Friday, October 18, 2019

Finished or Not Finished Friday

Happy Friday you all!!!
So.... I will sadly admit to not having a finish this week.,.. but!! Do not be sad for me!!

I went on a little Vacation - and I had a blast and I can NOT wait to get back to all my quilty projects now!!!!

My Husband And I headed to the West Coast 
And we had a blast!!

Of course!! More Pics to come!!!

So Link up your awesome finishes ( or not finishes) 
so I can Ohh and Ahh about what you worked on this week!!




Soma @ said...

That is amazing!


Mari said...

Is that a whale?! I think I would have freaked out completely. Have a great weekend!

Shelina said...

That looks like a fun trip, and beautiful too!

Pat said...

WOW! Amazing pictures! Sunsets over the ocean, can’t beat the beauty! ❤️

Sherrill said...

MAN!! You've been getting away a LOT over the past few months (or so it seems). I'm (im)patiently waiting for my upcoming trip in about a month cruising the southern Caribbean on the same ship I cruised the Baltic in June!! I have a near finish so will post.

The Joyful Quilter said...

Looking forward to more great vacation pics, Alycia!!