrangling the wind - ha ha!!

So we moved over to the corner to sorta have the wind stop blowing

A little close up of the quilting
( cuz its really all about me - and I did the quilting! right?? ha ha)

And lookee there!
We had our sew day Sunday and this is the stack of Quilts of Valor that we got bound.

By we - I mean my awesome Quilty friends.
I helped make the backing
quilt them
Trim them
and make the binding for them

and then I chatted with my awesome friends
while they did the actual binding...

they rock!!

Happy Monday!

Linking to;
Monday Making at Love laugh Quilt
Design Wall Monday at Small Quilts and Doll Quilts

Friday, February 21, 2020

Eagle Quilt... Finish!!!

 Happy Friday!!! 

And Happy Finishes!!!

I know I have shown you this one as I was constructing... and now!

It is finished!!

I quilted it up, and actually have it bound and ready for its Veteran. AND! I know the Veteran it is going to - so that is pretty cool!

We were lucky to get a sun shiney day, when I had a quilt holder at home. I am glad we took advantage of it, as it seems to have been snowy and blowy for the last million days now.. ( I exaggerate I am sure, but you know.... )

I really like how this one turned out - and may make another one pretty similar - I just love how the white makes everything else pop!

And now... it is your turn!!
Link up your Finishes  and let us Whoop and holler for you!!

Make sure to provide a direct link to your Finished Post ;-)


Wednesday, February 19, 2020

Antique Grandmothers Flower Garden

I bought myself a present.

Yep!! And I like it!!

My friend is an Estate Sale Guru - she helps people sort through and then prepares the sale, and I went to one of her sales.... Not knowing what I would find - but she did say I would enjoy the sale.....

I feel like I should have known what that meant - haha!

It had some stains, and  little bit of grease on it  - so I washed it In the bathtub with Dawn Dish soap - and sorta soaked the stained spots a little more....

All but 2 of the stains came out - the other two sorta look like the quilt was too close to a radiator at one time - but it cleaned up pretty good!

and when I hung it in my house - We laughed! there is a photo of my husband and his Dad on the table right in front of where I hang my quilts... and my husband said - WOW! I didn't know how Purple Dads shirt was..... Bwahh haa haa....

Happy Wednesday
See you back for Finished or not Friday!!

Monday, February 17, 2020

Right On Target

A while ago.... How long ago- one can never really tell....

I might have dragged myself to a Quilt show, the kind with all the booths selling fabric, and I might have really felt the need to buy fabric...

Now I might be having some fun with it!!

This quilt is called Right On Target - and It is all Kaffe Fasset prints.

( I KNOW!! TWO kaffe quilts in the same decade.... and nope - no plaid in them!!!)

I think... It will be bright and bold,

This is where I am this morning.
And more blocks are about done

This is a close up of the fabrics
it is much brighter than my normal

but it is good to step outside of the box right?

Enjoy Your Presidents Day ( to those who have it off)

Linking to:
Design Wall Monday at Small Quilts and Doll Quilts
Monday Making  at Love Laugh Quilt

Friday, February 14, 2020

A Finish... Doubled!!!

Welcome to Friday!!
Happy Valentines Day!!

A little bit ago I hosted a Mystery for our Local Quilt of Valor group... and we had a blast!! I took a few of the finished Tops home with me... and have tried to quilt them up!

Then we did the mystery in our Mystery group too : Mystery Quilts 4 Military

(I was also the one who cut the kids for the mystery... so quite a few looked a like!! Who knew?)

I think this one was made by Marsha and Debbie

The wind finally stopped blowing ( for like 30 seconds!!)
So we headed out to take a photo!!

Here is a close up of the quilting!

This one was made by me!
I  ( of course) Chose the Scrappy route!

Here a little Quilting Close up

And Now!!
Its time for you to brag!!



Also linking to:
TGIF Friday at Slice of Pi Quilts

Monday, February 10, 2020

Squirrel Number 2... Twirling at the Disco

Oh how I LOVE using my scraps and leftovers....

And One day I was reading Samelias Mum ' Blog and she had the coolest mock up of a block - and so.... I started in following her instructions... I was all in on this one!!

Isn't that the coolest block?  and I think it will make an awesome Quilt of Valor -
Head over to her blog to get the instructions and join in!!

Twirling at the Disco

Won't that be cool? My QOV group quilters are making a block or two as well so that we can help a fellow Group Leader in Denver get more quilts to award.... so fun!!

Linking to:
Midweek Makers

Friday, February 07, 2020

Finished ( or Not) Friday... and Dogs.....

Welcome to another edition of Finished or Not Finished Friday
I actually do have a real finish to show you 
But I came home and was ready to go photograph it
and the wind is blowing, and its really really cold, and the temps are dropping....

and I decided you really didn't want to see it this week!!

So Puppy and I ( Me and Puppy?) decided to watch some Netflix instead.

Puppy thinks anything that touches the floor....
Is meant for him

he is funny that way!!

This week has been an awesome quilting week for me!
You know I quilt for hire right?? ( hint hint)

But check out this one!
These antique blocks were SO amazing - and I loved them

Another client found all these blocks that her Grandma had made 
and put them in this amazing top

So I got to quilt it ... *love***

It is time to link up your amazing finishes this week - 
Entertain me!!

Here we go!!
1. Link up your own Finish ( or almost finished) 

2. Please don't link things that aren't even a project that you are working on.

3. Use the direct link to your blog post or IG photo - generics will start to be removed... sorry about that - but it is hard to search for the correct post later in the week.

4. Play along and visit other pages - I try to visit all of them! its fun to see so much quilty inspiration!


Wednesday, February 05, 2020

A modern.... Squirrel!!!

I was browsing Instagram and I saw a post and I tracked it back to the blog....

And now!! I am starting a new project!

How does that happen?

Am I upset about it?  Heck no - I am kind excited to have found this - I think it will be fun!!

Its called the 2020 More Modern HST Block of the month
and it is offered by

and I am all caught  up - I have January (left) and the February (right) block done!!

Have a happy Wednesday!

Linking to:
MidWeek Makers at Quilt Fabrication

Monday, February 03, 2020

A QOV Mystery Quilt, and a Quilt in Progress

Saturday was National QOV sew day...
My group always meets on the last Sunday of the month - so we had our own Sew Day a week before - and I had 20 quilters participate in a mystery.

Of course, I had already made the quilt once, but I let them be my Test group.... as!!
I was offering it as on Online Mystery for Friday and Saturday ... corresponding with National QOV Sew day!!

I am sure that all makes sense right?

Well! Here is what the mystery looked like!

 It was pretty simple and pretty fun - the above one is all scraps
and then I decided to make it again - with just 3 fabrics - and that big blue border on the outside?

NOT a border - that is the back of the Quilt, I was prepping to pin it so that I could Machine quilt it, and thought - oh heck!! I need a photo of it!!

Join in our Mystery Group - I am sure another one will be coming up soon!

AND then!! I was organizing a bit, which I try to avoid, as I find things I thought I was done with - and I found this blue center panel of scraps already made. I remember making it, but I don't know why I stopped

So I put it up on the design wall and have made some cream blocks to go around it - and then I think!

I shall add a red border.  we shall see....

Happy Stitching!!!

Linking to:
Monday Making
Design Wall Monday
What I made Monday